Image result for Rod Serling

Here at the Twilight Zone I can make no apologies for the insanity you are about to see!

Image result for Movie This Island earth

It must be the side effects from that damn Covid 19 Vaccine! The vaccinated are zombied out! 

Image result for Movie This Island earth

So when did all of you get your genitals amputated and begin taking your hormone suppressors? Great not having to worry about being raped! 

Image result for Movie This Island earth

God, I love these waterless toilets that save the environment even though it stinks like hell in here! 

Image result for Movie This Island earth

Ha! I knew it! It says the human race is responsible of its own destruction even though it was the design of the asshole leadership. Hmm that explains a lot.

Image result for Rod Serling

Case in point. Those obsessed with themselves and their superficial exploits will suffer the kick in the ass they deserve.

This Island Earth (1955)

Get back across that border you filthy foreign trespasser! It's your country who owes you a welfare check not mine!

Image result for Movie This Island earth

Yes! We are committed globalists, and we won't stop until we've fucked up everything! 

Image result for Movie This Island earth

Stay back you Islamic pervert just because the government acts like you bastards aren't brutalizing infidel women who don't wear your death gowns!

Image result for Movie This Island earth

Yes, Mister FBI Director we've completely bullshitted the American public into thinking that we are an honorable enforcement agency your strategy worked! 

10 Best Movies Based On Jules Verne Books, Ranked

Give me back my damn mask! I tell you that the Covid 19 vaccine has worked for me at least I'm still frigging alive! Uh, there's that urge to eat dog pooh again! 

Image result for Rod Serling

Is this crap just about hopeless or what? It's almost funny but it's not! 

Image result for Movie This Island earth

Yes, we realize that you humans can make better flat screens than us and that really pisses us off too! 

Image result for Rod Serling

My friend the devil here to my left thinks he's pretty well got things wrapped up here on planet earth. What do you think?

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