The reverse Psychology of the Left Taking its Toll on America

When your youth educated in your universities and college campuses are turned against their own country seeing nothing but fault and injustice, you have socially engineered the grounds for civil unrest and perhaps civil war. All of our enemies have chipped in with disinformation, false coverage of US history, and a media that actually stokes the fires of hatred and discontent. Yuri Bezmenov, defected former KGB agent and specialist on disinformation used to ignite government overthrows lectured across the US on the threat of internal collapse should the Communist sponsored influx of propaganda succeed. That was in the 1980’s, and he remarked to those around him that his brethren who remained in Russia, would have marveled at the level of indoctrination achieved within the US by Soviet propaganda.

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Inescapable duplicity

Today we have campuses full of angry kids who wouldn’t even be attending college without the sacrifices of their own parents, who will burn down facilities there just to shut down a conservative or Christian speaker invited to give a lecture! Ironically like Stalinists or the Nazi Gestapo our idiotic young people would have cringed in horror over! However they are the ones who are destroying the very essence of the freedoms that our Forefathers instilled in the US Constitution for the liberty of future Americans. President Ronald Reagan had to remind Americans during his administration of their constitutional roots and inalienable rights not to be forgotten or spit upon, yet today the fools have arisen again.

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Sanctimonious buffoonery

Defacing and tearing down statues of American heroes, actually trespassing on private property and telling the owners they don’t deserve where they live and to get out! Attacking the police under the notion that there has been an effort to murder thousands of black men by the law enforcement departments of America, a myth driven by the Democrats to denounce Republicans who support law and order. When Black Americans acknowledge that they never see their political leaders but once every 4 years when they are trying to get re-elected while BLM only provides violence and protests but surprisingly no financial support for the ghetto populations they purport to represent! As 900 black on black shootings occur per year in Chicago alone, we see no help what so ever by the so-called civil rights leaders. Race baiting, hate mongering, the history of slavery, regardless if it was suffered by all races seems to have created the preferred class among Blacks, who are now incensed over the crowds of illegal aliens allowed to push into their communities!

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Please inform me of the benefits

So, you’re telling me that you want to liberate me from the elitists, from the white supremacists, from the racial inequity by defunding police, by inciting riots, by burning down public store fronts of minority business people, what do I get out of this but my city destroyed? How can I have a safe place to live without an effective police force? How do hard working and smart people not have a right to their own property, just because the agitators that you listen to tell you that you are the victim? So, reverse psychology is a very effective way of manipulating the human mind into accepting the unacceptable! Yet, with the lack of critical thinking we have endured from warped public school teaching, the fools have become emboldened to do what? Destroy their own country? Are you serious? Yes! The fools have descended into the hypocrisy of acting just like those in history who tortured and oppressed all who they did not agree with. Those who would have wiped them out in firing squads and brutal prisons. The self-righteous supposed liberators who have done no more than repeat the atrocities of history! The psyop has nearly succeeded.

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Be careful of what you wish for

Here's the ultimate irony of all, and perhaps the deserving karma of the thugs who aid in the destruction of their own society. What turned Yuri Bezmenov against his own KGB was watching how all the operatives that worked diligently for the cause of Communist rebellion would soon become the first to be executed after they realized that all the promises made by their Soviet co-conspirators were lies. They suffered the very ease of which their so-called “Comrades in arms” liquidated them. Just as Caesar in the science fiction novel “Planet of the Apes” sees his rebellion against the human society succeed in a blaze of violence and death that sobers him, and brings him to the realization of his own hand in the victimization of the innocent, the very thing he faulted his own leaders for in their brutal oppression of captive humans. No doubt, how the radicalized fools of the present may well get what they wished for!

Shameless Pile of Stuff: Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes


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