The New York Subway Shooting: They Won’t Stop Until They have Your Guns

In this chilling March 20 video, Frank James - the suspect in Tuesday's subway shooting - said he would never return to Wisconsin, his home state, alive. He drove to Philadelphia where he is believed to have rented the U-Haul found yesterday in Brooklyn, five miles from the subway where the attack unfolded. James remains on the run

We’ve all heard the vague news reports about yet another disturbed lone gunman shooting several people in a public place. Described as being 5 foot 5 inches tall approximately 180 pounds, and dark skinned, of course we can’t say a black man even though he is, walked onto a subway car north bound, released two smoke canisters and began firing some 33 rounds from his Glock semi-automatic hand gun. In the aftermath 19 people were wounded and hospitalized. Strangely the three sections of subway cars involved in the shooting had surveillance cameras that were out of order. There’s an old saying that police investigators have stated for years, “there are no coincidents.”


What do these kinds of incidents tell us in the aftermath of public shootings? 1) Authorities will once again be calling for more gun control 2) Those who wonder why these supposed kooks aren’t on an FBI list fail to realize that the FBI is so compromised they are no longer doing their intended service. 3) In the hopes of steering public opinion there will be calls for more surveillance, more loss of privacy, and the prospects of what you may get if your wishes are answered, you may find yourself on a watch list just as many normal people who found themselves on a no fly list for no justifiable reason than the 9-11 disaster.

An agency that can no longer carry out its mission

Just as in the Aurora, Colorado shooting where the suspect after spraying a movie theater and the customers there with long rifle fire calmly walks out of the theater and sits right next to a police cruiser, this, Frank R. James character, yet it turns out that indeed this evil person was on the FBI terrorist watch list for an incident that occurred in new Mexico in 2019. How many times that even when terrorists are on the FBI watch list do they still go onto commit heinous acts? Once again, evidence that our FBI was been deeply compromised and needs a good housecleaning with those who have committed criminal acts getting the prosecution they deserve! The big question of course is, will that ever happen? One might also note that Frank R. James made a number of disturbingly Critical Race Theory oriented White hatred statements blaming white people for forcing blacks to commit crimes, join gangs, and not even realizing it when you blow their Fuc!!!!! brains out. Just another example of how Democrat supported hate messaging continues to promote this kind of senseless violence.

There are no coincidents 

One key to being able to track the suspect is the absence of camera footage in the every section of the subway that the shooting occurred in. For some time as the New York City government has cut funding to its police department, denounced them as being too aggressive, taken away the stop and search policy, the lack of police presence in the subways has only invited more crime and violence on a busy mass transit network, but this also points once again the president Biden’s open borders policy refusing to uphold the Constitutional requirement of our federal government to protect our borders as terrorists, violent criminals, and drug cartel gang members have poured into the US with little deterrence. America is no longer represented by the consent of the governed. We are under a body of corrupt and out of control so-called leaders who have done everything in their power to destroy our nation rather than to keep America great.


There have been calls for sometime to disband the FBI and to get the US Marshalls to handle the duty of the former agency. One might recall that US Marshalls were out in force on Ammon Bundy's property, ready to get it on with those who had showed up in support of the Bundy family who owned a ranch in Idaho and were being harassed by the Bureau of Land Management over water and grazing rights as the agency had already succeeded in killing a multi-million dollar lumber business in the area years before. So would we be any better off with mercenaries paid by the Fed to handle domestic security policy? God only knows

Image result for US Marshalls at Ammon Bundy standoff


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