We've let corporations run wild. We've decimated the government whose
function it was to regulate them in the public's interest. They've shifted a
very large pile of our money into the hands of the richest one percent of
Elite, and given you and your kids loads of government debt to pay off in
exchange. We've shipped your job off to China or India. We've completely
immunized all branches of your government from any form of influence other
than from rapacious plutocrats.
Let's be honest: We live in stunningly, jaw-droppingly, ridiculously absurd
political times.
Here's the story in a nutshell: A far-right predatory overclass has spent
the last thirty years undoing the hard-fought gains of the mid-twentieth
century, which had produced a robust middle class and vastly more economic
and social justice in Canada, America,and through out the world than any country had ever known before.
These regressives used every kind of deceit imaginable to persuade unsophisticated voters to choose candidates whose real agenda was to assist their puppetmasters in fleecing the very same people who voted for
Such candidates ran on issues like immigration, bogus
wars, gay marriage and abortion. But what they really were about as
legislators was exporting jobs to where workers are dirt cheap and
politically neutered, crashing organized labor, shifting the tax burden onto
the mass public, deregulating industry to allow unhindered profit-taking on
the upside and socialized public responsibility for risk on the downside,
and locking in a Supreme Court majority that would never blanch at even the
most outrageous rulings enhancing corporate power in American, Canadian, and other coutries society.
If the product of this slow and silent coup wasn't so bloody and so ruinous
to so many lives, you'd really have to hand it to these guys for their
political acumen and patience.
It took a while, and it required the building of a broad and robust infrastructure, spanning from mainstream media to talk radio and TV to think-tanks to every form of government and now to the political parties as well, but they
have pretty much completely succeeded in grabbing all the levers of power in
our society.
They dominate its discourse entirely, and they have been almost completely successful to date in securing all the elements of their legislative, regulatory and jurisprudential agenda, at least to this point
(how far they ultimately intend to go is scary)
Perhaps the only major exception to that rule was their 2005 failure to privatize the vast pool of public money sitting in the Social Security coffers, which they lust over lasciviously, like teenage boys inhaling online porn by the bucketful.
But don't worry there comming for that soon!
The product of these efforts has been precisely what one would expect.
Corporations and economic elites have grown fantastically more wealthy than
they already were thirty years ago.
Their tax liabilities are now negligible and sometimes less than zero. Massive national debt, the product
in part of those tax gifts to the rich, plus huge bills for interest on that
debt (this alone is one of the largest items in the federal budget each
year), is now owned by the mass public, who got nickels and dimes worth of
tax cuts, in exchange for which they will now have to literally work years
of their lives to pay down the taxes the rich escaped.
Working people, across the country get less and pay more for everything today.
College is becoming increasingly out of the financial reach of average citizen.
The minimum wage, which actually often isn't the minimum, is far from a
sustainable salary for one person, let alone a family.
As of 2004, the richest one percent of the elite possessed sixty percent of all wealth in the country, while the bottom forty percent accounted for a whopping
two-tenths of a percent.
And those figures are for six years ago, during what by current standards was flush times for working people.
Now jobs are disappearing, with the inevitable effect of driving wages down further, not to mention all the obvious effects on prosperity, security, health, mental health and sheer longevity.
Meanwhile, just the approach to regulation alone has produced three
monstrous attacks on society as a direct result.
First the recession-starting-to-become-a-depression and all its devastation, then the recent mining disaster, and now BP's WMD attack on the Gulf Coast states.
What all of these have in common is a government regulatory apparatus that
over time transitioned from a public service mission into deference to those
supposed to be regulated, and then from deference for the corporate sphere
into constituting a straight-out satellite office of the corporations themselves, literally having business supposed 'regulatees' fill out their own monitoring forms in pencil, to be inked in later by the planted shills in government.
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians, Americans, and other citizens of different countries have been wiped out by these actions and the public is paying for its own thrashing through bail-out funds.
I'm sorry, but in what sense is this not treason?
Okay, so far so bad.
Nothing particularly Alice-In-Wonderlandy or especially novel about rampant greed, is there?
But what's really bizarre to the point of being becoming a fully hallucinogenic experience that really should come under the supervision of the Controlled Substances Act is the effect that this has had on politics.
Could there ever be a moment when right-wing 'economics' have been so thoroughly and manifestly repudiated?
Could there ever be more overt examples of corporate greed?
Could the repercussions of these policy decisions ever more clearly have
wrecked the lives of economically insecure ordinary citizens?
No, no and no.
All this is as obvious and predictable as sunrise. And yet... here we find ourselves in this remarkable and remarkably absurd position where the folks who not only created this monster, who not only have worked assiduously to prevent any solutions to the destruction they've created for us to all enjoy, and who now also promise even more of the same - these very folks are poised to win resounding electoral victories because they own all the exsisting political parties in this exsisting system.
And the folks who will be voting for them will once again become victims of their
And the folks in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and so forth will be voting against - supposed socialist-fascists (whatever strange beast that would look like if it actually existed) - are in fact just about the most pro-plutocrat (someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth) government imaginable. But they're going to get stomped by voters for being socialists.
