During the two terms of one President Barack Obama we saw more damage done to the US Constitution and the federal justice system than perhaps at any time in US history. Why? It seems the vision of our Four Fathers that the three branches of government would negate any undue advantage of a particular political party and cause an influx of damaging legislation was defeated. With unpatriotic Democrats in a majority in Congress, an unpatriotic Democrat president (Barack Obama), and Obama appointed activist judges, America was under siege.
Undermining our society
Of all of the intentional social engineering and deficit spending going on, we saw the ground work laid for the present overwhelming asymmetric warfare that is currently underway. Is it possible for any nation to survive treason from within? We are now struggling with that malaise now! The outcome is uncertain as evil has been allowed to infiltrate our ranks. Leftist radicals have been allowed to outflank conservative standards. One can only ask why it was allowed to get this far. When Americans finally understand that there’s nowhere else to go and they better think about defending the only land of freedom left, it may be too late.
On behalf of the murderer
President Obama keen to break the law whenever possible and undermine our Constitution whenever it served his anti-American needs, made three disgusting pardons that should have shocked the nation and called into question who the loyalty of a president was really to, was it our enemies or to the American people, but the media failed to ask that question. The three betrayals of the nation and of Americans you will see, and wonder how it was allowed to happen.
Uplifting a deserter
Bowe Bergdahl, a US Army foot soldier deserted his position at the front lines in Iraq. Five of his buddies ventured into dangerous enemy territory to recover their comrade, who really wasn’t a comrade at all. After deserting his position Bergdahl, sought out the enemy and surrendered. That was bad enough but not only did Bergdahl seek out the enemy but he also gave them information crucial to the ground war in Iraq. Months later Obama’s State Department proudly announced that they has negotiated a deal for Bergdahl’s release. The Obama White House offered the Muslim Brotherhood five of their captured leaders in exchange for the US Army deserter who had gotten five buddies killed who had searched for him. The five former leaders of the Islamic forces went right back to conducting terrorist operations and killing American troops.
Unbelievable defiance of due process
What did Bowe Bergdahl get for desertion and treason? His mom and dad were brought in front of the cameras by the Obama White House and his parents honored! His dad was a protester to the war. Shortly after being released from the Brig for the short time he was there Bowe Bergdahl was involved in a marijuana bust in which he was arrested! Bergdahl was released shortly after that. Where in the hell is justice in this country?
Democrats don’t enforce the Espionage Act
The next pardon of an outright traitor was that of formerly Bradley Manning now the transitioned she male Chelsea Manning was caught passing off classified documents to the Jihad forces that probably resulted in the deaths of many who were in roles of secrecy hidden from within sensitive intelligence files. Why? Well, it seems Chelsea got in a hissy fit with his lover and so decided he would pass off sensitive documents to an enemy who would surely use this information against American and its allied forces! While Chelsea Manning was in prison, which was not long, he received sex reassignment surgery at the expense of the American taxpayer! So, for violating the Espionage Act, Chelsea Manning got free surgery and a pardon from President Obama! Where in the hell is American justice. Years ago a military tribunal would have convened and a court martial and execution would have resulted!
John’s last moments on earth
Last but not least was the pardon of one Mark David Chapman. Having signed into the Dakota Apartment grounds a short time before John Lennon and Yoko Ono arrived at the property, Mark Chapman waited with ill intent. Wanting to be John Lennon and fantasizing being the former famous Beatle, Chapman decided the only way to attain that fame and stardom was to murder John Lennon. As John with Yoko alongside him strolled along the sidewalk, Chapman called out Lennon’s name to which John turned to see who was calling out to him. Chapman fired five slugs from his concealed 38 Caliber snub nosed pistol. All shots entered John’s chest. The former famous Fab Four guitarist and singer hung on for a few minutes until paramedic team arrived before he expired.
A corrupt Democrat legal system
Chapman during his trial was determined to be mentally unfit to answer for charges of murder and was remanded to a mental hospital. After more than twenty years in the asylum, President Obama, in his typical respect for the murderer and criminal, pardoned Mark David Chapman, who years later held a live concert in New York City that no one attended. He had been allowed into the custody of his parents. More and more we are seeing Democrat governors, mayors, prosecutors, and judges hand down unbelievable verdicts and judgements that hinge on the evil and insane. Today the murderer gets the sympathy of the court and the victim has no recourse what so ever. Can America survive the treason from within?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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