This Is For All The Dolts That Think They're 'Awake - You're NOT

To All Living and Breathing Men, Women and red blooded Americans wh...

I am writing to you, to let you know that We THE People are in charge — if you did not know this.  It is time that We THE People who are the Civilian Authorities stand and be recognized as the true government of our great SOVEREIGN NATION that it truly is.  
We stand for
·        NO CABAL (Nazi–4th Reich)
·        NO Corporate Governments (USA INC, UNITED STATES, INC., US, all incorporated departments, etc.)
·        NO more Admiralty Law within our borders as we occupy and hold claim to the land.
·        NO more TAXES (Money received from tariffs can run the government and did for many years)
·        NO IRS or ATF (both corporations, the IRS & ATF merged)
·        NO more WORD PLAY (adhesion contracts = one sided contracts which are illegal & unlawful and is the bases of all CORPORATE contracts, US vs. USA, Employee & Employer are IRS terms for taxation, National = free man vs. Citizen = slave, Public Servant = lawful term, people are the government vs. Public Official = (i.e.) corporate term, people are the slave )
·        NO more Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC1-xxx)
·        NO more United States Codes (1- 50),
·        NO non-natural born American men or women working in public office (Both parents have to be American’s who were/are naturally born in America)
·        NO BAR attorneys, including “NO, I just quit the BAR” (a members club only) to hold public office (No one who has or had a title of nobility can hold any public office)
·        NO WAR (losing our son’s and daughter’s in the pursuit of wealth for bankers and corrupt politicians)
·        NO more Racially slanted comments of any fashion by Media, including ‘entertainment’ or Politicians/Public Officials at any level.
·        NO more Racially slanted protests paid for by any person or group (George Soro’s, Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, etc.) or the like.
·        NO more Election fraud (Bush Jr & hanging chads, Obama with 115%-125% of population voting including the dead, or same name in multiple precincts, illegal aliens allowed to vote)
·        NO more MEDIA opinions, getting back to reporting the news without slants and biases, just the provable facts.
·        NO more Poverty to control people for their votes for a Politician’s own purpose or personal gain.
·        NO more pollution, total environmental respect with ethical controls put in place and enforced.
·        NO more hoarding technology that can save our living and breathing men and women, our planet, plants, animals, water, fish, etc.
·        NO more GMO poison into our food (Bayer buying Monsanto so they cannot be sued, WTF?)
·        NO more control of our Country by the Vatican and minions with their Corporate Rules and Fraud Court Systems.
·        NO more President, Vice President, Chairman, Chief Executive’s, including Operational Officers being allowed to promote corruption in any form and evade responsibility (Pope’s July 2013 Moto P?)
We cannot continue as is, simply said, we have had enough of the corporations, their lies, deceit, and unlawful control over us.
Our Forefathers gave us many forms of government such as Northwest Ordinance, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights which represents the people, aka Republic form of government.  Some hundreds of years later, THE People were blindsided and fraud gently took advantage of us by special groups who subtly stole our GOD given RIGHTS from us for their sole purpose of controlling us as slaves for their own gains. 
We THE People are calling you out to clean up our country, our government, our banking system, and our borders and stop this corruption now!
We THE People do not recognize the word-play or shadow-chasing that currently exist on the internet by disinformation and we do not recognize that a foreign country can tell us who will be President.
You want the Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset – Debt Forgiveness to take place, then do it, quit talking about it.  Meetings are not just talking and do nothing other than talking – strategize – execute which means action.
Military, do you remember, General Order 100?  Each corporate administration keeps renewing this order every two years and with that, you keep your position as boss over the occupied country aka America with your Government Services in place today aka Washington DC.  It is time to end this rain of terrorist actions upon the people of American. It is time to stop this corruption in politics and all forms of government.
We have had enough of talk, it’s time for action to protect the good men and women in America.  We THE People,have been telling you we have had enough by all the groups that work on restoring the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, you the MILITARY needed to stand up and support the people. We have more souls working on restoring the Constitution and Bill of Rights today than they did in the Revolutionary War. 
So, We THE People, who are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the MILITARY to remove all USA, INC – UNITED STATES, INC etc. corporate politicians from Washington DC in all branches of Executive, Legislative and Judicial which include all those actors or private contractors and shut down these foreign corporations, pretending to be our government, immediately !!!!  
We THE People, who are the Civilian Authorities do hereby authorize the release of Global Currency Revaluation & Global Reset – Debt Forgiveness to take place right now as prescribed by law.  
We THE People

