I can't blame Watson for making HUGE ERRORS in his article because he live in the castrated UK.
"Only fully automatic firearms can be deemed illegal" No not true at all you just need a ATF stamp that costs $200
"street sweeper Tommy gun" no thats a semi-auto 12ga with a drum mag not a tommy gun.
Alex should have written that article ... anyways im done bitching at the brit lol
I don't want to hear a damn word from LA tax payers about their troubles because their police dept just destroyed MILLIONS of dollars in guns. They could have fed the homeless for YEARS with that much cash maybe even given them homes to live in. the waste is insane!!!!
and their so flippin proud about it, what jackasses.
"illegal guns" lol theres no such thing to me!!! only guns that will get you into a firefight with crazied cops and thats why i don't own a select fire, SBR's or DD's.
All the guns they show in that video are legal where I'm sitting unless that M-16 was full auto then id need a atf tax stamp.
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, May 22, 2009
A CBS News clip out of California that was prominently featured on the front page of Yahoo.com today showed the LAPD melting down 40,000lbs worth of illegal weapons to prevent them ending up on the streets in the hands of criminals and yet most of the guns shown were perfectly legal and were handed in by law-abiding citizens who had kept them in their own homes.
The sheer gall of the propaganda on show here is staggering, because for anyone who doesnt have a decent knowledge of firearms, the clip leaves the impression that guns are illegal and owned by criminals - despite the fact that the vast majority of the guns shown being melted down, many of them rifles and pistols, are perfectly legal.
Were taking illegal weapons off the streets and putting them to better use, states the LAPD officer at the end of the clip, failing to mention the fact that most of the guns being destroyed are perfectly legal and were handed in by law-abiding citizens who had kept them at home.
The anchor states, Weapons that could have ended up in the hands of criminals are melted down, implying that the LAPD is doing everyone a favor by destroying legal firearms owned by law-abiding citizens.
LAPD Implies Owning Guns Is Illegal obama 340x169
Only fully automatic firearms can be deemed illegal, yet most of the guns shown in the clip, which include a M1 carbine, used in deer hunting, a Walther PPK pistol, as well as a Winchester Ranger Model 120 shotgun, are completely legal to own.
One officer shows a street sweeper Tommy gun noting that it is very dangerous implying that it is illegal when in fact, though the gun is hard to procure in the U.S., it is not illegal.
The news anchor makes out that the guns were delivered off the streets and yet an LAPD officer later admits, Its not just criminals but people who have them in their homes that really didnt want them - thats where you get the kids accidentally shooting themselves.
Heres a newsflash - hardened criminals who plan to commit more criminal acts in future are not going to blithely hand their guns in to the police. The vast majority of people who handed in their legally owned guns, or illegal weapons as the LAPD would make out, for this buyback program are now totally defenseless from a home invasion by a real criminal.
This news clip featured on the front page of Yahoo.com, the most visited website in the world, for hours today, meaning that millions of viewers now think that legal firearms are in fact illegal weapons that should be handed in to police and melted down. http://www.prisonplanet.com/lapd-impl...
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