So lately I've been thinking that most of us are taught from birth, that WE DO NOT belong on planet Earth!

That WE are here in a testing ground, to see whether or not we're worthy of everlasting life AFTER we die, and in order to receive those blessings, we must surrender our hearts and minds over to the People who actually understand all of this, via religions the "divine right of kings", and "authorities", who keep us on track for our highest good.
We are here to do penance, NOT to enjoy the abundance of our planet, but to be meekly humble and subservient, turning the other cheek, obeying authority, and being grateful to be taxed in order to support those who understand the greater truths of which we are sadly ill equipped to deal with. If only we will follow the rules and regulations of those who are destined to rule, we'll be able to make some sense of our lives, while those who seek our acquiescence are more suited to live lives of wealth and prosperity at our expense.
So throughout the ages they have taken it upon themselves to wipe out those of us who do not willingly offer them the fruits of our labor for profit, at the same time teaching us propaganda about patriotism, nationalism, and making examples of those who refuse to obey by torturing, incarcerating, and murdering individuals who think for themselves. Then they wrap themselves in religions, or new age thinking, again, teaching us to postpone taking action because we're going to focus on OUR lives and prosperity, all the while ignoring the carnage we're enabling through taxes.
And every day as we keep our heads down, working hard to feed and clothe our families, they continue to plunder the Earth's resources, geoengineering our weather by dropping toxic chemicals, fracking our water, poisoning our food by genetically altering it, experimenting on us through vaccines and nano technology, bombing and droning innocent People, and simultaneously taking over school systems in order to teach their bullshit to OUR CHILDREN, who they use for cannon fodder in their immoral wars as we all bow down to the god of profit and corporations who rule us all.
And WE wonder WHY OUR WORLD looks as it does????
There is NOTHING that has more value than each and every ONE of US!
So as you finish reading this article, ask yourself:
"Who and what am I really living for?"
"Who and what will MY CHILDREN live for, and what kind of world will they inherit?"
"Who will protect the sky, earth and water if I don't"
"What does "Moral Stewardship" mean?
And put more simply: If no harm, injury or loss has occurred, NO CRIME has been committed.
Isn't it time to get over paperwork and down to living OUR LIVES?
Join those us at United We Strike April 15th.
Don't Buy, Don't Comply, Ask Why????!!!!!

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!

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Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 7, 2014 at 11:48am

If WE pulled OUR money and energy out of ALL bloomberg corporations, he would feel it! And if WE decided to come up with our own form of currencies locally and ignored the banks, WE WOULD FREE OURSELVES.

PEOPLE in uniforms who follow immoral orders are the ones we really need to awaken, they've been lied to, brainwashed, and propagandized into working against their own better good.

Check out



Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 6, 2014 at 11:11pm

@ Karen:  A strike would not solve the problems.  At best it will get TPTB to ease the reigns a bit for now, but the problem will still exist.  We could demand and They would compromise.  And then it would go back to business as usual.  Sadly, too many People are living hand to mouth and would starve without the meager income They get working at Target or WalMart or 7/11 or wherever.  THEY will not stay on strike if We could get Them to agree to strike at all.

Far better to add free energy and robots, removing the need to add Human energy to the system to survive.

Comment by noblsht on April 6, 2014 at 10:05pm

Bloomberg is worth 21 billion, he feels your pain!!

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 6, 2014 at 9:08pm

I don't think it will be easy, nor do I think there is a high probability of it........however there is a small and miniscule chance that possibly enough of a determined minority can affect change. Larken Rose is good to listen to in terms of simplicity.

I do think that when enough People learn more about how we've been deceived, their anger can be channeled into productive ways to change.

Right now we've been lied to on EVERY level WE can think of and some WE cannot even imagine. I NEVER imagined that michelle obama could be a man until my husband and I watched this earlier.....

now it seems a real possibility.....

Could THIS be the line in the sand? You decide.



Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 6, 2014 at 7:41pm

Thanks Peter.

Thanks also Amaterasu Solar, whom I quote:

"Though I can imagine all that, as long as money is in the equation, psychopaths WILL gain the upper hand and have the power over Others".

THAT is why a STRIKE would work! Dropping profit massively all around the world at the same time WOULD get their attention, and when the People see that the news is reporting HUGE losses that day due to NO investing, NO air travel, No money spent in ANY multinational corporations, no wall street profit or credit cards used......WE EXTEND it adding days until OUR DEMANDS are met.

