We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.
           -Maya Angelou

                             Not to asphyxiate this post with quotes but, the German poet Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe once stated, "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." As I walk upon the intransigent path that is the truth movement, prone to a pedantic and rancorous observation of the world I survey, the chase for cogency becomes a lonely one. One can not digest the fact that man or woman can give their lives to administering a cosmic panacea to cure the ills of the world we inhabit. The fight that I struggle to sustain is not one that I chose; it chose me! It procures my soul and satiates me to the point where I can live off justice as my only source of nutrition; it may sound hyperbolic or superfluous, but its true.

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Comment by Exposure on January 23, 2012 at 6:31pm

I hope you don't mind, but I find your quote; “The fight that I struggle to sustain, is not one that I chose; it chose me!” - is a classic, so plastered it all over the internet...acredited to you of course!

Comment by Exposure on January 23, 2012 at 6:29pm

Nice one Justin...

Comment by Justin A Horne on January 23, 2012 at 5:56pm

@Trapped in a Masonic World: Right on brotha! You summed it up quite well.

Comment by Exposure on January 23, 2012 at 5:31pm

To walk alone...to take the road that’s chosen you, is perhaps because you’ve personally experienced injustice in the world, whereas the vast majority have either witnessed it or read about second hand.  I been on the receiving end of police brutality, miscarriages of justice, and even framed for a crime I never committed, despite serving a year on remand in prison, and getting the shit kicked out of me by the police, - so I like you, did not chose to walk alone, as it’s our life experiences that determined that lonely road for us. 

Though saying that, we far from alone, because there are many more of us, who too have suffered injustices throughout their lives, - and our voices are getting louder by the day.  However my friend, this is what we are up against, for it is the mere fact, that all our governments and their related bodies, i.e. the police and legal system in general, are ran and controlled by members of secret societies.  So technically we can protest until we’re blue in the face, occupy every government building and street in town if we don’t address this fundamental problem.

I was an early voice in recommending ‘Occupy Camps’, when Brain Haw was still alive, I’ve long advocated we need more of his kind, and should do exactly what the ‘Occupy Camps’ are now doing today, I still do advocate this style of protest, as it’s the best and most effective, though this crucial issue of members of secret societies, also being able to serve in our governments and their related bodies, - has to be part of the agenda, as it’s the only true and possible way to gain such a negotiating tool; that the government will have to listen to.   - See following comment;

Comment by Exposure on January 23, 2012 at 5:29pm

[Continuation of above comment] - Though here’s the problem, and why many of us do walk alone, as despite many of them knowing I am talking the truth they can’t handle it, - as too many people know, or have friends of a friend, and or members of their own families are members of these kinds of secret societies I am referring to.  Many are worried it might affect their own jobs or positions if they were to be seen backing such a cause, or in fact the reason why they might disagree on such a proposal and ban in the first place.   

    It’s quite revealing, but there is definitely more support for these kinds of secret societies within the middle-classes, then say that of the masses, whom many are completely unaware of the fact, that those “ordinary” people whom run and control our local villages, towns and cities, are virtually all members of the same secret society.  

     And here’s why all other protests are virtually a waste of time, if you do not consider what this ban and cause proposes; as say for example the US government was to ever give-in to public pressure and grant a public inquiry.  Well, it goes without saying it would be yet another whitewash and sham of an inquiry, headed by carefully selected candidates, - and like that of the Iraq Inquiry in the UK, or the inquiry into death of WMD - Dr. Kelly, and this is the ‘sole reason’, - as how on earth can we have members of secret societies, investigating other members of the very same secret society? It’s clearly never worked in the interest of the people, and why we cannot allow this charade to carryon unchallenged.


If you are like me and the others who have felt compelled to joined this cause; and feel like Justin when he said; “The fight that I struggle to sustain, is not one that I chose; it chose me!”, - then do join us, this might not be the precise solution, and why we need groups of educated, open minded, spiritual and above all; truth seeking individuals, that can come together on this issue, and from the most widest spectrum of concerned individuals from all around the world.  - JOIN THE CAUSE – Based on compassion, love and unity for real transparency in our governments and courts of justice, - we want and need  to live in a world fit the 21st century - not trapped in circa 1776, - give light and awareness to all – not the few! -  http://www.causes.com/causes/643665-ban-members-of-secret-societies...

Comment by Marklar on January 22, 2012 at 4:34pm

First sentence compliment - second sentence cheesy joke with no intent except to entertain.

Comment by Justin A Horne on January 22, 2012 at 1:41pm

@Marklar: I don't know whether that is an insult or a compliment...but thanks anyway. @Burbia: Good looks homie and I love Jurassic 5. Chali 2na definitely gets busy.

Comment by Burbia on January 22, 2012 at 1:18pm

yeah, i like this. intransigent is like the only word  i'm unsure of. none the less a great collection of words conveying a  message akin to 'wisdom is a journey no one can take for you'.  challi 2na is dope too...

Comment by Marklar on January 22, 2012 at 8:17am

Nice. Always great to see original content being posted.

If you ever decide to write under a nom de plume perhaps Tyrannathesaurus Rex would be appropriate.

Comment by Exposure on December 11, 2011 at 3:02pm

It's all good folks...

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