Schumer's Fake Tears Speech
In an unprecedented melee of Democrat Party demonstrations and false narratives over the last 8 years another recent stab at deceiving Americans was recently unveiled before TV cameras. Senate Minority Leader, Charles Schumer while attacking President Trump's new policy on vetting the influx of refugees coming into America from war torn Middle East countries began shedding tears for the supposed victims. In a typical Democrat stunt, Schumer, acted as though he were emotionally impacted by the refusal of suspected threats to the American public being denied acceptance within America's borders.
Why not before?
You might ask why Senator Schumer has not shed any tears over American war veterans killed or maimed while serving overseas in the Middle East. One might inquire just why Chuck Schumer has not seen fit to cry over the many victims of the ISIS atrocities committed abroad against thousands of Christians and others gone largely unanswered by the Obama White House. Again we might wonder just how it is that Schumer showed no particular remorse over the multiple terror tragedies that have raged from California to the state of Florida costing many lives struck down by the senseless acts of Islamic radicals. Yet, it was only the need to vet refugees who many experts say cannot be distinguished from non-violent people due to the fact that there is no documentation as nations such as Germany and Sweden have found out.
The threat
With more than 900 FBI cases investigating ISIS activities currently underway in 50 states, and ISIS already stating that it will embed members of its factions among the refugee currently seeking residence in the US it seems the safety of Americans s far from being a priority to Obama White House. Yet, when President Trump who made this consideration part of his campaign promise it was overwhelmingly received by voters who are tired of the federal government's reluctance to act in their best interests. The President was thoroughly within his right to use an executive order to limit or slow down the influx of thousands of unvetted refugees to within our country to protect the lives of our citizens!
Definition of ambivalence
Using the perilous method of building a voter base by using potentially violent and terrorist indoctrinated refugees typifies the lack of concern for the safety of the general public exercised by the Democratic Party. So, what's the response of these despicable opportunists? To use one of many false narratives to denounce President Trump's concern for the citizens the government is responsible for protecting. With such diatribes as America is not exercising its humanitarian heritage, there's no need for international borders, only racists support limiting refugee influx, or we are saving these people from ideological persecution are typical disingenuous arguments. Desperate to remain a relevant political party, the Democrats will stoop to any reprehensible deception to fuel their warped agenda!
Criminal negligence
Senator Schumer's tears over the temporary curtailment of massive refugee acceptance is about as sincere as ISIS is about extending humanitarian treatment to infidels! The Democrats would willingly allow the deaths of US citizens at the hands of not only unvetted refugees, but criminal illegal aliens which President Obama ordered ICE to release back into the general population, the release of detainees from Gitmo who have re-entered the war against US soldiers, and even drug dealers from federal prisons who have caused the deaths of countless drug users from overdoses and related diseases! This is the type of tyrannical government conduct that Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson warned would justify revolt by the people once our leaders no longer served the best interests of the citizen and the US Constitution they had taken an oath to defend. Of course the US media would rather attack President Trump for identifying Chuckie's fake tears than calling out Schumer for the liar he truly is.
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