The Siege upon America a Spiritual War

The battle for America is not just about socioeconomic or politics. It’s a matter of good and evil!

If one pays particularly close attention to the news it would be hard not to realize that there is a significant movement going on propagated by the left to devalue human life. Not only are American concepts of freedom and a civil society under assault, but the very humane respect for life is under siege. Recently when Governor Cuomo of New York announced that the state will legalize full term abortion, the literal murder of newborn babies, there were shouts of pure joy and celebration! Going back to the Democratic National Convention of 2008 when the decision was being made to keep God in the verbiage of the party’s preamble there was actual loud disapproval by the outspoken voters on the floor. Fearful that there would be a backlash by voters there were three attempts to get approval to leave God in the Democratic Party’s mission statement to their constituents.


More and more we are seeing not only a secular view of policy urged by our lawmakers, but an anti-Christian sentiment that has become hostile. The television news channels, Democrat officials, and even the courts whose appointees were of Democrat administrations are taking a stance against moral conduct. The deliberate distortion of “Church and State” by the Democrats who have ordered the removal of the Ten Commandments from courthouse entrances, the public statements by such people as Barack Obama and Ruth Bader Ginsburg stating they have a problem with the US Constitution illustrates an ideology that challenges the norms and decency of an America that once proclaimed itself “One Nation Under God”.


As America is led further into the aegis of globalism, adopting international UN law over our own US Constitution and Bill of Rights, we are witnessing a literal mutiny against human rights, belief in God, and the ethics that are promoted from these concepts. When society legalizes the child being clinically liquidated fresh from the womb there is literally no refuge from the devaluing of human life and the undeniable orientation toward depopulation on a worldwide scale. It is based upon the false narratives of the typical “Save the Planet” “Finite Resources” “Save the wondrous animals” “Revert the planet back to wilderness” “There is no God” types of talking points continually used by the socialist advocates who seek to disrupt all we Americans and freedom loving people hold dear and sacred.

Refuting God

In his letter to the Danbury Baptists, Thomas Jefferson’s intent was to keep government out of the church but not to remove the church from government! Our founding fathers wanted the influence of the Christian church involved in lawmaking! Without the influence of morality they reasoned there would never be just and fair legislation. They were right!  Today’s government resists the imposition of morality to lawmaking. Vaccinations are made with the body parts of the unborn. A baby’s life can now be terminated right out of the womb on the due date, taxpayer funding of half a billion dollars a year facilitates 328 thousand abortions a year, and that is just from Planned Parenthood alone!


If the unborn have no refuge left. If human body parts can be sold like commodities, if vaccines and prescription drugs can be sold to the public for billions in profits as thousands of people die from side effects and poisonous additives in the drugs themselves, we are entering a progressively depopulation oriented society devoid of true humanitarian directive. Where does the rationale come from that condones this kind of conduct? What influence has made the conscience of a society so removed from compassion for its very own species? What has enabled current social conscience to accept the expendability of human life?

Negative programming

On TV we see the endless commercials about saving those poor mistreated animals, about making sure we sustain the environment, that illegal aliens are not the problem its people who feel that their government has a responsibility to protect its own citizens, that refugees who would rather not be in America are relocated here and even paid handsomely to live on our soil while our own children starve and our veteran soldiers go without proper medical care, this brainwashing campaign much stop! When ICE provides practically luxury treatment at their detainment centers for those violating our borders yet Americans would be brutally imprisoned for doing the same in a foreign country there has been a slip in the fabric of human reasoning. That absent minded double standard has been brought about by moral decay and the ideological brainwashing by the left-literally Communism at work destroying not only American society but human rights of its people.


If one were to examine the statistics of violent crime, drug abuse, alcoholism, theft, sexual abuse of children, and general lack of respect of opposing factions politically one could easily identify a savage reduction in moral decency, in tolerance, and in social harmony while discourse and conflict over the decades has increased exponentially. There is a clear distinction between the frequency of atrocity and the withdrawal from the church. It can easily be seen in the type of entertainment now available on Television and how it has become more and more radically influenced, less likely to add any parable or solicit the value of a truism with a teachable opportunity as was very common in family programming a few short years ago.

Lack of character

The dehumanizing aspect of a world driven by multinational corporations, adverse political views, and, preoccupation with self,  greedy materialism are the very calling cards of the progressive left, the globalist agenda, and the “no room for God” rationale that has made modern day decency a foreign concept. Kids learn to kill from the video games they watch. Multiculturalism is just another form of division within society rather than the realization that we are all Americans who should learn to get along with one another and acknowledge an allegiance to the nation we reside in. Yet, Communism, progressivism, leftist rationale don’t tolerate differences of opinion nor do they operate well in an environment of harmony instead they promote chaos and conflict in order to promote concepts that are unthinkable to the rational mind.

Adverse ideology

Marxism, Darwinism, Evolution, and scientific consensus do not work with a God centered society that emphasizes compassion, charity, and nationalism for the sake of the protecting the citizenry. There is no convenience or expediency in helping the weak and sick if we are to look to Darwinism and the idea of the survival of the fittest. If that were the case human beings would be even more ruthless and less compassionate than they are now! Morality would simply be an obstacle to such concepts as natural selection. Marxism is rebellion and the chaotic intentional breakdown of a society that does not embrace Communism. The family, the very foundation of any coherent society is to be disrupted in order to force rapid changes upon that culture destroying their unity and beliefs. Science replaces God because any socialist or fascist society can never have a wisdom of a higher order or a faith that rivals the dominance of the state! As Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB officer and propaganda agent once pointed out-people will not die for their government as readily as they will die for their Godly beliefs, in their faith and the promise of a better life that does not include that oppressive government.

Relevance of Godliness

America was not just made great by the separation of oceans, the rapid development of technology, or a successful economy. America prospered due to the goodwill of a Christian morality that extended that goodwill to other nations and people who wanted freedom and liberty. Why else would this nation have liberated the world twice in a single century spending billions to re-establish broken nations and starving masses of those defeated societies? Why would America have ever acted with compassion actually assisting in the revitalization of its former enemies it had just liberated the world from? Those courtesies never would have been extended to America by the enemies of the world had the US failed in liberation. That very difference in moral conduct and decency defined exactly why God influenced the best that we had to offer for ourselves and the world, but evil now threatens that once great pedestal upon which the United States once stood.




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Comment by Doc Vega on January 31, 2019 at 7:57am

Thanks Diana, but I am not talking about religion here. Religion is ritual. Faith, belief in a higher authority that advocates forgiveness and decency is a spiritual concept it's mot about money. There are good and decent missionary projects through out the world providing clean water, food, and housing to the poor while the UN funds war and Agenda 21! BIG DIFFEEENCE!

Comment by Doc Vega on January 31, 2019 at 7:54am

Thanks Raz Putin!

Comment by Marklar's Ghost on January 30, 2019 at 7:22pm

Anybody who cannot be moral and ethical without an authoritarian dictate which demands it whether that be a god or or some radical government, or any other faith based dictatorship is scarey as shit in my opinion. The wackjob religious right in the 80s was almost as bad as the current sjw freaks.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 30, 2019 at 6:58pm

The Hill reported:

The House Committee on Natural Resources is reportedly seeking to have the words “so help you God” removed from the oath recited by witnesses who testify before the panel, according to a proposal obtained by Fox News.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 30, 2019 at 6:05pm

Unfortunately, I believe organized religion has lost touch with God as well and has become nothing but a bunch of mega money-making enterprises with no interest in spiritual matters.

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