You can see them everywhere though it seems they’re in the minority now. Wearing their masks while driving their cars. Wearing their masks while out walking in the park. Wearing their masks in the grocery store. Wearing their masks at the library. The rest of the less obvious sheep are not wearing their masks physically right now, just in their minds. Remember, it took the governor of the state to announce there were no mask mandates anymore to get them to finally take off their masks and thy did this grudgingly too. Even after Governor Greg Abbott announced no more mask mandates still many people persisted, but it’s not just the mask, it’s what it represents. What should be a critically thinking human being living in a reasonably free society who would rather remain a scared animal submitting to oppression.
The true reason
Masks have been used throughout history to shame, to mark those who are undesirable, those who are prisoners, those who are unfit, and in today’s age of politicized science the reverse has occurred you are now somehow protected while rebreathing your own bronchial and nasal bacteria with increased of carbon dioxide which can cause acidosis and cut off oxygen to the brain. The mask is now a tool of oppression designed to instill fear and apprehension, the very tools of totalitarian governments. In the ancient past the masks used to vilify or censor the identity of those under persecution or royal disapproval are now a symbol of big government compliance.
Resistance is not futile
During the very height of the plannedemic I absolutely refused to wear a mask. I was denied entry into some stores even “Sprouts” you know the store chain that advocates natural cures and homeopathic health. Yep, they informed me one day that next time I came to the store I better be wearing a mask! Going to the library and some lady at the front desk silently motions for me to put on my invisible mask and I merely nod to her, “No!” It was almost comical but it wasn’t it was pathetic! Not only did you have the compliant cowards, but they were sneering at you for not falling into their pit of self-loathing and fear! My God! What has happened to our society?
Yet, this mentality of surrender and submit is exactly what our government wants as they sell us out making their big deals with the pharmaceutical industry getting billions for dispensing unproven and dangerous serums that aren’t even really vaccines at all, but are causing genetic mutation among the recipients. The news calls upon you to vaccinate up! The radio reminds you that Walmart is taking reservations right now for you to get that shot! The local drug stores have nice big posters on the store front “Covid 19 Vaccines in stock!” For all of the heart ailments, nervous disorders, and sudden deaths still they advocate, “Get your shot!” the stupidity is overwhelming! Just think, a multi-billion dollar industry indemnified from liability for not only forcing defective drugs upon the populace but even hiding the injuries suffered by participants during their very short trials! Even when they knew what as going to happen! they knew it!
Habits are hard to break
Have you ever heard stories of how horses that have been rescued from a burning stall when not tied up would actually walk back into their stall? It’s true. But, for people to behave the same way is ludicrous. Conditioning, intimidation, psychological manipulation, and government sanctioned mind control, there you have it. If one takes a look at human history one might make the inevitable observation that the truly great achievers in civilian and military existence were those who thought outside the box, were individuals, maybe even a bit eccentric compared to the conformists who don’t want to rock the boat!
Something wrong with them?
Technology has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to those eccentric individuals who weren’t what you call “Crowd Pleasers” like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and even General George Armstrong Custer, who unlike his contemporaries who sat comfortably in their tents with their maps and couriers awaiting orders a safe distance from the fighting, Custer led the charge in full range of enemy fire. Officers in his own army despised him for his courage. Just as those great achievers like Nikola Tesla who ended up penniless in his later years. Giadorno Bruno, an Italian philosopher who reasoned that if earth revolved around the sun and the planet could accommodate intelligent life than there must be other such planets in the universe that could exist revolving around a sun and having life such as on earth, but the Vatican didn’t see it his way. Bruno was speared through the throat forcing him to stare upwards at the sky as he was burned at the stake for such heresy by the Inquisition! Most of us who share opinions unpopular among the sheep know what it’s like to be treated as though there’s something wrong with us!
Society made up of human beings was not meant to be like a bee hive or an ant colony made up of mindless workers, enforcers, and a king and queen, yet the feudal system of rule is still in effect even today. Human nature, the nature of big governments, the intolerance, the need for control at all costs, are characteristics that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time. The mask and vaccine mandates were literally insults to our intelligence, and yet, so many conformed thoughtlessly and are now paying the price with their health and even with their lives. The question here is-will we ever learn?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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