Want Proof That America Has Been Compromised From Within by Traitors?

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In the two months’ time there have been 2 assassination attempts upon Donald Trump. Just a few months ago the entire line up of mainstream media news outlets, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, CBS and ABC all called for stopping Donald trump before he could take office saying, “He needed to be taken out.” They repeated that exact terminology over and over again! Where is it in the supposed beacon of freedom’s news services does it say that a cable channel or TV news service can actually make threats against the life of a presidential candidate, particularly a former US President? When is that considered news, or for that matter the duty of a news network unless they are subversive or foreign enemy owned?

Image result for Democrats call ofr Trump to be taken out


The Democrats just incidentally also mouthed those same remarks and even went further wanting to deny former President Trump his Secret Service detail should their false allegations lead to him serving time in prison. So they would actually want him killed as well. This preceded the two attempted assassinations! So, just as our enemies –the Iranians, North Koreans, Communist Chinese, and Russia would certainly want this accomplished should they be able to out fox our incompetent Secret Service, our politicized FBI, or our weaponized Department of Justice! All these elements are working against the voice and the choice of We the People! And, this is our own federal government we’re talking about acting as though they are, in actuality, our enemy!

Image result for The Deep State

The unimaginable before us

Whatever happened to patriotism, a sense of moral duty, and just outright fairness? Everything we once considered to be an outrageous Hollywood style James Bond-like conspiracy within a government thriller has now been enacted in real life and we don’t know who the hell is friend or foe anymore! The American people have been so thoroughly lied to so frequently by our own supposed political leadership that we are either confused, angry, or untrusting of what will happen in the immediate future! Never would this have been acceptable a few short years ago! It would have been so outrageous that heads would have rolled and the culprits would have paid with arrests and stiff sentences if not execution, but not here and now and in the present with a Democrat owned, weaponized DOJ.

Image result for The Deep State

Betrayed by our own countrymen

The nightmare unveiled upon America by the Deep State is, no doubt, upon us like a shadow that refuses to subside even when the sun rises! We Americans have been bullied, mocked, threatened, gas lighted, and even by our fellow countrymen who see nothing wrong in their diametrically opposed ideology of brainwashed delusion! This is the worst of it when those calling themselves Americans are siding with the very enemy that is destroying their own land! The Democrats are no longer an American political entity. They are a sold out anti-patriotic group of self-deluded subversives dedicated to the overthrow of the system of freedom from government tyranny that we once lived in the vision of our forefathers, but over the course of time, the traitors and profiteers overwhelmed those who remembered the oath they took in office to uphold and defend the US Constitution!

Image result for The Deep State

The unthinkable

Never has so much ridden on a single presidential election where a rogue element within our government is more than willing to murder in order to remain in power despite the will of the people! It is an historic abomination that such a situation has been allowed to arise and that men and women are so evil that they could act in such a way that they do, lying, cheating, and even willing to kill so that their party can continue to subvert the will of the very people they are responsible for governing! This has all been predicted in the Bible due to the sad fact that man turned his gaze away from morality and righteousness and instead began to worship material gain at any cost along with the flesh. We now reap the evil that has been sown! The Democrats have somehow gained a stranglehold on us all.

Image result for federal governmenr strangle hold on us

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