What would you think if I told you that the entire concept of a Federal Reserve and the monetary system of the US and all participating nations is nothing more than a scam? What would you say if I told you that the hard earned income tax you pay every year along with so many other Americans does not actually go toward paying the federal deficit? Would you think I was lying if I told you that every dollar of income tax paid by the besieged American is simply an interest charged to the American government for the fiat currency printed by the federal reserve?
Well, whether you want to believe it or not, it’s all true, and an American president may well have died for trying to break away from the corruption of that system. President John F. Kennedy, was ruthlessly assassinated in public for all to see. This was a message that was intended to be conveyed to all future presidents who might just have enough integrity not only to tell the truth to the American people, but to actually formulate a way to create an alternate form of currency that would actually use real and tangible assets to back that its worth.
Does this sound like some fantastic story more of fantasy than truth? Of course our well paid and bought off leftist mass media is going to label such an article as just another conspiracy theory. They’re so good at that aren’t they? Would you believe me if I informed you that the Federal Reserve is not owned by the US government or the people of the United States? Every time someone begins to arrive at the truth and begins to unravel the intended puzzle, the media is called in to declare it to be just another conspiracy theory. Well, my friends, the plausibility factor here is way beyond conspiracy and there is much supporting evidence which I will share with you so that you can see that this issue with the Federal Reserve is not a fantasy but a very real strangle hold over the American people that merits your attention and understanding.
It all began after President Andrew Jackson broke up the central bank of European origin, declared it the root of all evil for the American monetary system, and established an American banking system based upon real assets and sound banking principles. For that President Jackson endured several attempts on his life from foreign assassins, but for 75 years after Jackson’s shrewd and patriotic actions, America enjoyed prosperity without the calculated recession cycles and inflationary trends that mark the pitfalls in our economy today and are the trademark of manipulated banking of the Federal Reserve.
The beginning of the progressive movement that we see so inherently embedded in society today began in Woodrow Wilson’s day. President Wilson absolutely detested the US Constitution and like President Obama, thought that it prohibited government from doing more to control society and the individual. In 1913, Wilson was instrumental in legislating the Revenue Act. This was a measure that brought the very corrupt European banking system back into power, formed the hated IRS and began America down the path of economic enslavement. In defending the decision to do so proponents said that the Federal Reserve would stabilize the banking system and strengthen the dollar.
It wasn’t a mere 16 years later that the stock market crash of 1929 occurred ignited by the same toxic derivatives that caused our most recent bubble and brought on the Great Depression to follow. Where was the financial stability promised? Where was the banking support along with the protection of depositors and their life savings that had been left with these banks to be entrusted for safe keeping. It simply wasn’t there as some 5000 American banks were closed as their liquidity quickly evaporated once a run on accounts occurred.
Let’s get back up to the Revenue Act. Why would Americans have voted for an income tax? Answer, they didn’t. On Christmas break with many political leaders on vacation just as Obama created such a controversy due to his recess appointments, an income tax was illegally ratified under the aegis of the 16th amendment. When a vote was taken in Congress and in the Senate on the bill the majority of states voted against or to pass on the approval of the bill. “Pass” meant not to approve but to delay making any decision at all. Yet, these requests for more time were counted as approvals. There would never have been enough votes to ratify the income tax measure it had been defeated previously in 1894 by Congress.
Who was behind this deception? Millionaire families of J.P. Morgan, the Warburgs, and John D. Rockefeller had hired Philander Knox, Secretary of State, to push the measure through. Knox had been an attorney for these families in the past, who had handled many financial matters for these elite interests. With the federal government attaining an income tax that was not apportioned not to mention not constitutionally ratified, the Federal Reserve got exactly what it wanted, complete financial control over the citizens of the US. Few Americans were aware now that such a tax had been imposed upon them that would put them on the road to enslavement.
