Gov't Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination As Media Muzzles Debate
Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children.
In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights.
On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all law that mandates multiple doses of ten vaccines for preschoolers through teenagers, imposing steep fines for parents who do not comply.
Mainstream media outlets in both Italy and the US ignored the record protests against medical coercion.
Vaccines are big business, and the new vaccine mandate ensures the continued flow of profits to the $32 billion industry despite steady erosion of public confidence in vaccine safety.
Why Italy? And why now? Italy’s pharmaceutical sector is one of the largest in the world.
Vaccines are big business, and the new vaccine mandate ensures the continued flow of profits to the $32 billion industry despite steady erosion of public confidence in vaccine safety.
A recent survey found widespread doubts among Italian and French citizens about the importance and safety of vaccines. A cascade of recent scientific studies have described the emergence of new vaccine-related autoimmune illnesses and the inferior health status of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated children.
Furthermore, a slate of films, news reports and government investigations have exposed widespread corruption among vaccine regulators, government efforts to hide serious vaccine-related adverse reactions and intimidation of scientists who publish data contrary to the orthodoxy that all vaccines are always safe for all children.
Kill the Messenger
One important study, published in early 2017 in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinationby two highly regarded Italian scientists, raises alarming new questions about quality control by vaccine manufacturers with implications for the vaccine safety debate. (The World Mercury Project previously summarized the study here.)
Coauthored by physicist Antonietta Gatti and pharmacist Stefano Montanari, the study uncovered the nearly universal presence in vaccines of “micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized inorganic foreign bodies” and “debris”—ingredients not declared in the package inserts.
In every human vaccine, Gatti and Montanari found wide-ranging contamination, including minute particles of lead or stainless steel in all of the vaccine samples analyzed; chromium in over half (25/44); tungsten in almost a fifth (8/44); and many other varieties of metallic particles.
In a reasonable world, the startling finding that vaccines are widely contaminated with heavy metal particulates would be front-page news, and the two researchers who discovered the contamination would be hailed as diligent scientists dedicated to improving vaccine safety. Instead, Drs. Gatti and Montanari have become targets for violent threats on Facebook. Accusers denounce their meticulous laboratory work as “pseudoscience” and call for the two scientists to be “beaten until they bleed,” “punched,” “kicked” and “taken out of commission” so as to make them “understand that they need to remain silent.”
An army of pharmaceutical industry trolls and bloggers have pressured the badly shaken journal editor to “unpublish” the study, which was published after a rigorous peer review process. Although these tactics have succeeded in rattling the editor, the article stands. Gatti and Montanari believe so strongly in the integrity of their findings that they have made known that they will sue if the journal takes down the paper.
Despite the passion of their attacks, industry bloggers have been hard pressed to find substantive fault with Gatti/Montanari’s methodologies. An industry flack, Guido Silvestri, working at a vaccine center in Atlanta, took a bungling shot at the Gatti-Montanari study on Italian Facebook by misapplying a nineteenth-century law of chemistry called Avogadro’s number. Silvestri misinterpreted Avogadro’s law, which applies only to gases and cannot calculate nanoparticle concentrations. According to Drs. Gatti and Montanari, the medical doctor “erred by 13 orders of magnitude but did not even understand his own mistake.”
Gatti and Montanari believe that the immune system is permanently damaged by these composite particles, which constitute “a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects,” including both immediate and deferred autoimmune problems.
Why the Vaccine Contaminant Study is Important
Gatti and Montanari work in the emerging fields of nanopathology and nanotoxicology. The two researchers coined the term “nanopathology” in the early 2000s after finding that nanoparticles (particles less than 100 nanometers in size) “induce far more severe [health] effects” than larger particles. As they explain, the minute size makes it “extremely easy” for the particles to infiltrate the body’s tissues.
Drs. Gatti and Montanari used cutting-edge electron microscope technology to physically examine inorganic, particulate contaminants in vaccines and identify their chemical composition. They assessed 44 vaccines manufactured in Italy and France (43 human vaccines and one veterinary vaccine), taking pains to include different types, batches and years of production. In every human vaccine, Gatti and Montanari found wide-ranging contamination, including minute particles of lead or stainless steel in all of the vaccine samples analyzed; chromium in over half (25/44); tungsten in almost a fifth (8/44); and many other varieties of metallic particles.
Ironically, the single veterinary vaccine tested as “clean,” proving that it is possible to manufacture a debris-free vaccine. Gatti and Montanari believe that the pristine hog vaccine is a homage to ham, a sacred culinary and agricultural product in Italy. Hog farmers, aware that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines harm their meat, had enough clout to successfully lobby for uncontaminated veterinary vaccines.
One of the study’s most sobering findings was the detection of “organic-inorganic composites” that represent a “nano-bio-interaction” between the inorganic particulate matter and the organic (protein) vaccine components. Gatti and Montanari believe that the immune system is permanently damaged by these composite particles, which constitute “a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects,” including both immediate and deferred autoimmune problems.
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