The Way of the Weasel, part two: pat donovan Aug 14th 2010

(WW2 is next, NOT WWW 3.0. Don't gimme a hard time about it, OK? Do ya really wanna see a neuron-sterilized (and flesh-eating fungus) world?)

The naked ape: 90% of a monkey's free time is spent picking lice off each other.

Modern version? Thinking with your 'clit, (or equivalent), vanity or politics.'

That's the way of the weasel. It's more than life at work... or high-school.

Try being a non-communicator to see what they actually do in real time 'attitude, personalty and character'. What pops out first to a null stimulus, OK?)

A difficult trick, but handy to learn.

The results aren't pretty, friend.

Their culture? Kinda like movies are going the way of animation. The pink panther had NO words, one tune, extreme violence and ended up being the most popular cartoon going.

NOW for some of the (way of the weasel) implications.

First off, yes they DO have a vested interest in getting things wrong. How bright of you to've noticed that.

Man, is THAT ever gonna be fun... especially in our glorious leaders.

Any drinker can make more excuses than you have time to listen to, right?

What happens to support vanity (or control), good times and politics won't always fit into 'necessary, best, and correct' at all.

Or come anywhere close, really. In fact, 99% of the time, weasel-world will be deliberately be spouting social-be nonsense.

It turns into a burn, humiliation or waste of time fairly rapidly.

Their culture is gone down the tubes.

So religion gets turned into a politico tool. You won't want weasels to develop anyway, would you? Uppity peasants aren't the safest bunch in the world to arm. (Arm is ram rearranged, by the way.)

Enlightenment would be dangerous to/for/with them. By the way, wanna be a nice docile priest-cheerleader for this? Make a few weasels with god-like powers?

Ouch. A waste of breath, air and mad juggling, by me.

Economics as produce, trade and cannibalization?

It's a cabal of divine-right cannibalization via the new royalties. Ya end up with zombies, borgs and gangas.

Oh, by the way. (accept, ask, develop)

Star trek is the MILTARY expansion of space. (Marxist, right? Government controlled?)

As compared to the Irish monks going out and discovering Iceland, Vineland and NA in their little leather boats first, then getting throughly squashed for their troubles. (Check out the china time-line, just for fun.)

Vikings? Lets watch the ivory wash up on shore. There's a couple lessons here somewhere. (NFLD, the Bishop's visit.)

Or inventors. (try asking them about it sometime.) China's cheap knock-off blackberries will fink-world the (cheap) thugs, (guerrillas) but not the money-men. (terrorists).

Out there now? Cowboys, hustlers and intellectual types.

Cowboys are STILL running riot in the Gulf? Lets put them all downstream from the oilsands and see how long they live.

Ya gotta love that dirty water.... and having 5 girls for every boy in the family. Well, if rectal cancer doesn't get ya first.

Hustlers are still weaseling 9-11 scams? What did you want the net to be anyway, cops, priests or judges?

For most, that'll be vengeance, lynch-mobs and snoops. (Cops have it already. 90% of any given trouble is caused by sex, vengeance or money.)

Get out there and do something about it.

Ivory tower types are completely clueless? The current methods of entrail-reading entirely wrong?

Out of the hate-stream propaganda loop. The loop is mostly three minute hates rednecks can pick up on, especially if there's a guaranteed economic recovery or a free ticket to heaven in it for them.

Thanks for the diseased advice, right?

Optimized self-sufficiency and survivalism for me, OK?

Plus a healthy dose of pragmatics.

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