The Super Natural Influences of Leif Erickson and the Vikings

Image result for Leif Erickson the Viking


There is much about history that has been overlooked or intentionally ignored so that academia would construct the history they want without revisions as new discoveries are unearthed. There are unexplained petroglyphs all across America, ruin stones left by Vikings in the interior of the North American continent that supposedly exceed the depth of known Viking expeditions. Even in the Bible there are deleted books that are not included in the King James Version such as the Book of Enoch. Why? There is apparently a forbidden knowledge someone thinks we should not learn.

Image result for Leif Erickson the Viking

Against all odds

When Leif Erickson assembled his crew for a transoceanic discovery across the Atlantic he was challenging the sacred beliefs of his culture. They were convinced that the world was flat and if you got too close to the edge of the world you would simply fall off into oblivion. So, he was literally taking a voyage into self-destruction as far as his people were concerned. What possesses men with such great curiosity to overcome their fears and make incredible discoveries? Courage? Well, to have discovered the North America continent hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus who only accidentally blundered on the Carribean is incredible, yet these details are left out of the historical record.

Amazing events

That the Vikings had some mysterious help during the course of their voyage would be an understatement. Their ancient carved hieroglyphs show a number of experiences they may have attributed to their Norse Gods mythology when it may have been someone else. To begin with for several nights in crossing the Atlantic a strange aerial light was seen. It hovered over their vessels and seemed to be guiding them. The Vikings were deathly afraid of mythical sea monsters as well so this light may have to them been a blessing from the Gods. They followed it.

Image result for Leif Erickson the Viking

The visitor

According to an account given by the crew, one night the nocturnal airborne light hovered over their ship and a being appeared on the deck. The crew took this as a threat, and being the brutal warriors they were they rushed the entity with their weapons, but much to their surprise the strange visitor vanquished all his attackers swiftly and with great ease (ray gun). After that the remaining Vikings decided, “Well if you can’t beat’em join’em!” They invited the visitor to eat and drink with them. The visitor did just that. It seemed that they had befriended what could have been a deadly enemy. So, their journey continued with renewed confidence in the aerial light in the night skies and they landed upon the shores of what is now Nova Scotia.

Image result for Leif Erickson the Viking


Leif Erickson and his men found the weather to be a bit brutal and needed to forage inland for food so they moved further south down the coast. In doing so they did not encounter an Indian tribe as one might expect, instead they discovered a race of huge hairy creatures they said seemed man-like but wild and uncivilized. It is not clear if there were battles between the Vikings and the strange humanoid giants or not, but it seems there were. The Vikings would then begin forming settlements as they moved into the interior of what we know now as northern Canada. Leif would later return to his land and report his incredible experiences that would be officially recorded by the Viking elders for posterity. Can this be considered true recorded history? Well, how much evidence have we gotten from other ancient cultures such as the Minoans, the Etruscans, or the Pharaohs relying upon their language and pictorial versions of history? Yet, just as Christian archeological digs that corroborate the word of the Bible are literally suppressed by the secular world. Just another example of it in the Viking culture.  

Image result for Leif Erickson the Viking

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