There comes a point in time where we have to stand up for something or fall for everything, even the absurd. I want to post these video's not for shock value but to show the world that this is what war looks like on both sides of the coin. Nobody ever said that the truth would be easy or never hurt, did they? This is a compilation of the casualties of war.
.....and this is what we are fighting for? So many innocent lives lost to kill an invisibile few? Something is wrong with this picture. So many people have gotten entangled and lost in the battles of religion, race, hatred ect...... over centuries and centuries of the same old I am your master and you will obey me mentallity. When will man rise up against this mass indignation? Love is the only answer to hate, war and injustice and when humanity realizes this they will take the thrown away from those that sit on top of the pyramid and thus the pyramid is no more.
Rich men start the wars.Poor men fight them.innocents suffer.something terribly's time to stop following and start leading.great post tara.cheers.
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