Bill Benson, former revenue agent and criminal investigator for the state of Illinois obtained thousands of documents that only verified his suspicions that the income tax amendment had indeed been illegally ratified. Producing thousands of sealed documents that proved that the income tax law was null and void although being enforced by taxing authorities. In 1999 C-Span hosted a major presentation that featured Bill Conklin, a well known tax authority who questioned the government’s procedure of requiring citizens to waive their 5th amendment rights when signing a 1040 tax return. The program also included Joe Bannister, former Special Investigator for the IRS who was convinced that his former employer was in violation of the law. William J. Benson, Illinois Revenue officer, Devvy Kidd, a respected journalist, and Attorney, Larry Becraft, all of these participants gave excellent presentations questioning the suspect behavior of the government over a fair and legitimate tax system that appears to be fraudulent by all evidence uncovered.
The IRS is the publicly visible enforcement arm of the Federal Reserve. It is their job to force compliance among citizens using threats, fines, levies against accounts, seizures, and even imprisonment to coerce the people into compliance with a supposedly voluntary assessment tax system. The IRS not only refuses to recognize the rights of US citizens, they will even fine anyone sending requests for information on the tax scandal with a $5000.00 dollar charge. Now isn’t that an example of a free society with a consumer friendly government agency? I believe anywhere else such practices would be considered acts of tyranny and fascism.
Now for the invisible part of the Federal Reserve that allows Treasury Officials like Timothy Geithner to cheat on their taxes while doing much worse to any high ranking leader who chooses to pursue a threatening course of action against the Federal Reserve. That was President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who had vowed to end the Federal Reserve and begin America’s monetary system on a new standard. Kennedy intended to usher in a new form of currency, a silver certificate. Unlike the Federal Reserve Note that was under the control of the cartel and subject to drastic changes as well as the US economy being vulnerable to their policies. Kennedy proposed a new silver certificate currency, and by 1963 had already converted 4.2 billion dollars into the new silver note standard.
There were many feathers that JFK had ruffled during the course of his presidency, Bay of Pigs survivors who hated him for pulling out US support during the attempted over throw of Castro, Gangsters who Joe Kennedy owed for their influence in getting his son elected now being dogged by brother Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, defense contractors upset over the President’s plan to pull out of Vietnam, as well as suspicions that even LBJ hated and wanted the first Catholic supreme executive officer in the oval office dead. Jim Marrs, well known investigative reporter, former Ft. Worth Star Telegram columnist, and author established a trail of compelling evidence that points to the Federal Reserve’s motives for not only liquidating JFK, but doing it under extreme prejudice in order to make a statement to all future politicians who would ever consider betraying them.
In his book “Crossfire-the plot that killed Kennedy” Jim Marrs makes a convincing case for the chain of events that led to the murder of an American president. Jim even taught a college class for a number of years teaching students about the theories and findings that have raised questions over the assassination of JFK for decades without definitive answers. Of course, the powers that be, the invisible government that really runs this country, the powerful banking cartel consisting of private families operating the Federal Reserve are going to try to the best of their ability to debunk people like Jim Marrs as being conspiracy theorists. They are going to intimidate those who are in their way, they are going to finance wars and weapons purchases for both sides as global conflicts continue through out the world.
Just days before President Kennedy was ruthlessly murdered he gave a speech to the American people alluding to a sinister and secret enemy of the people and the government that he would get to the bottom of before the end of his term in the presidency. That chance to reveal more about what he was talking about never came. The signing of executive order 11110 literally became JFK’s death warrant, according to Marrs. Kennedy’s desire to revert back to Constitutional standing by allowing Congress to mint coins and the Treasury to authorize currency led to his death. In seeking to allow non-Federal Reserve Banks to underwrite bonds and honor silver certificates, JFK became a target of the private and influential cartel of world bankers, who refused to have their power threatened. This is the sad legacy of the American economic system, who controls it, and how our currency is devalued and manipulated by the hidden influence of powerful private interests who are said to influence all major events that occur across the globe. You have been living in an illusion created by government and world bankers, who have no allegiance to any nation in the world other than themselves. You are suffering the consequences of the Revenue Act of 1913.
Footnote in history: Thomas Jefferson warned that foreign bankers posed a more serious threat to the United States then standing armies.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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