By Mike Sweeney, Gun Owners Action League
“Just as we fired the first shot to start the revolution, this might be the first shot – no pun intended – to start a movement against assault weapons that would capture the state and therefore maybe explode to reach the country.”
-Robert Rotberg author and catalyst of Lexington’s gun ban proposal.
Lexington, Massachusetts. Does the name of that quaint New England town ring a bell for anyone? It should, Lexington, MA, is where American independence was kicked into high gear. On April 19, 1775, the British “red coats” marched out of Boston, heading for Concord, intending to seize caches of arms stored by local militias. They were first met on the Lexington town green and the skirmish was on, the rest as they say is history.
Fast-forward almost 240 years to the day and some of the residents of Lexington have come full circle.
They are now advocating for the government to seize legally owned firearms from the town’s residents.
The town of Lexington utilizes an annual town meeting to set policy, bylaws and approve things like the town budget. The residents do not vote directly; instead they have approximately 200 “town meeting members” who vote in representation of their constituents.
One such town meeting member, a Harvard professor named Robert Rotberg has taken it upon himself to enact, what he hopes will be “a movement against assault weapons that would capture the state and therefore maybe explode to reach the country.”
He has seized upon the recent ban enacted in Highland Park, IL, and has modeled his own ban, almost copying the language verbatim. Filing it to the town meeting warrant as Article 34.
Among other things, Article 34 includes any firearm that is semi-automatic and can accept a magazine that will hold more than 10 rounds. It also includes any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. The article also has a provision in which Lexington’s licensed gun owners who own firearms included in the ban would be forced to sell, render inoperable, or have them seized and destroyed by the police department.The town of Lexington will be discussing Article 34, at their annual town meeting beginning on March 21st. There will be robust discussion before the vote, but ultimately it will come down to how the town meeting members vote.
Lexington officials are quick to mention that the meeting is open to all, resident or not.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will Lexington be the birthplace of the progressive, gun prohibitionist revolution? Or will it be the place where Americans gather in a huge movement, opposed to yet another unconstitutional proposal? At this time it’s anyone’s guess, but we’ll know for sure by Patriots Day, April 19th, when the Battle of Lexington Green is re-enacted at dawn.
Oh, the irony.
Visit the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts – Click here. Follow them on Facebook – Click here.
United States is a very special case in the history of humanity. You made it over two hundred years ago and established the Constitutional Republic for the United States of America . It was an escape from the money greedy banker controlled Europe where economy was not driven by natural laws of demand and supply but by greed of the international usury, drug dealer and pirate families, Rothschilds in the leading edge. Wars were business as usual, pushing nations under perpetual debt for those who accepted the system and believed in working for their bread. People were born, worked all trough their lives and died poor without leaving anything to their children, except the usury banking families who were reaping huge profits from lending nothing for interest.
United States was brought back in line with the usury system on 1913 when the neither federal nor reserve Federal Reserve was created to fleece the American people. An endless history of wars, financial manipulation and economic booms and busts controlled by the usury families was to follow.
But the people still had their freedom of speech and right to bear arms that were blocking the enslavement. These are the two last civil rights that the NWO usury families need to get rid of if they wish to enslave us. Therefore, never give up your right to defend yourselves and to say what you think! Never give up the right to bear arms as it is the defenceless that will be slaughtered and enslaved.
AE, I think people are finding that out in other countries too...the 3% and resistance will not be solely confined to the US...the revolution will be the world over...look at the re-connection folks are making with the desire for liberty, nature, and a simpler life.
The Lamestream controlled media have tried to move in on the renewed interest in homesteading and survival they know they can no longer demonize or ridicule it, you only have to look at Grilled Bears 'How to get yourself killed in the wilderness' show with special guest star Barry Sotero.
Yes Mark, your thoughts are certainly valid. I am in agreement with DTOM. It has been my experience (some of that is military and some is living in the wilderness) that men do not find adventure in figuring out how to use a fax machine or the next sale. We find adventure is doing real human things, like surviving in adverse situation, saving a life by wit and wisdom (and not for glory). The 3% that will fight this time is far larger then the 3% that fought in the Revolutionary war. To rescue our land from a de facto criminal government is my greatest adventure. I also think many more will come to their senses when the reality of our plight comes to full view.
Mark, it was 3% of the population that fought the revolution, and it will be a small number it always is, history repeating.
The American people constitute the largest army on the planet.
The personal small arms of the American people are superior to those of any army on the planet, as they haven't been made by lowest bidder, nor are they treated with contempt - American also have skills at arms that is superior to any mercenary force (and by that I include national military forces).
There are NOT enough of THEM to enforce gun confiscation on the level they want. They will start by using their costumed minions to pick off individuals in MA, NY, CT etc. Once THEY initiate force and it becomes apparent that THEY won't come to their senses, the black uniformed thugs will start disappearing.
