The Piri Reis Map Truly an Unexplained Mystery

A global map of the Atlantic coasts dating back to 1513 created by a Turkish cartographer who served as an admiral of his nation’s navy is discovered in a throw away pile. It is made of parchment from a gazelle skin and is somehow lost shortly after being conceived by the Ottoman Captain. A map whose compilation supposedly begins after the 1492 voyage of Columbus to the Caribbean, but whose observations and recording were far from the detail and huge area mapped by the Piri Reis version. It was claimed that the Ottoman Captain referred to some 20 map and chart sources from work done by the Greeks and other nations, but an enduring mystery is the portrayal of the continent of Antarctica as a land mass without the ice shelf that has covered it since 6 thousand years ago after the last great Ice Age. Only a satellite possessing a radar mapping capability from orbit could have depicted the true land mass of Antarctica so accurately! How could this be possible?

How accurate?

Even with a portion of the map destroyed it still portrays the North American coast, the European shoreline, the African land mass, North America is aligned perfectly with counter position of Africa, while South America is also presented in its relative position. The Canary Islands, Antillia, the Azores, and even Japan are located with fair accuracy. According to Piri, these maps included eight Ptolemaic maps, an Arabic map of India, four newly drawn Portuguese maps from Sindh, and a map by Christopher Columbus of the western lands. From Inscription 6 on the map:

Piri reis.jpg

Types of methodology used

The map is a portolan chart, as shown by the four compass roses (two large and two small) from which lines of bearing radiate.[36] Some analyses assert that the map is an azimuthal equidistant projection centered on Cairo, but a 1998 analysis by Steven Dutch of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay shows a better fit with a point near the intersection of the present-day prime meridian and the equator.[36] There are extensive notes in Ottoman Turkish around the edges of the map, as well as some interior detail which is mostly inaccurate and fanciful. As other maps of the 1600’s are considered more accurate the original Piri Reis Map emerges in 1513 predating all such later transcriptions.

Erich von Däniken Picture

Other theories

Erich Van Daniken alleges that the Piri Reis map is a product of extraterrestrial origin due to the aerial aspect of the details. Professor Hapgood theorized that any discrepancy between interpretation of the continental Antarctic with the southern tip of South America might be due to a suspected global axis disruption that devastated the west and eastern hemispheres and thrust the Antarctic continent further to the south and at the very south pole position, but scholars and historians alike argue the feasibility of this estimate.

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Antarctic coast was not actually explored and observed until a Russian expedition of 1820 finally gave explorers a look at the frozen continent itself and a true mapping opportunity. The true mystery of the Piri Reis map is not only the actual continent of Antarctica being revealed without the massive ice shelf but the entire mapping of the continental coastlines as far north as Newfoundland with incredible detail the where with all being highly unlikely for the time! Little by little as with the revelations of Emmanuel Velikovsky’s books that there have been many forgotten worldwide catastrophes that have shaped the planet that due to their ancient time tables and man’s collective amnesia that these mysteries may always persist unsolved. In order for the Piri Reis map to have been a product of actual observation we would have to go back centuries to before the last great Ice Age or there must have been some unknown technological intervention from a source that we can only guess at. Who had orbital satellites prior to the 1600’s? Of course academia will try and keep it within their limited bounds.

Image result for Alien Space Satellite



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Comment by cheeki kea on October 30, 2022 at 11:13pm

Doc V, history has been hidden from us all with the intent to keep us dumb yet the millions of keyboard truth warriors out there bring wisdom to light. Try checking out some of the forbidden history channels, Tartaria sites or even steampunk pages and you'll be amazed with what's out there. ( old books have not gone but are now all owned by the elite )~ Sometimes history and science info can be found in other places.

Comment by Doc Vega on October 29, 2022 at 4:33am

tjdavis thanks for your support.

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