UFOs seen in restricted U.S. airspace 'every day for YEARS', ex-Navy pilot says - California News Times

From the very beginning of the UFO phenomenon there have been reports of dangerous levels of radioactivity. As if not to mention the fact that frequent sightings have occurred over nuclear plants and SAC (Strategic Air Command) missile bases, trace levels of radiation have been measured at UFO landing sites as well as even being encountered by pilots attempting to intercept them.

mantell thomas

A deadly pursuit

As early as 1948 when the ill-fated pursuit attempt by Captain Mantell in his F-51 Mustang fighter aircraft which ended in his fatal crash there were rumors that were quickly covered up by the US Air Force. With the sudden loss of flying saucers being simply an item of interest and wonder and now becoming a possible threat, initial findings were that Mantell’s plane had been perforated with holes, that it had exploded while orbiting the area, and that Geiger Counter reading indicated radioactivity. As Donald Keyhoe had found from his investigations, a cover up was being conducted so as to discourage public hysteria perhaps.


Too close for comfort

In the early 1990’s as the Roswell Incident came into prominence again, a former USAF pilot who served in the 1950’s gave witness testimony. Simply identifying himself as “Mel” or sometimes “John Doe” he revealed that he had been ordered to attempt interception of regularly appearing UFO’s with an F-86 Saber Jet specially equipped with wing to wing mounted cameras. His job was to get as close as he could to the “Unknowns” and to take footage of them. Mel, as he called himself, said that he could never get close to the aerial enigmas but did manage to capture film of them, but was forced to take time off as it was discovered that not only his aircraft but he was registering increasing levels of radiation. Were the UFO’s using nuclear propulsion?

Beware of landed saucers

The year is 1957 and Canadian, Stefan Michalak, is prospecting for quartz and silver in a remote area near Falcon Lake. Suddenly he comes upon a metallic disk landed on the floor of the forest. Carefully approaching the object, he notices that the surface is hot enough to burn his glove when he touches it. Peering into an open panel he is stunned by a bright array of light and colors when suddenly several overlapping access panels close. He thinks he can hear human like voices from inside but they are muffled. He attempts in several languages to communicate but to no avail. Just then, a blast of energy from what appears to be an exhaust vent knocks Michalak backwards and onto the ground. Now, the craft begins to turn counter clockwise and rapidly climbs into the sky and out of sight. Stefan notices that the front of his shirt and under garment are burned as he gets up.

Stefan, a healthy outdoorsman is accustomed to being robust and active, but in the days that follow he is bed ridden and sick. Some unusual burns appear on his stomach in the shape of a grid similar to the exhaust vent that flared and knocked him down. Doctors, hospitals, and finally the famous Mayo Clinic analyze his recurrent burns and surmise that he has been suffering from radiation sickness! In the years to come he sticks with his story until his death in 1999. This UFO case is considered to be one of Canada’s top reports on the subject.

Infringing on a SAC base

The year is 28 December 1980 and base commander Charles Halt is faced with Several reports of night time Unidentified Flying Object sightings near the perimeter of the installation. Determined to solve the mystery on this given night Halt, accompanied by a strike team of security officers encounters very weird lights in the darkened sky. Having a handheld recorder, the base commander’s voice can be heard to register wonderment as well as fear and he and other US Air Force personnel approach the area.

Image result for Rendlesham UFO incident

Another rabbit hole for the US Air Force

Just before watching an airborne object split into several colorful objects from a single craft,  they happen upon a strange vessel with a smooth obsidian-like surface that one of the airmen touches. They realize that the object possesses strange properties. A beam of intense light scours the floor of the forest as the security team looks on in awe as the craft rises into the air. In the wake of the bizarre encounter the airmen take radiation readings of the immediate area and realize that there is an abnormal amount of radiation at the site. To this day, the prevailing events that supposedly took place at about the same time, continue to cast a veil of mystery over what happened and why the American authorities at Bentwaters Air Base and Randlesham RAF Base handled the incident so secretively despite so many credible witnesses.

Vickie Landrum (left) and Betty Cash fell victim to radiation sickness after a December 1980 close encounter.

The Landrum-Cash incident

29 December 1980, all the way across the planet in North America near Houston, Texas another UFO mystery astounds local residents! Vicky Landrum and Betty Cash are driving back home to the town of Dayton about 35 miles from the Houston International Airport through a narrow country road when they spot a bright light in the night sky. They slow down and continue driving until they are forced to stop fearing their car will be burned by the fiery object that appears to be diamond shaped and surrounded by military helicopters! The sight is so disturbing that Betty brings her nephew, Colby to the backseat of their car, and tells him to pray to Jesus as she thinks they are witnessing the end of the world.

Among other symptoms, Vickie Landrum and Betty Cash suffered festering body sores. The UFO sighting has had a permanent effect on their health.

The end of the world?

The sighting gives off heat as the two women peer up into the sky and observe the intense event. Afraid to back their car up and turn around due to the muddy shoulders of the road, they are forced to remain until Vicky attempts to get back in the car. The handle is so hot to the touch she must use a coat to protect her hand as she opens the driver side door. The interior of the car is so warm that her hand leaves an imprint in the vinyl dashboard. In a few minutes the glowing object surrounded by what appear to be several US Army Chinook Twin rotor helicopters among others gradually moves away in a southern direction.

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Their incredible saga

Upon arriving home both women that night experience vomiting, weakness, headaches, and diarrhea. In the days that follow Vicky, Betty, and Colby are admitted to the local hospital with the two women suffering from blistered skin, patches of hair falling out, and eye problems such as conjunctivitis. In the months to follow, Betty Cash develops cancer and requires surgery. After several weeks, inquiries at the local USAF base lead to an attorney assisted investigation and law suits filed against the US government for their injuries to the tune of 20 million. Experts examining the medical evidence say that the degree of radiation type burns experienced by Landrum, Cash, and little Colby would be consistent with burns suffered by victims who had been 3 to 5 miles outside the epicenter of the atomic blast at Hiroshima! Yet, the federal courts refused to award a law suit to the women and the little boy, Colby, even though a policeman and his wife reported seeing twelve Chinook helicopters in the area that night but did not see the brightly burning diamond shaped UFO surrounded by 23 US Army helicopters on that night.

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Over the decades since 1947 many strange UFO sightings have been reported accompanied by inexplicable effects that range from electromagnetic, anti-gravitational, even inter dimensional, but perhaps the most dangerous to human beings has been the radiation aspect to these unknown aerial vessels that continue to defy explanation.

Image result for Cash Landrum UFO incident


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