A hunter with a lifetimes experience could take a single shot with an old bolt action and remove one of THEM from existence, and then disappear.
There are MILLIONS of Americans with the skills and the arms to do so.
If the next stage involves the invasion of the US, then Americans will fight on a level the world has never seen, because they will be fighting for their families, their homes, their unalienable rights and their lives...and no quarter will be given.
Recently I decided that this country is no longer worth saving because too many people are permanently indoctrinated. Besides, even if Donald Trump were to somehow make it into the Oval Office, he'd be assassinated just as Kennedy was if he tried to clean up the totally corrupt system we have lived with for a long time. The reality is that Trump won't become our next president because the election will be rigged in favor of Hillary.
I'm not saying that there is a better country to live in. Firstly, there would be the problem of becoming a citizen of another country and being American puts one at quite a disadvantage right at the gate. Another thing is that I believe all established countries that one could immigrate to, are just as oppressive or more so than the US due to the fact that they have been overrun with liberalism for much longer than the US.
Guns of all types will be banned and confiscated by force through the "Small Arms Treaty" and an infusion of 2 or 3 hundred thousand UN troops within Hillary's first term. Beginning in 2017, Hillary will aggressively attack the second amendment with Britanian style legislation in the form of executive orders. Many patriotic Americans will be murdered during the process of disarmament which will follow a major false flag attack, hoax, or series of one or the other or both. Of course, martial law will be implemented nationally to facilitate this final death blow to the American way.
Yes my friends, we have some very interesting years ahead of us.
Rotberg is one of thousands of globalists who make Satan proud!
Those who have no access to legal self defence, take a look
Take a look at the names on the list of the Rhodes Scholars below.
Cecil Rhodes wanted to create a secret society that would bring the whole world under "British" rule.
"To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity."
Source: Thomas, Antony (1997). Rhodes: Race for Africa. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 978-0-312-16982-4.
At the time, the British Empire was still the most powerful political entity, but remember, that just like the UNITED STATES, these are just proxy fronts for the elite, and when they serve their purpose they are destroyed, and a new power proxy emerges.
Rhodes Scholars are certainly working towards a goal of world govt under the control of a few, but certainly not the one Rhodes intended.
The works of Bill Clinton’s mentor, Dr. Carroll Quigley, are often cited by geopolitical analysts who concentrate on the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, and other globalist NGOs, such as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, which are modeled after the Rhodes Round Tables. But according to Robert I. Rotberg, a Rhodes Scholar and CFR member, Quigley and those who reference his research should be disregarded as “conspiracy theorists.”
In an article for The Journal of Imperial Commonwealth History, entitled “Did Cecil Rhodes Really Try to Control the World?” Rotberg tries to debunk Quigley’s two most oft-cited books: Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time and The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden. Nonetheless, Rotberg’s attempt to “myth bust” Quigley’s texts falls apart as several strawman fallacies and red herrings strung together. And Rotberg’s ad hominem dismissal of Quigley and others as biased “conspiracists” is nullified by Rotberg’s own biased position as a member of the very “secret society” that he claims is embellished. Not to mention that he is a globalist activist who advocates for international governance and the perpetuation of Western corporate domination of Zimbabwe, which was once Rhodes’ DeBeers colony known as Rhodesia.
Notwithstanding, Rotberg validates Quigley’s major premises
In this June 2014 journal article, Rotberg—who is a Cecil Rhodes biographer and former Professor of Political Science at Massachusetts Institute of Techno...—attempts to discredit Tragedy and Hope by denouncing its lack of a bibliography: “In part, Tragedy and Hope claimed that an international Anglophile network helped to run the world along with secret societies of bankers and other financiers. In that context, the Rhodes-Milner axis was given its first airing as a clandestine force based, Quigley wrote, on twenty years of study and a close look at its secret records. Unfortunately, Tragedy and Hope lacks the usual scholarly apparatus. It cites nothing” (553).
Nevertheless, despite the flawed ethos of Tragedy and Hope’s missing citations, much of its uncited claims are substantiated by The Anglo-American Establishment, which provides eighteen pages of endnotes with embedded bibliography entries. Furthermore, Rotberg himself actually confirms much of Quigley’s conclusions; the following is a list of many of those corroborations:
In sum, Rotberg in fact agrees with Quigley’s major premises: [1] Rhodes did in fact use his fortune and political influence to create and advance a secret society with the mission of establishing a New British World Order; [2] Rhodes’ secret society plots did in fact involve alliances with prominent financiers, politicians, and media moguls such as Lord Rothschild, Lord Alfred Milner, and William T. Stead (558-559, 561); [3] these secret society dealings did in fact result in considerable geopolitical consequence: “The visionary impulses that had been memorialized in [Rhodes’] Confession of Faith had in many senses been realized easily” (558).
