The Great White Hope and The Great White Dope

Are the AmerICKan people stupider and more shallow than Europeans?  

Of course.

One example: compare the political processes underway in the United States and the United Kingdom.  Both feature *outsider* candidates who are *drawing the ire* of their respective party's *establishment.*  In AmerICKa, the sheeple swoon for a Johnny One Note buffoon, Donald Trump.  According to this idiot, all that's wrong with AmerICKa is there are too many wetbacks raping white women on their days off from pushing a broom in a hospital or cutting grass somewhere. Not a word spoken against the Wall Street usurers (Trump brags about his ten billion dollars, as if he earned it!  Handouts from Wall Street!  Trump is nothing but a Welfare Queen, and I guarantee you'll never see Whitey Milkshitter bite the Wall Street hand that has fed him).   Not a word spoken against the *War on Terror* (in fact, this idiot wants to up the ante, *Minority Reporting* Iranextorting Saudi Arabia and stealing the oil stolen by ISIS).  Not a word spoken about the environmental holocaust taking place along the Pacific Rim (in fact, this idiot is a contributor to environmental ruin, with his absurd golf courses for the elite).  Not a word spoken to raise the minimum wage (but, what a surprise, he will raise the wage for giant multinational corporations!).  Not a word spoken against our homicidal *law enforcement* agencies (in fact, this idiot believes the po-lice don't have enough power!).  

You have to ask: what are the sheeple so fucking excited about?  They're going to get more of the same. . .meaning: less and less.  Trump is for the status quo, but the sheeple love him because he is amusing. He makes the sheeple laugh, unlike humorless repubots like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker.  Trump is riding his comedy act (with FOX News serving as his straight man) to the top of the GOP polls.  Trump is different, not because he is offering change, but because the sheeple can bond with him. . .he offers the simple, painless (to them) solutions they crave.  Instead of fighting bankers and corporations, and thereby sounding vaguely *socialist* (the horror!), and trying to untangle the mess AmerICKa has made in the Middle East, Trump tells the sheeple they'll be fat and happy again once they build a wall on the southern border and kick out all the white women raping Mexicans and drop a few more bombs in the Middle East and steal all the oil they need.  Trump delivers his crude *political platform* peppered with entertaining insults and zingers. . .the perfect clown to lead a childish people.

The British *outsider* is Jeremy Corbyn, and unlike the AmerICKan Trump, Corbyn does seek to change course. . .in fact, he's advocating radical change, and amazingly, he has the support of 50% of Britain's Labour Party, which proves not all limeys are as brain-dead as their cousins across the pond.  Some limeys actually believe the government should stop robbing the poor to subsidize the rich, yes, they actually believe in restoring lost social services and collecting corporate taxes.  Yes, some limeys believe workers deserve a living wage.  Yes, some limeys actually believe NATO's Middle Eastern wars are illegal, and want them to end.  And yes, some limeys actually believe the environment is poisoned, and want the government to do something about it.  I know, all CrAzY ideas, right?  But Jeremy Corbyn backs them all.  Corbyn even hints Tony Blair is a {gasp!} war criminal!  

Jeremy Corbyn makes perfect sense. . .nothing he says is truly radical.  What is radical are the insane polices which dominate the Western world, the policies of endless usury, endless war, endless pollution. . .and yet most in the West have been brainwashed into believing this is the Great White Way.  What a God damned shame!  And what a God damned shame a fellow like Corbyn couldn't get more than 5% of the vote in an AmerICKan democrat primary.

And it's interesting that the people most hurt by these insane policies, whites, are the ones who support them the most.  It's whites that have lost the jobs, lost their savings, lost their services, and seen their standard of living decline. . .and yet they keep pledging allegiance to their abusers.

At least in Britain there are a few whites left who realize they've been sold a bill of goods, and recognize in Jeremy Corbyn a man who represents their interests, and who refuses to bow down to the 1%. 

Oblivious AmerICKans get a clown candidate, a guy with a rubber nose and funny hair.  They get Donald Trump, peddling more of the same as if it's something *the establishment* is afraid of.


If Trump really was a populist, really was a threat to the World Order, the Controlling Elite would give him the same treatment they give Jeremy Corbyn.  Corbyn is out of line with the World Order, and the 1% must put him away before he grabs hold of the keys to the Kingdom and has the means to open eyes all across Great Britain, and the world.

And what treatment do the High & Mighty give Jeremy Corbin?  He is Accused, charged with the ultimate crime against humanity, the charge which brings with it an immediate banishment, casting the accused as morally bankrupt and unfit to associate with:




When Trump gets the Corbyn treatment, you'll know he's offering to restore to working class AmerICKa all that's been stolen from it. . .until then, he's just a clown, the Great White Dope, not the Great White Hope, a stooge sent by the 1% to delight a childish nation.

As for Corbyn, can he survive the Accusation?  In AmerICKa, he couldn't.  What about the UK?  At the beginning, I said AmerICKans were stupider and more shallow than Europeans. In 22 days, the Labour Party names its new leader.  If it's Corbyn, then we'll have the proof there remains at least some across the Atlantic who still think for themselves.  If it's not, then at least we won't be quite so alone with our goofball Trump.

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Comment by Tara on August 22, 2015 at 8:11pm

I don't trust Donald Trump or any of the lot running for Prez myself. I have no faith in a broken system where election fraud is rampant, politicians are bought and paid for, third party candidates don't even get a chance to sit at the same dinner table and 'We the People' have no real choices left anymore. And... not one candidate wants to end the BS 'War on Terror' or wants to speak of the ELEPHANT in the room... ISRAHELL.

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Comment by Henry L. Racicot on August 22, 2015 at 8:04pm

If you like things the way they are, Trump is a fine candidate.  With Trump as President, I'm sure the bankers will continue to make money and war profiteers will continue to make profits, and the average American will continue to see his/her/its standard of living decline.

If you are interested in a candidate who would make changes, check out:

Comment by Roy Patterson on August 22, 2015 at 7:43pm

I guess you don't like Donald Trump. But, a lot of us do and will vote for him. There is no perfect candidate as there are no perfect people. He is by far the best of all candidates running. No more Clinton or Bushs.

Comment by Less Prone on August 21, 2015 at 10:11pm

All politicians cheat on the people

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