Image result for dan bongino

Democrat representative Ben. E. Thompson wants to pass a vote on a measure to pull the Secret Service protection of President Donald J. Trump should he be unrightfully sentenced to prison time in some penitentiary or state prison. Former Secret Serviceman, Dan Bongino, on his show mentioned how anywhere a former or acting Oval Office executive is scheduled to appear or hold a ma meeting, that particular location becomes federal government property under federally funded security which would be the responsibility of the Secret Service! At that point all possible threats are guarded against under tight security. No harm will be allowed to the President. When Dan mentioned what a logistical nightmare that running a Secret Service operation in a jail or prison would require great measures of re-allocated resources and a complete wing of such a facility used to ensure the safety of the Oval Office leader.

Image result for Ben E. Thompson black congressman

Without provocation

Dan served during the Obama Administration and even though, as he admits, he never agreed with anything the two idiots he was charged with protecting with his very life (Obama and Biden) but it was his job and he did it to the best of his ability as no US president should ever be allowed to be assassinated while in office of afterwards either. Well, apparently hearing the explanation of Secret Service procedure in securing a building or premises for the protection of a US former president, Ben E. Thompson took it upon himself to propose a bill that would strip all Secret Service protection for any dishonored former president or political office holder for being charged for crimes.

Those who deserved what was handed to the innocent

If this is the case, and under Obama and Joe Biden how America has suffered treason, pardoning of traitors who passed classified files to the enemy or deserted and collaborated with the enemy, Barack Obama who incited violence all over America over race relations whenever possible! Obama, who made despairing comments about the US Constitution and even threatened the Supreme Court justices if they didn’t pass legislation he was advocating. Obama, who cost US taxpayers billions over the Solyndra scandal, through the IRS scandal, through the murders of 2 Border Patrol Agents during he and AG Holder’s gun walking scheme. Obama, who disappeared for 13 hours while Americans lost their lives and the consulate in Benghazi, Libya was under siege and burned. The Obama, who pardoned John Lennon’s murderer! Barack Obama a man who made life worse for Americans and obstructed the US economy, never saw retribution that he would have deserved! Why was he not convicted, sentenced to prison, and a member of the Republican Congress proposing a motion to remove Obama’s Secret Service protection?

Image result for Trump with secret service detail

They are out to murdered our former President

The Democrats clearly don’t just want Donald J. Trump out of office and unable to run against them in 2024, but they want him murdered! With no Secret Service detail to guard him while in prison, if this abomination takes place, Trump would surely face genuine threats against his life with little chance of getting fair treatment. The Democrats have already proven they will murder people just ask Seth Rich who had been discovered leaking information from the DNC to the press. Oh! That’s right he’s dead! Shot in the back in the middle of the street without even his wallet being taken. That was a hit job!

Image result for Andrew Breitbart mudered

Victims of the Democrats before now

How about Andrew Breitbart, who promised he had the dope on Barack Obama that would expose him as a fraud and blow his chances for re-election? Well, Andrew who had a glass of wine at a neighborhood grill and then walked his dog homeward, suddenly collapsed at the curb just outside the establishment! Witnesses said a bright band of red encircles his forehead and scalp. The bartender who served him promptly disappeared. The Los Angeles coroner, Michael Cormier, who autopsied Breitbart’s body died from exposure to some powerful poison. Now was that any coincidence? No! Only the good old Democrat way pf eliminating inconvenient truths! So, now we know what these bastards have in store for Donald J. Trump Number 45 of US Presidents!

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Deadly implications!

If this unconscionable action takes place America will be in complete upheaval. Maybe the people will finally have had enough! Perhaps, it would be time for the other half of the nation to do exactly what the left and Democrats have been doing, burning down city districts and store fronts, assaulting police, brutalizing innocents in the wrong place at the wrong time. This would be a horrid ordeal and would lead to civil war, but would this also be within the Democrat playbook to invoke this scenario of outrage and then have the excuse to enact Emergency Powers and crack down with all the brute force of the ATF, FBI, US Marshalls, and whatever mercenaries they could muster as America finally becomes the dictator regime that they have wanted for so long? God in heaven please stop these evil minions of Satan!

Image result for Trump with secret service detail

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