What do You Do When your Own Federal Government Urges Violence?

Image result for US federal corruption

I’ve heard the convenient generalizations made that the two party system of the US is illegitimate because both entities are no different and therefore supporting either one is an exercise in futility, but that’s not true. This is just another excuse to discourage voter turnout and convince people they’re helpless so that the present corrupt regime can continue to operate in the same unlawful way it has been. There is a difference, and it’s not because of tribal preference. It’s called the difference in policy and the way in which it is enacted! I say to you that to compare the Democrats and their vial deception to the Republicans would be like comparing a criminal syndicate to an imperfect corporation that operates according to the law even as flawed as it might be.

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Reagan knew

As the late President Ronald Reagan once said,” If fascism comes to America it will first come in the guise of liberalism!” And he was so right, after what we’ve seen under several years of Democrat administrations and the suffering they’ve caused.

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Systemic corruption

From the DNC and George Soros financed rioting with paid agitators on the Democrat payroll burning down cities across America, to Democrat Congressional office holders weaponizing the Department of Justice to convict and impeach their Republican opponents to refusing to prosecute those who have attacked Christian churches, and pro-life centers, Democrats have used their verbal approval to give the go ahead signal to those who have fire bombed places of worship and violently confront their Republican rivals in public! The mainstream media as well has been complicit in ignoring and condoning this reprehensible call for violence for leftist political purpose!

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The true insurrectionists

We have Barack Hussein Obama to thank for the origination of the “Ferguson Effect” during his administration where he used code speech to encourage rioting in towns across the US after Trayvon Martin was shot to death by a neighborhood watch guard while beating the man severely! We saw Michael Brown who brutalized a police officer being portrayed an in innocent victim when he was shot, as was reported by a black American witness. We saw America thrust into mass public property destruction and violence over racism based accusations predicated by the Democrats as their strategy of intimidation and justification of their flawed allegations! Reducing America to a politicized banana republic dictatorial regime as the top down government corruption encourages the people to be at each other’s throats so that the autocratic leadership can carry out their freedom eradicating agenda!

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Advocacy of internal strife

People like Maxine Waters of the burning state of California and Nancy Pelosi of the human feces covered streets of her district of San Francisco urged resistance against President Trump and his “America First” policies so that those in the shadow government can continue selling out the people of the US! And, still we have people among us who insist upon repeating the lies of the Democrat Party, who has compromised our nation in every possible way, ready to argue, and even ostracize members of their own families for not going along with the destruction of our country under the insane Democrat agenda of using any ruthless means possible to achieve their evil goals!

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Insulting our intelligence!

Whether it has been the Biden family making millions of dollars off the Communist Chinese, and, as a result capitulating and weakening America at every turn, or Chinese spies like Fang Fang, or Linda Sun being deeply embedded in the Democrat Party, to the catastrophic open borders policy that has allowed an undeclared invasion of US soils by unvetted foreign trespassers. Why all this is being allowed to begin with is a slap in the face to the American citizen, embattled by the failures of the federal government imposed upon him!

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Reagan’s crystal ball

We were told by our Democrat lapdog mainstream media that nationwide protests were relatively peaceful as police cars burned in the background, people were murdered, and public buildings were set on fire! We are living in an age of misinformation brought about by the very government who is supposed to serve the people! The US federal government using agencies like the FBI, Department of Justice, and even Homeland Security to undermine the nation for political purposes while using the law to intimidate and arrest the citizens if they are not politically in agreement! This is the very fascism foreseen by President Ronald Reagan when he predicted what liberalism would morph into once introduced into US society!   

Image result for Ronald Reagan predicted the future of fascist liberals

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