Where Do They Come From and Since When Pt.2


Image result for UAp's 

Why is the question of who and where do they come from when it has to do with UFO’s so important if all they are is a figment of the imagination, a hoax, optical illusions, weather anomalies, or misidentified conventional aircraft? If that was true then why would the US government and other major governments of the world be spending so much money on attempting to study their propulsion systems or be able to defend our air space against them? US aircraft manufacturers from Boeing to Learjet have experimented with zero gravity vessels and electromagnetic gravity neutralization due to the reported observations made by fighter pilots, airline captains, police, and military observers? There is obviously something going on and for decades they have not admitted it.

Paperback Shoot Them Down! - The Flying Saucer Air Wars Of 1952 Book

In Frank Feschino’s Book “Shoot Them Down” he writes of aerial pursuits of UAP’s in the year of 1952 when the White House air space was violated by unknown aerial objects that defied attempts at interception by our fastest jet fighters of the time. Not only were these UAP’s tracked with radar but there were veteran WWII radar operators at the controls who could distinguish the difference between weather targets giving false echoes due to temperature inversions and solid flying objects. On several nights in the summer of 1952 the unknown came calling and there was nothing our finest aircraft and expert pilots could do about it, but this did not just happen there, it happened across the nation for east coast to west coast. This was known as the UFO flap of 1952.

Washington National Sightings (1). July 19/20, 1952

The UFO flap of 1952 though is not the only such cluster of UFO sightings over a short period of time over either a particular region or a vast area. It happens at seemingly regular intervals. According to General Benjamin Chidlow who admitted that not only had the US military lost many men and aircraft attempting intercepts over the North American continent, but that 3,000 such attempts had been made as of 1965! The general is in good company as not only he but Lt. General, Curtis Lemay, architect of Strategic Air Command, General Roger Ramey, who presided over the Roswell incident, and even Air Marshall Lord Hugh Dowding, of Great Britain during WWII, who believed that the next global conflict would very well be fought against an extraterrestrial civilization!

Image result for Benjamin Chdlaw

Whether they (UAP’s) are time travelers visiting from another continuum, inter dimensional interlopers, or more advanced civilization explorers, the problem is that there are sightings, some of them have been deeply disturbing and have resulted in disappearances, and those with a mission of defending our air space have crashed and died in the attempted interceptions. Men well trained in multi-million dollar state of the art fighter jets, who seem unable to identify much less defend against them. So, in essence, our skies are not totally safe nor are they guaranteed defensible despite billions in defense funding.

Image result for Ivan T. Danderson

However, I do have my theory on, at least, where they enter from, which may someday explain their origin. Scientist and former intelligence agent of WWII, Ivan T. Sanderson, a friend of Author John A. Keel and former zoological TV show host studied USO’s (Underwater Submerged Objects) that often eluded US Navy vessels along the deep sea floor long before much was ever known about them. Ivan stated that there was more than one Bermuda Triangle, that there were several around the world on all major continents, perhaps as many as 12 such anomalous regions where men and material mysteriously disappear but where unknown objects are often seen as well.

Image result for David Paulides

Now, let us see where the so-called cluster regions of the David Paulides 411 Book series on people vanishing without a trace under seemingly normal settings such as national parks and forests. Imagine if you will, a plot of these zones on a global map where they are laid out and would likely even overlap one another. Just think areas where people vanish for seemingly no logical reason, where strange electromagnetic readings are often recorded, as well as where bizarre vessels are seen as well as the crashed or disappearances of highly trained military pilots in pursuit of airborne intruders! This would, no doubt, include points on maps of the oceans of the earth where USO’s have been sighted by submarine crews well as patrolling surface ships!

Image result for David Paulides

What you would get would be an interlocking grid work of regions where unusual activity of aerial phenomena as well as surface and oceanic activity that violates our normal concepts of physics, as we understand it. To us, we only sense an incoming events that is beyond our capabilities to define. Yet, at the same time, are the vanishings of people and machines without a trace! We would have to determine that the earth seems to be some kind of portal for the arrival and departure of people, material, and the accompanying manifestations that go with it. Our world is intricately more complex than we suspect from evidence of civilizations of the distant past on the deep ocean floors to the hidden tunnels of South America where another cradle of ancient man appears to have been spawned.

What secrets lay waiting to be uncovered? What mysteries still remain unsolved? Emmanuel Velikovsky, who determined the true source of dinosaur extinction believed that mankind shares a collective amnesia over global catastrophic events that have hidden from the modern day the exact fate of ancient human dwellings suddenly laid to waste buried beneath the earth’s crust. Some archaeological relics suggest whoever lived in that era could have been more technologically advanced then we are today. Have these previous civilizations traveled into the future to present us with the unfathomable truth that we are yet to determine? Does the answer to UAP’s and their origins lie in these voids in our understanding of history?

Image result for Bermuda triangle



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