Hero DogphotoHero Dog2 Favoriteswashington-post-al-baghdadiphotowashington-post-al-baghdadi4 FavoritesChicago Tribune Oct 17photoChicago Tribune Oct 172 Favoritesbarr-lawyer-upphotobarr-lawyer-up3 FavoritesRep Conyers Dies - Joins Rep Cummings In HellphotoRep Conyers Dies - Joins Rep Cummings In Hell1 FavoriteArticle 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very importantIt forefathers provided the people with a safe way to restore a tyrannical government
In article v of the original constitution (not the current 3000 page version which is actually stripping our…BlogArticle 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important6 FavoritesSunday Bitches, You Got My Money?photoSunday Bitches, You Got My Money?4 FavoritesAnother Mass Shooting, convenient timing . Texas a and m12 shot two dead reports say. Home coming frat partyBlogAnother Mass Shooting, convenient timing . Texas a and m4 FavoritesBarry And Hiliary Are Responsible, Chris Kne…photoBarry And Hiliary Are Responsible, Chris Kne…3 FavoritesKnock, knockphotoKnock, knock6 Favoriteshappy workers dayphotohappy workers day2 Favoritesself control testphotoself control test5 FavoritesIt's PCphotoIt's PC1 FavoriteTesla Mobile ServicephotoTesla Mobile Service2 FavoritesCaliforniaphotoCalifornia1 FavoriteMost Americans Officially OPPOSE Free Speech…videoMost Americans Officially OPPOSE Free Speech…2 FavoritesMSM liesphotoMSM lies5 FavoritesThoughtcrime DetectedphotoThoughtcrime Detected4 FavoritesYou Really mean..photoYou Really mean..1 FavoriteCaptain Reality the 9th Diffusion
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Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...