How on earth did this happen?
Well, to start with, it happened because it was intended to happen.
As described above, this is the product of a broad, concerted and patient effort by the radical right to capture and control all government, and it has worked remarkably well, especially when one considers the sheer amount of deceit required to pull it off.
It's like trying to sell a cocktail of Dirt Drink mixed with Sawdust Soda to a man dying of thirst.
But it can be done, and we know that because the process is now all but
I will use the US as an example, but don't worry I will not leave us canadian out of the picture. G20 in TO, should be a wake up call for all canadians, when undercover agents can cause damage, and new laws such as Public Works Protection Act in Ont that removed your rights.
Now an example in the US When even John McCain refers to Congress "the best government that money can buy" you know you're really hurting, and in big trouble.
In the White House, well he's staffed his economic team directly out of Goldman Sachs' boardroom, he bails out mega-banks one hundred cents on the dollar without even requiring that they loan money, he wrote a health care bill that forces thirty or forty million Americans to buy a product from bloated thieving insurance companies whether they want itor not, and he has dramatically increased spending on an already astonishingly distended military, while remaining essentially silent about (meager but essential) unemployment benefits right now in the process of terminating for millions of Americans. Yeah, baby - that socialist.
"Workers of the world unite" is definitely what they rap about at White
House cabinet meetings. Geithner, Summers, Gates - all those revolutionary
syndicalists can't talk it up enough.
Then they sing "The Internationale".
Clearly, the political branches of the US government have been fully
captured by monied elites.
Perhaps scariest of all, however, is the newly emboldened ultra-radical majority on the Supreme Court (that description is not reckless hyperbole used for effect - look at what they've done in cases like Bush v. Gore, Ledbetter and Citizens United, and watch what they do in the coming years - it will be astonishing in its scope, radicalism and hypocrisy).
After decades of histrionic lies about supposed objections to
judicial activism (what they really hated was the impudent offense of an
elite court handing down liberal decisions and siding with mere mortals in
American society, period), they have now kicked out the jambs to expand the
practical definition of the 'activism' term beyond all recognition.
Lori Blatt, former attorney in the Solicitor General's Office, put it best:
"They are fearless.
This is a business court. Now it's the era of the corporation and the interests of business."
No case underscored this tendency better than Citizens United, of course, where the regressive majority was so blatantly activist that they literally told the stunned
litigants to go home, come back in a month and reargue the case around a
far, far bigger question than was at stake for the parties involved, and
then sweepingly cast aside long existing law in order to blow blitzkrieg-size (Too big, too small Size does matter) breaches in the barriers that had previously controlled corporate influence of elections.
The only case that can rival this one for utterly transparent activism seeking a regressive outcome is Bush v. Gore, in which the right-wing bloc simultaneously violated three of their own cardinal tenets - judicial restraint, states' rights, and hostility to civil rights principles - in order to require vote counting be stopped (say what?!) and to crown the mentally deficient dauphin as king. It could
hardly be clearer that the Roberts Court ominously completes the troika of
the right-wing governmental coup.
But there are other reasons we're in this state, as well. Think about the new King
Barack Obama and the Democrats for a second, and then try applying Ms.
Blatt's phrase, "They are fearless", to those folks.
Now pick yourself up off the floor. Change the underwear you just soiled from laughing so hard.
Wring out the hanky you just soaked from sobbing so relentlessly.
Part of why we're in this mess is that elected polititions wouldn't know what guts
looked like if they were all board-certified gastrointestinal surgeons.
But, of course, to complain that "the people's party" lacks sufficient
courage of their convictions assumes that they have any.
The good news is that they do, as a matter of fact. The bad news, however, is that those convictions can be reduced neatly down to two: serving themselves and serving the nice folks who donate money to get them elected.
It's a bit of a problem when the gang who are meant to protect us from the crimes of the GOP are nearly indistinguishable from Cheney's thugs, apart from
Some Polititions are happy to give you a little kiss on the cheek before they screw you.
Other owned polititions prefer to just get on with the assault.
All of us under attack, through out the world by these thugs...but how much more are you will to take.
Then there's the media in this country which is, of course, beyond hopeless.
Your TV is brainwashing you!
Makes use on the dumb and curious on useless things example you wanna know whos Brad Pitt is dating or the real biggy that dominated the news Tiger woods affair..
Yep thats going to make your life better to know how many affairs he had..
Don't let the facts of corruption in government amuse you, no watch the brainwashijg crap they shove down your throught night and day.
Everything on television is designed for one thing and one thing only--to get you to watch commercials. Commercials are designed for one purpose and one purpose only--to get you to buy products.
There is a huge problem with television ...all across the content issue..
Please buy more TV`s do not raise your children to think, let the TV raise them for you. I mean the corporate elite that wants to enslave them into poverty work force, with no chance of any future.
