The New Bio Medical Miracles or Are they?

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For decades science has been trying to figure out the human genome using the Electron Microscope. With this instrument the electron cloud has been observed-the blur of electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom at light speed. They have been able to finally visualize the actual spiral staircase-like DNA molecules and identify which tissues in the body correspond to the chain of the structure. Scientists are now claiming that the MRNA technology they created to combat the Covid 19 pandemic will possibly defeat cancer.

Image result for MRNA injections

Real explanation?

Claiming that MRNA is not really a vaccine by a type of temporary DNA intervention that in the case of the Covid 19 injections was designed to attack the spike proteins on the surface of the Corona virus molecule by injecting the drug into the ribonucleic acid, the messenger of the cell, a very specific alteration could be achieved. This sent instructions to the cell. This is where the theoretical Crisper (Cut and Splice) of defective DNA could actually repair a mutated hereditary condition like cancer and even prevent reoccurrences or relapse. However, due to the literal thousands of deaths and injuries caused by the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson vaccines, and a final admission by the CEO of Pfizer saying that their MRNA vax did little if anything at all to curb corona virus or even stop reinfection of it with booster shots, the technology is highly suspect.

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However, as we have seen in years past new advancements in medical procedures are yielding some very questionable usages and results. Take the crossing of spider silk protein genes with a Navy Seal officer who volunteered. As a result, the soldier developed bullet proof flesh? What are the side effects and how long will it take for them to be realized? One might recall the cloned sheep twin in 1998 that seemed like a perfectly normal test tube grown fetus that had matured without passing through the womb. Inexplicably, the cloned sheep died months later. Other more subtle failures have been observed when DNA from animals was crossed with plant DNA to create crops with specific characteristics, but in one case after a field of GMO treated corn was brought to harvest, animals fed the genetically modified crop died. Luckily this crop yield had not gone to market.

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Invisible surgeons?

For decades medical scientists has been attempting surgery on a Nano level using MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical) to perform procedures by simply being injected into the body and being pre-programmed to perform a certain type of surgery such as destroying a tumor in a very sensitive part of the brain which would be high risk for conventional human performed operation. Of course military application has sought to create the perfect mole or assassin using these devices as implants that can dictate instructions or commands to the recipient. In essence the perfect “Manchurian Candidate” a “Sleeper Assassin” or other covert operative could be remotely activated for a mission. Surgical implant technology has been underway for decades and one can only guess as to what level of success this type of medical procedure can achieve. One might even go as far as to ask were supposed UFO abductees really subjected to Alien implants or were they simply hypnotized by a black op and then made into implant guinea pigs?

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Is it meat?

DNA modification has not stopped with defective human DNA. It had now been applied to “Night Mud” a term used in Asia for solid human waste that has been stored in buckets to fertilize rice and other terrace grown vegetables for centuries. DNA specialists in Japan have found a way to convert solid human waste into digestible protein and then texture it and flavor it into what appears to be roast beef. Film footage of volunteers eating the product as either for sandwiches or with gravy and mashed potatoes reveals enthusiastic test subjects devouring the product. I wonder if they were informed specifically of what they were eating and or if they were instructed not to have eaten for a period of time so as to make them extra conducive to consuming this eyebrow raising form of food stuff. Is this the future of feeding the masses?

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The last refuge gone?

Lastly, but not least by any stretch of the imagination, man’s dreams, his last refuge from privacy invasion may have been breached by scientists. Researchers have reported that they have been able to look inside of the human mind of a sleeping subject and capture images within their brain neurology in the course of dreaming. This is perhaps the final threshold of the invasion of our sacredly held privacy. God only knows what clandestine testing could be done with such an intrusion into the mind. Perhaps the movie “Dreamscapes” starring Dennis Quaid, Max Von Sydow, Kate Capshaw, and Eddie Albert is not so far off from being implemented if not already a success. In the 1985 movie a civilian dream research project is penetrated by the CIA and used for the purpose of assassination. Perhaps many unwelcome surprises await us in the very near future.

Image result for Human Faces during Dreams


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Comment by Doc Vega on April 27, 2022 at 12:06pm

cheeki kee I agree. None of these procedures except maybe using MEMS for internal surgery are either ethical or adivisable! 

Comment by cheeki kea on April 26, 2022 at 4:05pm

A miracle to the maker I'ld say and an absolute disaster to everyone else. I don't think DNA and RNA is temporary thing especially when it comes to patented GMOs - a recreated copy of who knows what next to the possibility of being highly dangerous to the environment. GMO mRNA meds for anything does not sound like it should be on the top of anyones wish list. 

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