by Gnosty » Yesterday, 15:58

I have been interviewing family and friends who live along the Gulf of Mexico coast in Louisiana and Mississippi. Many of them had been working on shrimp boats before May 1, 2010 and a cousin is a shrimp boat owner. I have also spoken at length with two RN's working at a Gulf coast Emergency Room and an Emergency Clinic who are close family friends. I am basing what follows on their observations and knowledge along with my own personal research.

A cousin who owns his own shrimp boat was hired by BP to assist with oil boom and cleanup operations. Other family members were also hired and have been his crew while undertaking BP boom and cleanup assistance operations. They were all forced to sign agreements not to publicly speak about their work or anything about BP operations. Their legal agreements do not mention anything about speaking openly to their families.


Every one of those working on the shrimp boat have suffered from flu-like symptoms since the end of May, 2010. This includes migraine headaches, eye aches, joint aches, ear aches, severe coughing bouts, fevers, vomiting, and swollen glands (especially in the neck). These same symptoms are being seen in the coastal ER's as well. But as family and the RN's have confirmed, these symptoms are not caused by any viral flu. This is not the same as the Asian Flu or any other viral flu bug. These symptoms are directly caused by a lack of oxygen due to airborne chemicals and toxic gases.

Most family members who work and live further inland have not yet encountered these symptoms since their jobs are indoors where recirculating air conditioning systems isolate them from constant outdoor air exposure. They also drive to/from work with the recirculating A/C system on to keep cool. The same applies when they are in their air conditioned homes. But those who do work outdoors 10-20 miles inland have recently experienced many of the same flu-like symptoms as those in the family who are working on the boats.

According to the ER nurses, in the southern Mississippi and Louisiana areas there have been more than 600 cases of what their staffs have appropriately named the "BP flu". The vast majority of these "flu" cases are with those people who are working along the coast, as well as further offshore, on boats; and those who live along the southernmost areas along the Gulf of Mexico. One might initially think - based on mainstream media reports - that these flu-like symptoms are nothing to be overly concerned about. This is not a matter of 'take two aspirins and call me in the morning'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As reported by researchers at Columbia Univ.'s National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) in late July 2010, more than 40 percent of adults living within ten miles of the coast say they have experienced direct exposure to the oil spill or clean-up effort. Within this group, nearly 40 percent reported physical symptoms of skin irritations and respiratory problems.


Along with the symptoms that mimic flu-like viruses, there are increasing cases of severe symptomatic cyanosis. These rapidly increasing symptoms range from bluish lip color to numbness in fingers and toes. There is also a fast growing increase of pneumonia cases which are being diagnosed as chemical induced pneumonia. Those working on boats and those living directly on the coast are the most effected.

Cyanosis is simply oxygen starvation in the blood. With a moderate case involving such a lack of oxygen, the skin appears to have a blueish colour. Hands and fingers especially show these signs as will other extremities such as toes and lips. A lack of oxygen in the blood can also have a purplish appearance where the skin surface is red from sun exposure but the blood beneath the skin is blue. Red and blue make purple.

If all these BLUE FLU symptoms were temporary, most everyone suffering from them would eventually recover as the blood becomes increasingly oxygenated once removed from the oxygen depletion source. Short term exposure and biological complications to gases and chemicals that starve the air and lungs from oxygen, creating cyanosis, are usually reversible. However, long term exposure is not fully reversible. Long term exposure depends on how depleted the air is of oxygen and how much time a person has been exposed to that condition.


The same goes for oxygen levels in water. Fish, turtles, and crustaceans (shrimp and lobsters) die quickly when oxygen levels have been depleted. Dolphins and whales are mammals and they depend on surface water air to breathe their oxygen. Since May 2010, there has been an epidemic of dead fish, turtles, dolphins, sharks and whales in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The mainstream media has failed to report this truth. As someone who works closely with other animal rescue and wildlife rehabilitation services throughout the southeast, I have been told there are very few turtles or marine animals being rescued because the majority are already dead when found.

