The Auschwitz camp, today found in Poland, is central to the Holocaust and the allegations surrounding the gassing of millions of Jews by Nazis during the Second World War. A review of this camp, and the allegations which surround it, is therefore particularly worthwhile.
The most common allegation made about Auschwitz was that Jews arrived by train and were taken immediately to gas chambers. Thereafter the bodies were burned in open pits or crematoria on site.
The Auschwitz camp - and specifically the Birkenau section where the gas chambers are alleged to have been situated - were supposedly destroyed by the Nazis towards the end of 1944, when the Soviet Army was advancing westward. Herein lies the first question: if the gas chambers were destroyed by the Nazis, then why are supposed gas chambers still on display today at Auschwitz, and shown to visitors?
The official website of the Auschwitz Museum has bowed down before Holocaust Revisionists and has now finally admitted officially that the gas chamber and crematorium 1, which is shown to visitors as evidence of the ‘mass extermination of the Jews,' was built after the war.
This dramatic admission can be found on the Auschwitz museum’s webpage at - (cached copy of this page here) where the following passage has now been inserted:
The fact that the Auschwitz "gas chamber" on show today is a reconstruction has been confirmed by the mainstream French magazine, L'Express, when its writer Eric Conan visited Auschwitz in January 1995. According to L'Express, the gas chamber shown to tourists was built in 1948, three years after the end of the war, by the Polish communists. The Auschwitz staff now admits this. As Conan wrote in L'Express "Tout y est faux"--Everything in it is fake." (Eric Conan: AUSCHWITZ: La mémoire du mal, L'Express, Paris, Paris, 19 janvier 1995).
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The original German architectural building plans for Auschwitz have survived, and are on display at the camp museum to this day. There are no gas chambers on these original plans - and given the specialist construction which would be required to build chambers capable of killing thousands of people at a time (as is claimed) it seems extremely unlikely that the plans in question would not have shown these structures.
It is claimed that the rooms marked as mortuaries (in German, "leichenkellers") on the building plans were used as gas chambers - a claim which is highly dubious, given the technical demands which an airtight chamber being used for mass gassings, would require.
It is therefore worth noting that there is absolutely no technical physical evidence to support the claim that gas chambers, designed for the killing of people, existed at any German concentration camp. This is particularly so with regard to the oft claimed story of gas chambers disguised as showers.
What did exist - at all the camps - were small delousing chambers - tiny air tight rooms - no larger than large cupboards - in which clothes were regularly deloused with the Zyklon-B chemical (which was - and still is to this day - sold under that brand name as an insecticide). These delousing chambers were used in all the Nazi camps - including those in Germany itself, with the result that Zyklon-B was distributed to all camps, in Poland and in Germany alike. All Nazi documentation relating to gas and gassing equipment refers specifically to this use of the poison gas, and nowhere is reference made to the killing people in the camps with this insecticide.
Surviving bills of lading for Zyklon-B, which are available for public inspection at the National Archives in the United States, show very clearly that Zyklon-B was shipped to all camps, and not just to the alleged gas chamber camps. The bills of lading in the US National Archives run from 16 February to 31 May 1944 and reveal that the cases of cyanide crystals (Zyklon) are numbered in sequence (Nos. 50,053 to 50,210), each shipment consisted of thirteen cases, totaling 195 kg; and identical shipments -- six each -- went to Auschwitz and Oranienburg concentration camps.
Oranienburg is situated in Germany itself, and not even the wildest Holocaust exaggeration has ever claimed that there was a homicidal gas chamber at Oranienburg camp. The existence of proof of shipping of Zyklon-B to be used as a delousing agent to Oranienburg, is conclusive evidence of the real purpose for which that chemical was actually used for in the camps.
Although the Crematorium 1 has now been accepted by all as having been built after the war, there are in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp the remains of no less than four other crematoria, all of which are alleged to either have had gas chambers attached to them in an underground facility, or have had the capacity for such gas chambers.
As cyanide gas leaves very long lasting traces in walls and plaster, the obvious step for anyone wishing to conclusively prove the use of Zyklon-B as a mass killing agent in the ruins of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, would be to take forensic samples from these sites and analyze them for traces of the poison gas.
Surprisingly, samples were never taken from these sites to try and prove that mass gassing took place- and it was up to the revisionist historians, who doubted the mass gassing story, to take the first samples and analyze them. These samples were taken by Fred Leuchter, an acknowledged American expert who designed and built many of the late 20th Century American judicial execution methods, and whose work is widely available on the Internet.
In February 1988, Leuchter traveled to Auschwitz, Poland, and assessed the likelihood that the building remains there could have functioned as homicidal gas chambers. He took forty samples of the fabric of those structures, for forensic and chemical analysis by reputable American laboratories. These laboratories found no significant residues of hydrogen-cyanide compounds except in one structure, which was commonly agreed to have been the building in which the slave laborers' clothing was fumigated with Zyklon-B. Here there were massive quantities of the poison residue still impregnating the brickwork. (The Leuchter Report, by Fred Leuchter, Focal Point Publications, London, 1989).
