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Mob rule may refer to: Ochlocracy, a government by mob or a mass of people - Mafia or otherwise criminal control of people and groups - Mob Rule, a PC game released on September 30, 1999 by Simon & Schuster and Studio 3

Ok I ask...what about this word OCHLOCRACY? I love words, I look up everything but this word. I ask, why do I not know this word? Ochlocracy. Because we are suppose to not know. So, today you know. This is the plan, this is the word, we all have this word.

Ochlocracy (Greek: ὀχλοκρατία, okhlokratía; Latin: ochlocratia) or mob rule is government by mob or a mass of people, or the intimidation of legitimate authorities. As a pejorative for majoritarianism, it is akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus meaning "the fickle crowd", from which the English term "mob" was originally derived in the 1680s.

Ochlocracy ("rule of the general populace") is democracy ("rule of the people") spoiled by demagoguery, "tyranny of the majority", and the rule of passion over reason, just like oligarchy ("rule of a few") is aristocracy ("rule of the best") spoiled by corruption, and tyranny is monarchy spoiled by lack of virtue. Ochlocracy is synonymous in meaning and usage to the modern, informal term "mobocracy", which emerged from a much more recent colloquial etymology.

1 Terminology
2 Ochlocracy versus anarchism
3 Mobs in history
4 Mobs used to affect policy
5 See also
6 References
Terminology[edit source]

The term appears to have been coined by Polybius in his Histories (6.4.6).[1] He uses it to name the "pathological" version of popular rule in opposition to the good version, which he refers to as democracy. There are numerous mentions of the word "ochlos" in the Talmud (where "ochlos" refers to anything from "mob", "populace", to "armed guard"), as well as in Rashi, a Jewish commentary on the Bible. The word is recorded in English since 1584, derived from the French ochlocratie (1568), which stems from the original Greek okhlokratia, from okhlos ("mob") and kratos (meaning "rule, power, strength").

In ancient Greek political thought ochlocracy was considered as one of the three "bad" forms of government (tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy) as opposed to the three "good" forms of government (monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy). The distinction between "good" and "bad" was made according to whether the government form would act in the interest of the whole community ("good") or the exclusive interests of a group or individual at the expense of justice ("bad").

An ochlocrat is one who is an advocate or partisan of ochlocracy. It can also be used as an adjective (ochlocratic or ochlocratical).

The threat of "mob rule" to a democracy is restrained by ensuring that the rule of law protects minorities or individuals against short-term demagoguery or moral panic. Though considering how laws in a democracy are established or repealed by the majority, the rule of law's protection of minorities is questionable.

Ochlocracy versus anarchism[edit source]
Anarchism, meaning "without government", is a term covering various anti-authoritarian philosophies and movements, often but not always viewing themselves as socialist, which are dedicated to the replacement of states and/or governments (either capitalist governments or all governments) by various suggested alternatives such as autonomous self-realizing democratic structures. Anarchists reject the criticism that anarchism is inherently Ochlocratic as a mischaracterization of anarchism, arguing that it includes theories of structure and mutual support rooted in democracy and free association.

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Comment by Wolf on August 4, 2013 at 5:18pm

I have been very busy these last two days and nights.  I had no chance to read the blog...glad it appeals to people.  I have been thinking on this for quite a while.  Being from Chicago I guess I was raised on the notion that there are two types of mobs, the people and the enforcers.  Not very many people are willing to take up a bat to fight sometimes to the death.  These are the true warriors of any movement though I would not refer to them as necessary evil.  No more like dark angels.

I think a new party that will in name carry the reminder of how close we are moving towards Communism or fascism.   I have wrote about the movie "Atlas Shrugged".  It is about the fall of businesses.  Everything becomes slowly the property of the government.  

I see the comparison between Al Capone and the Fed's.  Al Capone was not a very nice man but he was very generous and took care of the little people.

The Fed's have zero emotions when putting a 97 year old woman out of her home.  The Fed's have zero regard for the country, they are serving the 7 deadly sins.  

If we recognize the 7 deadly sins as truly the worst of all sins then we can experience the rubber band snap of realizing that we are being had.  

I think I saw a drone over my farm today.  I though at first it was a 1 person helicopter but upon looking closer it looked like a cop smallish plane.  I have to find a falcon or an eagle... 

Comment by scotty michele brown on August 4, 2013 at 3:33am

Yes I see the comparison between Rome and modern USA. Ideally a Republic is best. But it is impossible to keep. Men with bad motives always seek positions of power over others. When they get them, they take steps to ensure continued power. Maybe it is the inevitable fate of Republics to become Democracies. Looks like that is what has happened here.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 4, 2013 at 3:23am
Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 4, 2013 at 3:21am

Agreed Scotty, but I'm speaking in terms of government.

The video pretty much covers all possibilities.

Comment by scotty michele brown on August 4, 2013 at 3:18am

If the people are lucky, Nobody. Sometimes the bad guys have enough money and power to buy their way into office and exclude real candidates that would work for all of the people and their bests interests. I have decided people in power aren't benevolent, even if they were to start with.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 4, 2013 at 3:15am

Direct democracy should be used more IMO but it must be bound by the chains of 'Rule of Law' at all cost.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 4, 2013 at 3:13am

Watch the video Scotty.

Ochlocracy is wikipukia new speak. Only a Republic protects the rights of the minority.

The majority is most often WRONG!

Comment by scotty michele brown on August 4, 2013 at 3:10am

I had assumed part of the time they were commenting through private messages. Still enjoyed it.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on August 4, 2013 at 2:42am

yessshh, i C what u mean....interesting

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 4, 2013 at 2:40am

I only can see your post and Wolfs and wolf talking to James and Vincent whom are not there.

But thanks I have trouble counting past one;)

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