If there is one thing in the truth movement that makes me cringe in shock and embarrassment, it is the wild stories told as the next conspiracy. I understand that so many lies are told to us that it becomes difficult to know what is real. There really are terrible things that happen under suspicious circumstances. We don't need to exaggerate when investigating. The world is bad enough.
When the 777 crashed in San Francisco I heard the wildest theories about what really happened. Anyone could see the pilot came down too early and knocked the tail off the airplane at the end of the runway. The aircraft turned and one wing got more lift under it, the other wing got less. The airplane lifted up on it's side because of that. The reason the plane came in tail down, is because that is how airplanes land. The main (rear) landing gear touches down first, then the nose gear. DUH! No conspiracy there.
How about the Boston bombing? I watched a video the other day about it. There were valid theories and points made that I had never heard before. There were witnesses saying they saw a garbage can blow up, not a backpack. Great video. Except that then they showed a picture of a guy on the ground with his right leg bent. The lower part of his right leg was not visible from that direction. Slightly above the knee was the cuff at the bottom of his shorts, and the shorts leg itself. The guy who made the video tried to claim the shorts cuff and leg were the canister that the fake bomb was in. I immediately thought the guy must be on drugs. Anyone could see that was a piece of the man's clothing! Another picture was badly pixelated, and the video maker had an arrow pointing at something he claimed was the other fake bomb canister. I sure didn't see it. The video would have been fantastic, if he had left out those things. It lost a lot of credibility with them included.
Poor Michael Hastings. Not only was he murdered, in my opinion, but wild theories swirl around him even in death. There again, I watched an informative video about his car crash. The producer of the video seemed to be knowledgeable and like he did a lot of research before stating his case. That is, until he claimed that the tree Mr Hastings hit was three feet wide, so that meant the car had increased in width to 12 feet because of an explosion inside the car. He came to that conclusion by looking at a frontal picture of the car and figuring out how much wider the car was than the tree. That model car is normally under six feet wide. Meanwhile, there was a guy standing near the tree. You could tell by his proportions that he was not obese. In this picture he was the same width as the tree. If the video producer was correct, that meant the man was also THREE FEET WIDE. I don't think so. What made him think the tree was three feet wide? Wild speculation, in my opinion. He also lost all credibility by making those claims.
When people in the truth movement make a video or write a blog, they should check every fact. Look their work over several times. Show it to friends. Make changes as necessary. Understand that there are people that jump at the chance to discredit the truth movement. Stop making it so easy for them.
This is why it essential that individual truth seekers review source information themselves and make up THEIR OWN MINDS.
Part of the awakening process is the realization that no-one else can do this for you - only you, and you alone, can sort signal from noise.
There a lots of "disinformation trolls" on Obama's payroll. He supposedly hired at least 1,500 "Cyber Warriors" to infiltrate Patriot sites, Face Book, and other alternative news groups to purposefully discredit, harass, bully and belittle those working to get the truth out. I really appreciate all the effort and stubborness of all those who are researching and posting alternate news to expose the lies, and disinformation being churned out to keep us stupid and unprepared. Bravo to all of you "Truth Seekers!.
The clincher for me was the engine and transmission tearing loose from motor and transmission mounts and blowing BACKWARD so far. If they did come loose on impact (highly unlikely)they would have kept going forward because if momentum.
Tara, I think it is my job in life to be a wet blanket. I used to be so happy-perky, naive, sugary sweet, and believe there is good in everyone. I think maybe I'm too cynical now. I won't be offended if every once in a while y'all say"Hey, lighten up!" I really do have the best intentions though. I would love the truth movement to be above reproach.
i heard Hasting didn't die he was an agent and his usefulness was done. He is sippin an umbrella drink on some secluded island basking in the sun .. lol who the heck knows sometimes.. it just seems kinda crazy that a Mercedes Benz would blow up like that and his body cremated.
I hear ya Scotty... so much over the top conspiracy nuttery (my new word of the day ;) that it makes the head spin.
With that being said, even though I don't like it much; with freedom of speech comes the freedom for people to be idiots, assholes, liars and fools. But on the same token; there are still many honest, conscientious and righteous people out there that are taking the time to painstakingly put out real information and truth, whether via real life or web.
It is what it is and we all must take from it what we can and leave the rest in the waste bucket.
I don't know Site *ADMINS*. Maybe it is just a matter of trying to make sure we dot our "i"s and cross our "t"s. And when we hear or see something on the net, check it out before we pass it on. I have been known to share articles or videos and then critique them, listing the good and bad points I saw. I would hate for someone to dismiss a truth because I didn't do my homework. In the end, it is up to the reader or viewer to validate. For the most part, the info on 12160 is on target.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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