In this spirited and impassioned episode of the podcast, host UnLearn reflects on the Not Guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, it's subsequent national backlash and the Trayvon Martin tragedy as a whole. UnLearn also calls the Truth movement and White America at large, to task for their dismissal of racism in America and goes on to break down how the elite's plan to enslave world has been tested on Black people first.
UnLearn also covers the increased militarization of American police departments, the implications of the Detroit Bankruptcy, Bohemian Grove, facial recognition scanners being use with credit cards and the culture of death in the Black community. Definitely an episode you don't want to miss...
Just read the article, there are a few points that differ from the Trayvon Martin case, but make all the difference in the world.
1. The group of kids were actually doing something wrong. They were breaking in to his home. Trayvon Martin was simply walking home.
2. Roderick Scott was NOT told by 911 NOT to pursue the men, as Zimmerman was told when he said he was going to follow Martin.
3. After Scott shot the young man, he was immediately arrested. It did not take 45 days, nationwide media exposure and protest to bring charges against him, as was the case with Zimmerman.
This article conveniently leaves these facts out. It's important that we take in to account these subtle nuances to get the full picture as to why these two cases are different.
Lastly, the amount of black men getting away with the murder of white children is DRAMATICALLY and OVERWHELMINGLY smaller than the amount of white men getting away with the murder of black children.
Again, I understand how the media is manipulating this situation for their own agenda, but let's not act dismiss racism as some fraudulent creation, that doesn't have a long and proven history that effects the American psyche up to present day.
Sura 9:1-6 says:
A (declaration) of immunity from God and His Apostle, to those of the pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances. Go ye, then, for four months backwards and forwards (as ye will) throughout the land, but know ye that ye cannot frustrate God (by your falsehood), but that God will cover with shame those who reject Him. And an announcement from God and His Apostle, to the people (assembled) on the day of the great pilgrimage – that God and His Apostle dissolve (treaty) obligations to the pagans. If, then ye repent, it were best for you. But if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate God. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject faith. (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term, for God loveth the righteous. But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war). But if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them.
Yep read them.
Question is it not true that the later over rides the former?
Sorry not attacking just trying to understand. Wouldn't even bother to ask if I had no respect for your thoughts!
Also, regarding tolerance in the Qur'an. Here are some chapters and passages I'm sure you overlooked:
2:256 | There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. |
109:1 | Say: O unbelievers! |
109:2 | I do not serve that which you serve, |
109:3 | Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve: |
109:4 | Nor am I going to serve that which you serve, |
109:5 | Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve: |
109:6 | You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion. |
2:62 | Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. |
These are just some of many, not to mention examples in the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Black George Zimmerman the Media Doesn't Want You to Know About
Unlearn, You seem very smart. I'm interested in your thoughts!
Wow! I just logged on and read all these comments. I appreciate the feedback all the thoughts shared. Again, I chose this episode to vent on something I was seeing in the datasphere, where people were being dismissive about the on going perpetuation of racism in our country. I also spoke on what Black America needs to do to improve their own communities. I completely understand how the white poor and working class don't have access to the white privileged perceived by minorities and I am sensitive to that, at the same time, I do think it's important for poor and working class white American to understand the historical context of black outrage to develop more empathy. Peace to you all. Thanks for listening...
Yes, the whole program, I listened to it all.
I know this is not a hiphop song but it's a good one :)
"Destroying the New World Order"
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