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Comment by Less Prone on October 26, 2016 at 3:01pm

Waiting for a perfect candidate to appear will take forever, and letting HRC in the WH would be a disaster. Only Donald Trump has what it takes to make any meaningful change.

Comment by truth on October 26, 2016 at 12:23pm

@DR The enemies of freedom, safety and health  stand together united against this man making it to the white house. As such,  so should we, be united, against a common threat.

Comment by truth on October 26, 2016 at 12:11pm
There seems to be a comment from yesterday here gone missing ...hmm. @AE like you I do not worry about offending people, For others reading this, I dont consider myself a leader here just the only person who stuck around long enough to see this place continue to exist.
Comment by Darrell Rowlands on October 26, 2016 at 11:38am
In the 2012 election I did not vote because "Obamney" was the same choice. There was no difference between them, just as there was no difference between McCain and Obama in 2008, or between Bush and Kerry in 2004, or between Bush and Gore in 2000, or between Clinton and Dole in 1996, or between Bush and Clinton in 1992. Third party candidates like Ross Perot in 1992 and Ron Paul in 2008 were guaranteed to lose in a first-past-the-post system. Your vote for president has meant nothing, for at least 24 years, and probably since 1980!

But this year is different. This year, there IS an actual difference between the candidates. This year, you can vote for someone who is not a war criminal. This year, you can vote for someone who isn't a member of the Jesuits, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, or Bohemian Grove. That man is Donald Trump and he deserves a vote. He has overwhelming support here in Pennsylvania. There are Trump signs everywhere. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Hillary the War Criminal must be stopped. There has probably never been a more important election in American history.
Comment by Anti Everything on October 26, 2016 at 3:32am

Well 'Truth' your humiliation of me is complete. Your bombastic point made. I would be real sad if I was interested in managing your website, however, fortunately I am not. As a 'leader' some strife was tossed out there and NOT at you personally - and you got butt sore. Leader TEST -You failed

Comment by truth on October 24, 2016 at 11:30am

@AE Funny, you picked up on my admin point.  I was considering asking you to be an 12160 admin for some time. The admin work isn;t for everyone, that is clear, How one reacts to a little strife thrown their way shows everything. Test failed.

Comment by Less Prone on October 24, 2016 at 10:02am

The Maine republic email alert is valid but your position of not voting is overtly idealistic and not practical at the moment. It will only lead to selection of the worst imaginable president (HRC) and continuation of the decay of America. How probable do you see a meaningful majority of the population not to vote? And then what?

Comment by Anti Everything on October 24, 2016 at 7:02am

Name calling? I am unable to understand why your "admin" feeling are so hurt. But just keep shining that "sunshine" if that makes you feel more superior and less offended. I am not the only one on this (your) web site that understands what I have posted and then commented on.

Comment by truth on October 22, 2016 at 5:12pm
Sorry, no emails for me re this. I like public sunshine on my comments here being an admin.. The title of your blog generated the comment, and I am not offended, just sick of the "I know better blogs" . Is not the name calling implication here you are awake and others are not?
Comment by Anti Everything on October 22, 2016 at 4:12pm

I am never worried about offending people in this day and age. Your "wow" moment and the concluding statement are finger pointing and judgemental but since I can only assume "your efforts" I will not speak into that. You have no idea what my purpose or "effort" is until you ask me. If you or anyone else is offended by my freedom to speak from my 60 years of life, three wars, several hundred thousand air miles and 50 countries traveled then to bad.

If, from now on, you would like to challenge me please do so in a private manner using this website and a note to my 'in box'. An intelligent conversation is welcomed and appreciated.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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