We live in a world where human population is controlled by forces largely out of our sight and reach. These are times of deception and abuse in many levels. Politicians who pretend to represent us are just intermediaries in between the people and the true powers. They are being controlled by many ways just as we are being manipulated to believe in illusions and divided into quarrelling sides. Divide and conquer, this is how the social engineering works.

Terrible things that happen around us are not reported in the main stream media. Corruption, government complicity in organised crime, legalized usury, plundering of public funds, harassment, political assassinations, pedophilia, perversion and constant gas lighting are rampant in and by the "elite" circles.

People who have been exposed to some of that shocking reality may think it is now the final truth and there is nothing more to find out. It can be their first step beoynd the illusion world build around us by the psychopathic anti-human rulers. I say anti-human because it is just that, resulting in destruction of all that is good in humanity.

After experiencing a painful cognitive dissonance and forced to abandon a false reality one can easily fall into another box, another subreality, next to the one that he just escaped.  It then becomes another state of a petrified mentality where a person is unable to see further ahead as if blinded by their terrible findings, blinded by one small fraction of the whole truth.

The reality is not black and white. Most of the things and people cannot be classified by a simplistic all explaining criteria especially with insufficient information.

Thinking out of the box is just the beginning. We must rise above the whole scam and see the other boxes around us to understand the big picture.

Here is a mental exercise about an ethnic group of people, the Xyz. I challengy you to test the following statements with the ethnic groups of people and say if they all are not false. Honestly!

Xyzs are all evil - Evil is all Xyzish
No Xyz is evil  - No evil is Xyzish

Give a person an opportunity to show their real colors by challenging their views without personal insults. 

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