The Origin of Sasquatch and Human DNA Manipulation

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According to scientists coming forward discretely and in groups, a much different history than most of us could imagine seems to have either been covered up, or as Emmanuel Velikovsky described as collective amnesia of ancient events. Biologists in nature taking samples of fresh water streams in the wilderness, samples of tissue DNA, along with hair and feces have revealed that there most certainly is a hominid of the present day closely related to Homo sapiens, (modern man). However, for some reason we have a truth embargo over just who Sasquatch might be, what their relationship to us might be, and perhaps death to those in the scientific community who want to come forth and publicly release what they know.

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The elusive truth

We know that money is a great way to hide the truth when it comes to supposedly unbiased research. Hidden agenda’s like “Global Warming” will get research grant funding while true studies that do not come to political conclusions will not get that money. Governments, megalomaniacs, globalists, and those needing a new religion to worship will support lies, cover-ups, and falsified findings in order for their flawed ideology to survive. We now know even the medical field will accept money and political agenda over human health and well-being since the Covid farce left its deadly trail of death, brain blood clots, myocarditis, nerve damage, and small business closings we still haven’t recovered from. So, how is it that for decades “Bigfoot” “Sasquatch” or “Sabe” have all been relegated to the boogey man hoax category while thousands of people all over the world report sightings?

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Mysterious origins

One recent data dump tells us that the DNA of a Sasquatch and human cell had been spliced as far as 15,000 years ago. It consisted of a female nucleus and a Homo sapiens RNA (Ribonucleic Acid” the messenger of the cell. Who was responsible? What entity could have been that technologically capable? Some people have theorized going back to the Bible that Satan’s fallen angels could have been the remnants of the reclusive Sasquatch who dwell primarily in wilderness to avoid modern man. Others, would draw an extraterrestrial conclusion claiming that Sasquatch was genetically designed for heavy lifting and intense labor. While Homo sapiens were genetically designed for a different purpose. Then there is the interdimensional origin as many witnesses have claimed to see a Sasquatch and simply watch it disappear right before their eyes.

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Educated guesses?

David Paulides, author of the 411 Unexplained Disappearances book series thinks that the cluster regions of missing persons throughout North America Parks, wilderness, and preserves could be somehow related to Sasquatch. One more intriguing theory centers around time travel and if we do have those who enter our time continuum could be from the future interacting in our present plane of existence bringing with them seemingly magical technology. In all this is an assured element of government secrecy. Park and recreation officials are mute over this. Many fishermen and hunters have seen unmarked helicopters with long rifle armed uniformed personnel looking for someone or something, and they don’t appear to be on a man hunt for escaped criminals.

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Just another rabbit hole to ponder

One scientist reports that at a highly secure facility surrounded by 12 foot tall electrified fence, a Sasquatch is able to not only go over the barrier but interfere with cameras and electronic equipment. These entities outclass terrain specialists like Army Rangers or woodsmen and are so physically superior there is no way for humans to track them much less keep up with them in the wilderness especially at night. Why soldiers in remote bases where ground maneuvers and night operations are rehearsed are told not to make contact and to withdraw might indicate that there is a very good but not understood reason. Lloyd Pye even theorized that Sasquatch could be the surviving Neanderthal that had retreated from humans in order to survive in the remote wild.

See the source image

Not an ape

One big misconception about Sasquatch has been that they are some kind of primate like an undiscovered gorilla, but most witnesses would say the face is much more human like and that these creatures do not move like chimps, orangutans, or mountain gorillas. They move like a human only with much greater speed and strength. The ape-like myth being portrayed by so many of the for profit charlatans we see on the History Channel, Animal Planet shows, or National Geographic documentaries attempt to categorize Sasquatch as Gigantopithecus, an ancient giant gorilla of Asian continent origin that could have come to North America via the Aleutian Island Chain, but to those familiar with sightings, the North American Indian tribes who dealt with them for centuries, they are a race, a tribe, a lesser known class of human related hominids that remain under wraps for reasons our governments refuse to reveal, and some scientists die trying to come forward.


Strangely Sasquatch among indigenous tribes of North America have labeled these hominids as everything from being “the people of the woods” to “cannibals” from “guardians of the forest” to the “spirits of the wild”. Some tribes have reported their women and children being abducted and eaten or their woman forced to breed with them. Which forced them to go to war with the creatures. While others have considered them distant cousins to co-exist with in the forest and respect, but one thing is for certain. An exact explanation has not been unveiled yet. We can only speculate.

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