Imagine a Day of Unity so powerfully supported by the People, that men and women in uniforms also felt protected by our numbers and were able to step out of their uniforms and into their lives. WE COULD SAVE OURSELVES!

WE could DEMAND PEACE and that ALL TROOPS be sent home to THEIR countries to help rebuild, hold those accountable who brought us here, and get the true health care they so desperately need.

WE could DEMAND and IMMEDIATE CESSATION of ALL CORPORATE DESTRUCTION for profit and wipe the slate clean, as individuals of integrity and honor.

WE could DEMAND the militant industrial complex turn over ALL hidden technologies and documents to be used in healing and repair.

And We exist by bartering with and helping our families and communities. It is why it is so important to network and prepare now, because as you so rightly state, not all of us enjoy gardening or farming, however we each can bring something to the table via our contributions where needed.

Self Ownership, Cooperation, Non-Violence. Those who insist on violence dealt with there and then by the People involved, who ALL have the right to be armed and able to DEFEND themselves. No longer living in communities where immoral individuals can come in and take them down without resistance.

I know it's a Big Dream, but I can see it clearly. People in each country, county and village, depending on THEMSELVES and reclaiming OUR MORAL STEWARDSHIP IN UNITY!!!

So I continue to plant seeds..............



Comment by truth on April 6, 2014 at 3:51pm
Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 6, 2014 at 2:29pm

Though I can imagine all that, as long as money is in the equation, psychopaths WILL gain the upper hand and have the power over Others.  They are the Ones willing to do ANYTHING to get and keep the money/power.  Thus They incite wars that They can supply both sides of, and other psychopathic things.

There is no solution in hoping People will change, will not be tempted by money/power, have stalwart integrity in the face of that temptation.  Sure, some of Us will and do resist immoral behavior in that face, but enough do not.

Ergo, We must remove that temptation. 

To expect Us to "begin to farm" - when the bulk of Us live in urban highrises with no money (or room) to "farm" in Our little boxes is absurd.  How would that happen?  Better to change the system than change People.  (And what of Those of Us who HATE messing with soil and have killed every plant They have tried to grow?  I am one such Person.)

Thanks to You as well.  [smile]

Comment by Christopher on April 6, 2014 at 2:24pm

"Don't Buy, Don't Comply, Ask Why????!!!!!

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!"

I really like those philosophies, especially the last one.

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 5, 2014 at 8:49pm

I guess I give us more credit than that. Instead of solving problems we petition, have to organize groups, have to petition again, have to vote, etc, instead of rolling up our sleeves and going right into the local areas.

Yes, it won't be easy, but a slow torturous movement toward the same nwo agenda isn't good either. Just comes down to realizing WE are ONE and Our Networking Energy is needed.

Now in Calif they're rationing water, the ceo of nestle says that all People having the right to water is "extreme".......however his company can use all the water they want to make toxic non food.

If we stopped participating at the corporate level we would go local, and begin to farm and be self accountable. I just do not believe in rulers or anyone who has the right to tell me how to live as long as I am not causing harm, injury, or loss.

Imagine where we'd be if those soldiers who crucified Jesus refused immoral orders

Imagine remembering that We are All here by Divine Right

Imagine believing WE are Spirit having a Human experience and didn't need to fear death

Imagine NO Fear and living honestly with integrity

How can we have that now when every day our taxes go to murder others in our name?

I don't see ANYTHING gov does that is good or makes sense. Until WE resist collectively, we'll get more of the same.

I know it's a big picture, but I like to dream and this vision is very strong within

I appreciate your comments and our discourse.



Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 5, 2014 at 12:05pm

What I meant was that the number that are dying now is irrelevant to the number that would die if We abruptly stopped keeping the system functioning.  Better to transition from this poor system to a better one rather than just stop the whole mechanism.  I did not mean to suggest that Those dying now are irrelevant in life in general.

Yes, many, many are starving and that is the problem We must solve.  But to just stop will mean that virtually ALL of the People in big cities will die of starvation, as well as a great number outside of these cities.  Maybe You misconstrued the meaning of "rampant..."

Yes, this is a VASTLY abundant world.  Any "mafia" power is derived purely from the misuse of the tool called money, which is like a rock which can now be replaced with a hammer.  We no longer need money, the tool We use to account for Human energy meaningfully expended.  Without the need for money, no One can pay toadies to do Their bidding...

I'm guessing that We are arguing the same points here, because, with the exception of seeing the solution in just stopping the present system, I agree fully with what You are saying.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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