Video: Shadow Government (full movie)

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Comment by truth on January 6, 2013 at 6:07pm
Comment by graeme sutherland on March 9, 2010 at 6:37pm
I really enjoyed it, even though I had heard most of it before, but then again this is my pet subject, I did like what he said about the bible though, being written outside and before history in a prophetic totally accurate way.... never thought about that before but it's so true I knew it was not of this world and had a supernatural feeling about it Unlike most people who pre judge the books based on trendieness etc I have actually read it, yes the full Bible.
Comment by I811st on March 9, 2010 at 10:26am
Just realized I had an old interview with Grant Jeffery on Coast to Coast AM from December 14, 2009....
Comment by Yancy Docq on March 9, 2010 at 1:45am
Im agreeing with Jeff. I loved the movie, in every aspect, except the religion part, i think they went abit too far, and actually turned me off about it, well, only a little bit, good thing it was at the end. Other then that, i loved it.
Comment by Jeff on March 9, 2010 at 1:17am
Do you believe all of this Alastair? End of times predictions?
Comment by Alastair Carnegie on March 9, 2010 at 12:27am
Check out "Christian Eschatology" in Wikipedia,
if one is looking for information on end times. Also the Catholic Encyclopedia has an excellent article on 'eschatology'
The conclusion is very pertinent, Quote:-

The Consummation of All Things

"There is mention also of the physical universe sharing in the general consummation (2 Peter 3:13; Romans 8:19 sqq.; Revelation 21:1 sqq.). The present heaven and earth will be destroyed, and a new heaven and earth take their place. But what, precisely, this process will involve, or what purpose the renovated world will serve is not revealed. It may possibly be part of the glorious Kingdom of Christ of which "there shall be no end". Christ's militant reign is to cease with the accomplishment of His office as Judge (1 Corinthians 15:24 sqq.), but as King of the elect whom He has saved He will reign with them in glory forever. "

The present heaven and earth will be destroyed!....That is about as drastic as it is possible to get. remember that the 'heavens' contain hundreds of billions of Galaxies. so that represents a reasonably large 'destructive event'. Planet Earth is just a tiny spec orbiting an insignificant little star in the outer arm of an insignificant Galaxy. Earth's destruction will hardly matter, given the size of the Universes destruction.
Comment by truth on March 7, 2010 at 2:17am
Thanks 18, I swapped out the videos for yours.
Comment by chicagooutlaw1 on March 6, 2010 at 5:15pm
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..
Comment by chicagooutlaw1 on March 6, 2010 at 12:49pm
Fear not, my fellow patriots. As a close friend of mine told me recently who worked for one of the alphabet soup agencies, we are armed to the teeth in this country, more so now than ever, and they are cognizant of that. The prevailing attitude with those services is not so much slipping more into the current fascist oligarchy as it is into anarchy. As the saying and bromide goes, " The people get the government they deserve." We are broaching the "Government gets the people they deserve".
Comment by SueW on March 6, 2010 at 5:11am
Note: I knew about this years ago when we could have done something about it. I even tried to bring it to the attention of an attorney I thought would care about it, in the 1980's (when things were not this bad) and she blew me off even though I proved that anyone could get hold of our address etc. In the early 2000's we got a legislator to back a bill which would at least, take a name search available to anyone on the web in our state off a state government site and a couple of business persons got up and said taking this name search off would make it "inconvenient" for business people who want to sell you something. The stupid committee acquiesced to the business people and the bill was not allowed to go to the legislature! (and I made a good presentation as a computer professional trying to point out the dangers of this type of thing). I'm done. No one listened when we could do something and now, every move we make we are watched, monitored etc. The only protection is, our anonymity - i.e. they are not going to bother about 'the man on the street' but to be any type of a celebrity now... forget it. The newspaper wanted to interview me a couple of times and I told them I wanted to give them my maiden name because of security reasons - they said I had to give them my real name... I told them they cannot interview me. Our whole society is now dependent on the computers which store all our info and are monitoring us. Wished they had made a movie like this years ago when we could have done something about it. :(

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