So if Rotberg agrees with Quigley’s major premises, on what basis, then, does he dispute Quigley’s analysis? According to Rotberg, Rhodes’ secret society was not as coherently organized, nor was it as “successful [Rotberg’s emphasis]” (557), as Quigley asserts.
Quigley’s minor scrivener’s errors do not void his thesis
To support this counterargument that the Rhodes Secret Society was not a tightly knit cabal, Rotberg points to inaccuracies and infelicities in Quigley’s research. For example, while Rotberg admits collaboration between Milner and Rhodes, he takes issue with the particulars of Quigley’s timeline concerning when and where Milner and Rhodes got hooked up (556, 560-561, 564).
However, even if these relatively minor details of Quigley’s account are not pinpoint accurate, Quigley’s thesis is not therefore invalid. For instance, whether or not “Milner was a Balliol man” (556), as Quigley apparently mistakes, does not disprove, as Rotberg admits, that Milner “was ‘in complete sympathy’ with Rhodes’ ‘broad ambitions for the race’” (qtd. in Rotberg 561). Nor does this mistake disprove that Rhodes appointed him as a trustee of his eighth and final will to oversee the scholarships which serve as recruitment invitations into the globalist secret society (564).
Thus, although Rotberg would have us believe that Quigley’s entire argument is compromised due to these moot discrepancies, Rotberg is merely trying to distract readers with irrelevant evidence and trick them into taking his red herring bait. For Rotberg’s nitpicking fact-check of Quigley’s tomes does not undermine their major findings: there was in fact, as Rotberg himself affirms, a secret Rhodes organization that entailed partnerships between the names above.
The Rhodes Secret Society’s shortcomings do not negate its existence
Nonetheless, Rotberg wants us to believe that if the relations between Rhodes, Milner, and their accomplices were not as tightly knit as Quigley depicts, then the secret society could not have been very regimented and, therefore, could not have been very powerful. To support this rebuttal that the Rhodes Secret Society was hardly a powerhouse in Britain’s “Great Game” of “Balance of Power” politics, Rotberg points to the shortcomings of some of the secret society’s stratagems.
As an example, Rotberg points out how Lord Salisbury refused to allow Rhodes “to annex a portion of what Portugal considered its East Africa possessions” (560). As additional examples, Rotberg notes how “the British government refused to let Rhodes annex the Bechuanaland Protectorate (Botswana)” and how the blunder of the Jameson Raid on the Transvaal—which Quigley states was schemed up by the secret society—was a political disaster for Rhodes that spoiled his immediate plans for a British Africa and British globalization (563). Rotberg also questions the degree to which Stead’s “Association of Helpers” was a substantial network of secret society agents (qtd. in Rotberg 561).
Like most skeptics who pejoratively throw around the label of “conspiracy theorist,” Rotberg presumes that secret societies would by their very nature be all-powerful; for if secret societies are so stealthy, they should be able to manipulate people, institutions, and events unseen and, therefore, without opposition or obstacle. This counterargument is a straw man, though. To say that there was no Rhodes Secret Society bent on British globalization simply because it was not able to get its way all the time is like saying that the Italian mafia (a society that operates in secrecy) never existed—as J. Edgar Hoover had avowed—because Al Capone eventually got arrested.
Cliques and personal politics did not undermine the Rhodes Secret Society:
Similarly, Rotberg constructs another straw man when he suggests that the Rhodes Secret Society was impotent because its various members were never all on the same page exactly, hence resulting in certain factionalistic branches such as the “‘Cecil’ bloc,” “the Milner group” (560), and “the Cliveden set” (554). Rotberg implies that collusion cannot occur if all of the culprits do not agree on the game plan or even the stakes. But even an amateur student of organized crime history knows that collusion (criminal conspiracy) does not work that way; opportunists jock for different positions at different times seeking different stakes with different motives, oftentimes double- and even triple-crossing each other. Consider how billionaire pervert Jeffrey Epstein was “obtain[ing] potential blackmail information” to extort his rich and powerful partners in pedophilia, according to court documents and FBI agents who seized hidden camera footage of the transhumanist financier’s alleged child “sex slave” ring.
In a nutshell, even if the Rhodes Secret Society was at all fragmented by personalities, beliefs, or personal interests, it was still at least a real institution which was used in various ways by different members to influence world affairs at different times, however ad hoc or partisan it may have been at times.
The Rhodes Secret Society as the CFR and the RIIA:
So if Rotberg’s rebuttal against Quigley is a red herring crafted to shake researchers off the Rhodes Society’s secret trail, what exactly is the smoking gun that Rotberg is attempting to divert attention away from with all his irrelevant evidence? The key piece of incriminating evidence, which Rotberg conveniently ignores, is found not in the Rhodes Society itself, but in its institutional offspring: the Round Tables—more specifically, the American Council on Foreign Relations and the British Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA, or Chatham House).