It has since been alleged that Leuchter's samples were invalid because they were ground up with brick and plaster which had not been exposed to Zyklon-B. This allegation is without foundation, as the test results, undertaken by an independent laboratory in the USA which had not been told the samples' origin, found the differentiation in traces of cyanide gas to be constant from site to site. Thus, even if non-contaminated material had been mixed in with the original, the differences between the area where delousing had taken place and where alleged mass killings had taken place, were still identical, despite all the samples having been subjected to the same mixing process.
In other words, it is the difference between the samples themselves which is the revealing part of the Leuchter Report: the scale of differentiation remained constant, even in the sample from the clothing delousing chamber, where the use of Zyklon-B was never under dispute.
Independent Forensic Research Confirms Leuchter Report
The British historian, David Irving, is the world's best selling writer and researcher on World War Two, a title he holds despite losing a much publicized libel suit against a Jewish author who accused him of being a Holocaust denier. In March 1991, Irving announced that he had "improperly obtained" a copy of a Polish forensic laboratory report commissioned secretly in February 1990 by Franciszek Piper, the new non-Communist director of the Auschwitz museum and archives.
This independent Polish government investigation, which the Auschwitz museum authorities have yet to release, although it is dated 24 September 1990, shows that while there are substantial concentrations (between 9 and 147 micrograms per 100g) of cyanide residues in ten samples taken from the walls of the rooms and chambers where cyanide gas was used for disinfecting the slave-laborers' clothing, there are none whasotever in ten samples taken from rooms identified in countless war crimes trials as the lethal gas chambers also using this Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide) gas, apart from a " vanishingly small" trace in one column in Birkenau, compatible with routine disinfectant operations. Forensic tests on human hair samples were also negative.-(Focal Point Publications,
Raul Hilberg has also testified in a Canadian court that "no scientific reports prove Jews were exterminated in Nazi gas chambers" (Scientific evidence of Holocaust missing, The Sault Star Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, January 18, 1985). Testifying in the trial of a holocaust revisionist activist, Hilberg added that " . . . German war documents contain no mention of killing Jews . . ." and "there are no autopsy reports indicating a single person died from exposure to poisonous gas in chambers. " (ibid).
It should be borne in mind that although there is no direct physical evidence to support the charge that six million Jews were gassed in the camps, this does not mean that the camps themselves did not exist, nor that Jews were rounded up and deported, nor that many died through illness, starvation or conventional judicial executions.
If there is no physical evidence of gas chambers having been operational at Auschwitz, the question can be rightly asked then what was the purpose of the camp in the first place. The answer to this is startlingly obvious if the site is visited with an unbiased eye: the Auschwitz area was one of the industrial concentration areas for the Third Reich, housing factories from almost all major industries which supported the Reich's war effort.
The Buna rubber factory was in Auschwitz, as were an IG-Farben factory, amongst dozens of others, manufacturing everything from clothing through to medical supplies. Jews - and others - were sent to Auschwitz to work as forced labor - in terms of the Wannsee plan.
The use of inmates at Auschwitz as labor also explains why the Nazis would have found it necessary to tattoo identification numbers on prisoners' arms - for if it was their intention to gas all Jews sent to Auschwitz, it would have made no sense to go through the trouble and expense of identifying and tattooing them first.
As the Soviet army advanced westward, the Nazis closed down the Auschwitz camp and forced all able bodied inmates to evacuate westward with them - once again contradicting the mass murder theory. If the Nazis had indeed wanted to kill all the inmates of Auschwitz, there would have been no logical reason to take Jews with them back into the Reich. The obvious intention in evacuating all able bodied inmates was to keep using them as labor at other locations, once again underlining the real purpose of the Auschwitz complex.
The evacuation of all able bodied inmates from Auschwitz by the Nazis meant that only the elderly, children or sick remained behind in that camp when it was overrun by the advancing Soviet army. Herein lies another interesting but suppressed fact: as the pictures below show, the inmates of Auschwitz, as photographed shortly after the camp was overrun in January 1945, were the sickest and most disabled of all the prisoners - yet they actually do not look that sick or undernourished at all.
These prisoners compare dramatically with the inmates found in camps in Germany itself, such as Bergen Belsen, where the lice borne disease typhus, had wreaked havoc, causing masses of prisoners there to die as dehydrated, emaciated skeleton figures. It remains thus one of the ironies of the Holocaust story, that the skin and bone body photographs which are used as 'evidence' of the Nazi's "genocide", do not originate in the so-called "extermination" camps, but from the camps in Germany proper, where no-one alleges that gas chambers existed.
So, I guess all there is left to say is ... What Holocaust ?
The physics, mathematics, chemistry, as well as material, time and space requirement and logistics of six million Jews killed, bodies processed and remains taken care of are purely impossible.
It takes from one to three days for Zyklon B to kill insects in a building. It's an insecticide, not a human extermination agent.Zyklon is purposefully compared to the use of cyanide gas in the US penal system. The death penalty cyanide releases a large amount of hydrogen cyanide almost instantaneously by mixing a salt of cyanide (sodium or potassium) with a strong mineral acid (like hydrochloric acid). Zyklon B is balls of diatomaceous earth or wood dust which has absorbed a small amount of hydrogen cyanide, which releases very slowly. It cannot have been used in the manner which has been described in holocaust narratives.
This was all of William Paley, Jewish member of the OSS intelligence agency (precursor of the CIA), future owner of the CBS network. He came up with the absurd frauds of jewish soap and human skin lampshades.
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