Truthers Told They Are Not Welcome At Beck's 9.12 Tea Parties
By Harry Thomas
April 15th 2010
The tea party in Syracuse, New York on tax day 2010 was much smaller than tea parties in the past. Only a couple hundred people at best showed up at the federal building in downtown. Most of the people present were members of the CNY 9.12 movement. There was a definite us and our attitude in the air as I was asked several times "are you one of us?" and "are you with us?” At first I didn’t quite understand what the meaning of that was but low and behold it wasn't very long before I found out exactly what they meant by it all.
Right from the get go I was approached by other protesters and we did engage in some "small talk" and I heard stories from folks that attended the Washington 9.12 movement that was popularized by Fox's political pundit Glenn Beck . Besides the usual Beck worshippers, also in attendance were Sarah Palin groupies. The crowd went wild when there was an announcement that Nancy Pelosi is to make an appearance at one of "their" events next month in Ithaca , NY. This writer was physically nauseous at the thought that so many people thought it was a good thing. The false left / right paradigm was definitely alive and well at this tax day event.
There was one attendee that was doing a live radio show at the event. His name was Gary Nolan a former presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party who is now on the air with his new show on WLTI "Big Talker" 105.9 in Syracuse, New York, between 4-7pm. He did put me on the air live for a few minutes as I was able to explain briefly what the difference between a democracy and a republic was and expound upon the importance of the constitution and bill of rights. I also pointed out live on the air that Obama cares nothing of his oath to uphold the constitution and that it was really sad since he is a constitutional lawyer that doesn’t seem to know anything about that document. Mr. Nolan agreed with me. There was allot of media covering this event.
Shortly after the event started we started to experience rain, the podium was turned around so that the people could get off the sidewalk and under the overhang of the federal building. I stood my ground and had my back to the podium speakers so that my sign that read "restore the republic” could still be seen easily by the downtown rush hour traffic. It was at this point a woman standing next to me said to me "I'm going to block that truther" I said to her "what do you mean ?". She replied by pointing out a guy on the other side of me saying "him I'm going to block him from getting any exposure from the media". She continued to go on saying to me "people like him should not piggyback off of our movement". She said there was no place at the tea party for an issue such as 911. The guy she was referring to is a fellow I've met at other tea parties and protests named Michael. Michael was holding a sign with two bumper stickers on it, one said 911 was an inside job and the other said Before I knew it she and he were having a verbal confrontation. He was very upset and verbal about his right to free speech. She had told him he didn’t belong there. I pulled my camera phone out but it took me a bit to find the video mode and caught only the end of the confrontation. The phone camera only allowed 15 second increments and by the time I "reloaded" it was over. Michael was continually being harassed by the folks in orange shirts that read CNY 9.12. He was brave and viciously held his ground and I tried to make sure there was some sort of recorded media ready if things turned violent. Fortunately the only thing that was hurt was people’s feelings. The back of Michaels sign said "Ron Paul 4 Pres". Ironically at one point a young man in a Rand Paul shirt confronted him and was vehemently defending the official 911 story and the argument between the two got very heated. Immediately people swarmed over and the cameras were out and running. One thing that stood out for me was a woman turned to me and said "it sure is strange that a Ron Paul supporter and a Rand Paul supporter are in such a heated debate “. I have to admit it was indeed quite strange.
There was a very strong “us and them” feeling at this event and at one point a woman walked up to me accompied by 3 other people and said to me "are you a plant?" I was taken aback at the question and I responded "what do you mean by that?”. She then said "a plant, you know are you with the other side?" I sarcastically replied "the other side of what?” She immediately said "are you one of our enemies?" I laughed and said that I was not an enemy and asked for further clarification as to why she would ask me such a thing. She said she suspected I was planted by the government to report to the media that the 9.12ers were a threat to the government. I replied that I was certainly not a plant and that I believed the opposite was true pointing out that the government seemed to be a threat to the people not the other way around. I then briefly talked about the MIAC report and other DHS documents that demonized people who supported Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and those who support the Constitution. I was wearing a Ron Paul Hat and a Tyranny Response Team Shirt that was modeled after the same colors the FBI use (Blue with Yellow Letters) one that I bought from
I usually leave the tea party events feeling that maybe people are finally waking up and that humanity just might have some hope after all. Today the opposite held true. I left with a feeling of despair and sadness. For the future of mankind lies here in the balance. I have truly come to realize what a great danger Glenn Beck's infiltration of the tea party movement is and how shallow and close-minded his followers really are. After all it was Ron Paul Supporters like myself that started the "tea party" movement and now we are being told that we don’t belong there and that we are the "plants". It truly is a shame and it serves as a reminder that anything that comes out of the main stream media and the elite establishment that runs it cannot and should not be trusted. It is my observation that this country is in worse shape than any of us previously thought. If anyone thinks things are bad now you better watch out because the worse is yet to come. God help us all.
Harry Thomas is an independent talk show host and researcher his work can be found at . Harry is also a strong supporter and contributor of Fearless Broadcasting which can be found at
Harry Thomas @ Tea Party On 4-15-10 Front Sign
Harry Thomas @ Tea Party On 4-15-10 Back Sign
The "orange shirt" Beck People (organizers)
Gary Nolan (talk show host and former libertarian presidential candidate)
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Harry Thomas
"Destroying the New World Order"
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