A problem never taught or understood by the bulk of people who turn the boob tube on for entertainment purposes ..daily.
The word is "amusement" or amuse.
The word literally breaks down..in etymology.... a- without muse-thinking
without thinking.
Meaning amusement is what we do to keep from thinking.
Much of television is amusement to keep us from thinking on our own. Only to allow us to think along pre programed lines.
This is obvious to many today in the news formats presented. Or the standard programing along emotional lines.
When you begin the self thinking process you get insulted by much of what passes for "amusement " on the tube and begin the process of rabid channel surfing to find some programing worth your time.
Careful about movies..alot of this "amusement " is in movies too.
ok..enough of that for most of you ...
Just some information to get some of you with potential on the musing track ..and away from amusements. AKA...ignorance is bliss.
Watching Rachel Maddow the other month throwing a few medium-speed hardballs at Rand Paul only served to remind me just how rare it is for any of these pathetic hacks to actually do their job, as opposed to doing the cash-driven bidding of those in power, especially tough-guy polititions who must get
plenty of laughs out of how easy it is to bully the Washington press
whores - er, sorry, I mean press corps.
There's nothing quite so self-made as the disasters of Election 2000 and the Iraq invasion of 2003, and the absence of any sort of serious media scepticism in those cases simply illustrates how utterly worthless the press truly are.
Except, of course,as excellent public relations specialists for plutocrats. These days it seems like the only outlet doing anything approaching serious journalism is Real News, bloggers, Democracy Now, Rolling Stone,and few more out there.
The loss of real journalism is a threat to democracy.
As to what it says about society and journalism that you have to wade through cover photos of Lady Gaga's full-on unclad posterior to find out the lies our government is telling us, well, I'll leave that to you.
But clearly the neutering of the obedient profit-motivated media has worked
spectacularly. One of the key fronts in this class warfare conducted by the
wealthy has been with respect to framing.
For three decades now, all we've heard is how government is a screw-up and
how heroically efficient are the captains of industry in the private sector.
The way regressives trash our own government in a democracy would certainly
have seemed traitorous in another day.
Just imagine if you said the same things about the military, which seems to miraculously escape the right's attention as the biggest and most famously wasteful government bureaucracy of all.
Moreover, looking back over Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, not just a small bit of the curtain has been pulled back from the notion of the military's supposed infallibility.
It's been two-thirds of a century since the United States won a big war against a serious adversary, and even then the Russians actually won they did the heavy lifting, at least in Europe.
Somehow we never hear much about big, incompetent government in that context, though.
But, hey, forgive my little flight into logical analysis there. We really
cannot have that in these times.
For a minute there, I forgot to forget.
It won't happen again, Mr. O'Brien, I assure you. From now on, up is down,
black is white, war is peace, government is bad and corporations are
purveyors of Happy Meals (happy, that is, unless you happen to be a cow,
like having small businesses around, have a problem with obesity, don't want
your planet to catch fire, or object to the creation of massive great lakes
full of animal waste).
Yep, big business is good! That's why we need to apologize to BP for our government "shaking them down" and forcing them to be slightly-barely-kinda-nominally-sorta responsible for their ecological and economic epic disaster in the Gulf.
Get it?
But the other sad truth is that, at the bottom of this roll call of nefarious predators - under every Cheney and Obama and Brian Williams and Lloyd Blankfein doing (his green) god's work, is a great big stinking pile of yahoos better known as "Us".
We'll vote for any of these exsisting parties because we utterly lack the intellectual curiosity to investigate other options.
We'll vote for the lesser of the evil because we're greedy and lazy and willing to step on anyone's throat to get our little slice of prosperity back.
We'll vote as if we weren't only two years ago just absolutely counting down
every second until the previous government packed up and left town and took your hard earned cash and gave it to the bankers.
You know, the truth its starring you right in the face, and you still give away your freedom.
But I have just one question for my fellow canadians, before they step into
that voting booth.
The truth is that what ails us now is exactly what y'all have been voting for over the last three decades.
The truth is that if you vote for any of these ownd political parties it will all only get worse.
The truth is that you're living the regressive dream just now, right as we speak.
We've let corporations run wild. We've decimated the government whose
function it was to regulate them in the public's interest.
We've shifted a very large pile of your money into the hands of the richest one percent of the elite, and given you and your kids loads of government debt to pay off in exchange.
They've shipped your job off to China or India.
We've completely immunized all branches of your government from any form of influence other than from rapacious plutocrats.
So my question is, fellow Canadians, now that we've all had a nice heaping
helping of what regressive politics means for us real people down here below
the stratosphere,
"How's that recessioney, oily thing working out for ya?"
BC residents informing other BC citizens of a new political party for the people,, called BC Refed,,, veto power to the people,,, we can no longer trust our political system in hand we need to implement direct democracy, so the people have final say on all matters that effect us everyday,, from job losses,, and continued corporate owned mass media, polititions,,well the rest of the citizens are trampled
I am asking you to inform friends and family about the BC Refed
"Destroying the New World Order"
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