The Negative Impact of the Entrenched Ideologue

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Throughout history we have seen the negative impact of the entrenched ideologue. From the tribal voter to the obsessive despot whose ambitions bring a nation and its people into crisis and destruction, we have seen the destructiveness of that mindset. Human nature is badly enough prone to make the wrong decisions but add the purveyors of political philosophy who mesmerize people unthinkingly into movements that end in death and violence and for some strange reason the human mind is vulnerable to messages that promote passionate self-destruction.

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Chronic self-imposed defeatism

We’ve seen this pattern in Communist nations that were once free societies where a small group with loud voices and a penchant for propaganda seduce a flourishing state into being a haven for insane policies and failing government policies. Take the state of California, a scenic region of the Pacific Time zone, exceptional weather, diverse climates, and the 5th largest economy in the world, but after the influence of Democrat Party ideology, it has been reduced to shambles. Millions of drivers who were instructed by the state government on how to fake their driver’s licenses? Police cars and public property burned and destroyed routinely by radical protesters, millions of foreign recipients on welfare and food stamps who aren’t even US citizens. When the Covid plannedemic struck Governor Gavin Newsome had 65,000 prison inmates released into the public! Loading dock workers were paid to remain home causing a supply shortage. One farm after another was shut down by state health officials. Why? While Governor Newsome urged California driers to buy EV’s an electrical grid crisis had that very same governor begging EV owners not to charge their cars!

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Suffering of the people inconsequential

The entrenched ideologue doesn’t care for logical action or common sense as that usually interferes with their objectives. Their mission is usually very narrow and self-serving, and while it may cause others to suffer the entrenched ideologue is so intent upon his or her ulterior motives that they are unphased by the suffering they impose. One might recall when Barack Obama came into the Oval Office in 2008 under the “economic bubble” as some called it.  Obama was set to impose a carbon tax upon Americans who were already under the duress of mortgage defaults, rising gas prices, and failing banks, he had little regard for the added suffering that his ambitions would unleash. Luckily Republican lawmakers ruled against such insanity. Yet, even today Barack Obama obsessively rules from the shadows attempting to create as much chaos and social upheaval as possible by advising President Biden who has finally stepped down after three and a half years of bungling leadership and American suffering.

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The corrupted mindset

There are entrenched ideologues because they only vote for one party no matter how debilitating their policies are upon society. There are entrenched ideologues who have been swayed by indoctrination of Communism, statism, collectivism, Marxism, Islamic jihad, etc. Philosophy has seduced them into a myopic world view that does not allow for practical consideration. These people, if they reach public office become activists who want to undermine the system and project their own personal power regardless of how it impacts citizens that they don’t know or care about. This has been what is wrong in our society and throughout the centuries where massive psychosis has been imposed upon the society causing social upheaval and even wars. America is in an existential struggle right now that it should not have to be in where people who should rationally know better have come to question and rebel against prosperity and peaceful co-existence prodded by the insanity of entrenched ideologues. We call them the Democrat Party.

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