You Know You’re Dealing with the Devil When

Image result for images of saul alinsky

“The First Revolutionary” as depicted by Saul Alinsky in his book “Rules for Radicals” who are you dealing with when you are dealing with the devil? The destroyer, the liar, the murderer, as he is called in the Bible, yet we have a political party in control of America right now. Why they are allowed to operate as they do is a genuine conflict with our US Constitution as this party advocates everything that is against what the freedoms our founding fathers sought in creating that great human rights document. If you’re dealing with the devil you are also dealing with the Democrats. They have adopted every foul and evil policy you can imagine to brainwash, condition, and intimidate the American public into accepting the unacceptable!

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Tactics of evil

Using perversion, apologetics for dysphoria, advocating homosexuality, sex reassignment surgery for children (surgical mutilation), any form of assault against our idea of normalcy in order that they can disrupt, distract, and throw people off course enough to accept a police state! Somehow America has been allowed to become a playhouse for the anti-liberty and insane panorama of Communist takeover. Where does it end? As Yuri Bezmenov a defected KGB agent once joked, “It ends with the final step. Normalization, when Soviet tanks are on the streets of that targeted nation.” This was true in his time, but today, normalization would be when the police state is in effect, millions are vaccinated and awaiting a growing number of side effects and even death, and when our borders are no longer defended. Has normalization reached that final step in America?

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Proof of satanic works

You know you’re dealing with the devil when everything the Biden White House has told you was a lie. In Afghanistan it was that we would never abandon our ally and no Americans would be left behind. LIE! According to the head of the DHS, Mayorkas, tells us our borders are secured. LIE! When Joe Biden, licking an ice cream cone, tells us the US economy is stronger than hell. LIE! When the Biden family is laundering millions through the Ukraine and how Biden bribes their government officials with a billion US taxpayer dollars to fire a prosecutor investigating his crack head, pedophile son, and moves us into a possible nuclear war footing with Russia, all based upon a lie! This as he uses billions of tax dollars to fund Ukraine against Russia war.

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Those behind the mayhem

You know you’re dealing with the devil when your own federal government secretly funds paid agitators to riot and burn down US cities and refuses to denounce the violence while the mass media they own has the gall to tell TV audiences that the violent protests and assaults against police are peaceful and constitutional displays in a Democracy, when the US is not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic. You know you’re dealing with the silver tongued devil when everything the incompetent appointed White House spokesperson hired for the color of their skin in regularly caught lying so blatantly that the corrupt fact checkers can simply not react fast enough to head off the falsehoods!

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It has been said that no nation can survive treason from within, and the agents of the devil (Democrats) are busy doing exactly that. How anyone can possibly rationalize the destruction of their own nation that was built upon the premise of freedom of choice by the individual is just one insight into the corrupt mindset of those who speak for the devil! How do we know who this is coming from? We know that in the Bible not only is the distinction between good and evil clearly defined, but even future events are predicted which will demonstrate how little man is capable of governing himself due to his evil nature when he has turned his back on God. The expression, “One Nation Under God” once so prevalent on our currency, means little to those who would undermine the greatest nation ever to exist, respecting the ideals of a God who gave man choice and freedom of will. When that’s been ignored and debased you know you’ve been talking to the devil!  

 Image result for the godless federal government


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