These two globalist NGOs are the direct legacies of the Rhodes Secret Society (Quigley Tragedy and Hope 132; Quigley The Anglo-American Establishment 5, 168, 190-191; Rotberg 552). They were both spawned by Lionel Curtis of the Milner Kindergarten of the Rhodes Secret Society, and they have been the main engines driving British and American foreign policy and globalization since they were instituted.
Moreover, both of these Round Tables operate essentially in secret. RIIA meetings are privy to certain secrecy under Chatham House Rule: “When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.” Likewise, even though CFR historian Peter Grose claims that the council does not “deal with secret information” (56), he nevertheless admits in his book Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 that “[d]iscussions at Harold Pratt House [where CFR meetings are held] remain confidential” (56)—which makes those discussions, and the CFR itself, essentially secret.
To demonstrate just how pivotal the CFR has been in shaping world affairs for almost a century now, I will lay out an abbreviated roster of current and former CFR members who have held high-level positions of geopolitical influence:
CFR Members
American Presidents[1] Bill Clinton
[4] Jimmy Carter
[5] Richard Nixon (Grose 41)
CIA and National Security Officials
[6] James Woolsey
[8] Alan Dulles
[9] McGeorge Bundy
[10] William Bundy
[11] Zbigniew Brzezinski
US Military and Department of Defense
[12] Elihu Root
[13] Colin Powell
[14] Edward Mandell House (Grose 1-3)
[15] Dick Cheney
[16] William Cohen
[17] Paul Wolfowitz
US Congress
[18] Christopher Dodd
[19] Dianne Feinstein
[20] Bob Graham
[21] Joseph Lieberman
American Media
[22] Dan Rather
[24] Tom Brokaw
[25] Jim Lehrer
[26] Barbara Walters
[27] Diane Sawyer
[28] Steven Rattner
[29] Bill Moyers
[30] David Gergen
American Finance and the Federal Reserve
[31] Averell Harriman
[32] Alan Greenspan
[33] Paul Volcker
[34] Paul Warburg
[35] George Soros
[37] Timothy Geithner
[39] Larry Summers
[40] John J. McCloy
[41] Michael Bloomberg
[42] David Rothkopf
Obama Administration
[43] Susan Rice
[44] James L. Jones
[45] Thomas Donilon
[46] Dennis C. Blair
[47] Robert Gates
[48] James Steinberg
[49] Richard N. Haas
[50] Richard Holbrooke
[51] Chuck Hagel
[52] Hillary Clinton
[53] John P. Holdren
[54] Thomas R Frieden
[56] Tom Daschle
Secretaries of State
[57] Henry Stimson (Grose 15)
[58] Henry Kissinger
[59] Condoleezza Rice
[60] John Foster Dulles
[61] David Rockefeller
[63] Jay Rockefeller
[64] Nick Rockefeller
[65] Mark L. Rockefeller
Let me emphasize that this is an abbreviated list. Thus, it is quite clear that the CFR, as a tentacle of the Rhodes Secret Society, is indeed an elitist organization driving Anglo-American globalization through US foreign policy.
Rotberg’s modus operandi
Is it a coincidence, then, that Rotberg, who is both a CFR member and a Rhodes Scholar, makes no mention of the CFR as the legacy of the Rhodes Secret Society? Is it also a coincidence that he is a senior fellow of the Centre for International Governance Innovation and the Africa Program of the globalist Woodrow Wilson International Center? Is it furthermore a coincidence that he has collaborated with the North-South Institute, a globalist think tank, as well as United Nations University and the World Institute for Development E...? Is it further still a coincidence that Rotberg has written extensively on removing Robert Mugabe from his dictatorial presidency to protect the interests of “white farmers” and “the white business... in Zimbabwe, which was once Cecil Rhodes’ De Beers diamond colony formerly known as Rhodesia?
It doesn’t take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out that Rotberg’s attack on Quigley’s writings is a hackneyed cover-up attempt.
John Klyczek has an MA in English and is a college English instructor, concentrating on the history of global eugenics and Aldous Huxley’s dystopic novel, “Brave New World.”
News was first reported in a article by one 'Al Gentile' posted on Jan 4th 2016.
The symbolism of this attack on gun rights being directed at Lexington is NO coincidence.
So, who is Robert Rotberg? - Rhodes Scholar (St Antony's College, Oxford University), member of the Council on Foreign Relations, President emeritus of the World Peace Foundation (1993–2010)
Public Lexington Selectman Campaign Records with his address left cold
Robert I Rotberg
14 Barberry Rd
MA 02421-8026
Verizon Landline: 781-862-4089
79 JFK St.
Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138
"Destroying the New World Order"
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