It's more than obvious that the water in the northern Gulf of Mexico is severely depleted of oxygen. This also applies to the surface air that dolphins and whales - as well as people - depend on to breathe.

In May 2010, tests done by various research vessels in the northern Gulf of Mexico showed a 30-60% decrease in oxygen levels. This was three long months ago. This surely accounts for the vast fish kills. But when you combine lethal chemicals - such as Corexit - along with oil and gas by-products from large plumes of oil hidden deep in the Gulf, the problem is yet in its initial stages. As the algae naturally attacks these chemicals, oil and gases, a further oxygen depletion occurs. It's nature's way of attempting to correct the problem. The result of that natural process is severe oxygen depletion.


While the Blue Flu symptoms are increasing for more and more people, those who have had 30+ days of direct exposure to the toxic and oxygen depleted Gulf air and water are in immediate danger of permanent and irreversible biological damage... if not death.

How humans and animals biologically react to cyanosis depends on the severity of exposure and time of exposure. At first, the body will compensate as best it can. But sooner or later, the body is overcome and severe complications begin. Without enough oxygen, the body will begin to rot and die from the inside out. The outward signs can be numbness in extremities, swollen necks and throats, blue lips, dark purple tongues, blue or gray skin colour, and even bloodshot eyes as the body attempts to filter out the toxins. Lymph nodes and adenoids are overburdened.

But these outward signs are the result of severe inward problems. Left exposed to a lack of oxygen, the kidneys and liver will fail and shut down. Heart failure is next. It's the same as someone who has decided to commit suicide by carbon monoxide depletion of oxygen in a locked garage with their car running. They die from cyanosis, the lack of oxygen. People living and working along the northern Gulf coast will eventually die the same way if exposed to depleted oxygen levels long enough.


The oil and gas from the Biloxi Dome area has not stopped flowing. It's an oil exploration well which blew out on or about February 13, 2010 so severely that it deposited the Blow Out Preventer (BOP) and the steel well casing hundreds of yards away on the ocean floor. There is nothing there to cap or abate the oil flow with. It's an open hole that is nothing less than an oil, gas and tar volcano. While a certain leaking BP well may have been capped seven miles northeast of the Biloxi Dome area, an already large underwater lake of oil at an approximate 3,000 foot depth is rapidly growing each hour. It's estimated 9 mile length in May 2010 is surely dwarfed in size now.

Don't be fooled by the lack of surface oil being reported by the mainstream media shills and BP. Corexit hides what is beneath and Corexit is more toxic than crude oil itself. The only people denying the existence of the underwater plumes are the people at BP. And they offer no evidence to contradict the extremely solid evidence provided by four universities, including LSU, of the existence of these huge underwater plumes of oil.


Just because you don't live on the Gulf coast, don't think the Blue Plague won't come your way. As more gas, oil and tar fills the Gulf of Mexico from the Biloxi Dome area, more toxins are released into the water and the air.

Evaporation, storms, and hurricanes will spread the continually increasing oil-chemical-gas toxins inland. Certain areas may experience more severe exposure than those living on the Gulf coast. In concentrated amounts, it will be as acid rain that has washed and destroyed your crops, trees or grass. It will enter streams, lakes, and underground water sources. Fish, mammals, and animals will die just as they have in and along the Gulf coast. Potable water and food will be effected. The air will be effected. The Blue Plague will grow as more airborne and cloud-filled toxins spread the Gulf oil and gas lakes beneath the surface inland.

If you don't believe this is happening now or will never happen in your home town in the future, then just keep your face buried in your HDTV screen and keep the beer flowing while you watch NASCAR races and Dr. Phil. But if you have decided the mainstream media is not telling you the truth, then wake up and smell the roses. The true health effects on humans will only begin to surface years from now and this includes proven carcinogenic cancers.

The Blue Flu may be all that most will have to endure because of the spewing oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, but don't bet your life on avoiding the Blue Plague.

Additional sources & references:

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