There is a new tax called the "sugar" tax. It's a tax that will make your food bill skyrocket. The government passed a new law out just for fat people and so called obesity. The tax will make your life a living hell. When you go out to eat, you
order a burger and fries and then you decide to get a ice cream cone. What will happen when you order that ice cream cone the tax will bring the total up to something that will make you run short on money. Grocery shopping will be a pain
in the neck, when you buy even sweet drinks, fruits, and cakes, etc your food bill will be higher than it needs to be. It's going to get hard to eat the way we want to eat to have more calories to burn. Soon they will come out with a "salt tax"
for foods that are high on sodium, the more sodium the more it will cost to eat. That will come out. Please contact your state representives and congress about fighting this sugar tax and salt tax. America will starve to death if these things get passed
and go through.
Screw Health Care! We all need to eat right and good!