Active Duty Soldier Illegally Disarmed and Arrested

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Comment by Bildo on April 18, 2013 at 1:12pm

@ JustHere999-----I went to that dropbox but it's empty. Is it the one by Jackie?

Comment by Bildo on April 18, 2013 at 1:10pm

Your welcome ImaJ. Both my kids are sheople too. They think we're nuts. I can show them supreme court rulings that support everything I do and they just glaze over. Soooo sad. Keep up what you are doing.

I just got out of a 70 day jail stay for exercising my rights through the 7th Amendment. I'm taking the "judge", DA, clerk of courts, and sheriff's dept to federal court. They WILL pay. I'm also appealing the lower courts decision. I exposed fraud/corruption in a bank and the circuit court. Heh, it's a felony to get caught telling the truth.

Comment by ImaJWalker on April 18, 2013 at 12:55pm

I'm actually on a mission with  I'd like to say.. I'm BORN AGAIN and not in a Religious way but AWAKE.I have 3 children.  two in their 30's and on late 20's.. ALL SHEEP!!  In order to save these poor souls, I have to put 'everything' on the line.  I have always been their ROLE MODEL.. physically, mentally, and still remain 'their best friend.'  They believe 'I've Lost It!!'  LOL

Maybe I have, but I was enlightened with the internet.  I've met a few (very few) who can actually stand outside this box of life and see inside for what it REALLY is.  Since mainstream media has no interest in admitting they are 'foreclosed' on, they are still PLAYING the GAME and the remaining sheep are still paying them (which keeps them in business.)  If EVERYONE just stopped.. they would definitely take a hit and crash.

I want my kids to SEE what I will accomplish from this.  I watched my father work as a commercial fisherman all his life only to die at 47...and my mother pick tomatoes in a hot field coming home with cut hands and died at 74.  They were un-educated and lived like the SLAVES they were.  No MORE!!  EVERYONE needs to be BORN AGAIN... it feels great.  YOU DON'T NEED MONEY!!  Just some really good friends an a personal job OUTSIDE THIS GOD-FORSAKEN ILLEGAL SYSTEM.  SIGN NOTHING!!  Just sayin'

btw...thank you for the links.. I will pass them around!!

Comment by JustHere999 on April 18, 2013 at 10:29am

There are PLENTY of Youtube videos of freemen and sovereigns owning judges and cops. Just go search. While you're there get yourself a copy of this personally uploaded document on sovereignty as well. It covers all the documents and forms ya need to file as well as info etc. No skin off my back if you don't, but you should pass this around to all true good people. Dangit.

Comment by Bildo on April 18, 2013 at 9:52am

Congrats to you ImaJWalker. You are awake and aware. I think Dean Clifford explains the best out of everyone I've seen. His two videos, Both Sides of the Story, are the ultimate explanation.

A friend of mine told me to take a copy of my UCC-1 in to my employer. I first stopped at the office of an HR assistant but he had no clue so he took me to the directors office. He handed her the UCC-1, she glanced at it, looked at me, then turned back to the assistant and said, "This means he's tax exempt, give this to payroll". I didn't say a word the whole time, except for thank you when I left. I wasn't expecting this to happen. I mainly did it to prove my friend wrong. This proved to me, and those around me, that this stuff is reality. It really makes a difference to not have taxes taken out of my check. No hassles from the IRS either.


Comment by ImaJWalker on April 18, 2013 at 12:53am

By the way.. the USA ''IS'  a corporation.

Comment by ImaJWalker on April 18, 2013 at 12:46am

To John Carmen:  I too have a everyone else here.  What Bildo is saying is correct.

I'm in Canada, I watch Dean Clifford (who is a freeman for a long, long time.. and hasn't paid taxes in more than 17 years)  He explains what the video above tells.  I also am working (via phone and internet) with a lawyer from Colorado who is teaching /helping others how to 'be free' from the Corporation system.  He announced Tuesday in his TalkShoe Radio broadcast of his most recent win of more than 10,000.00 for a woman and she also received a letter clearing her credit rating.  I have just sent my bank a letter of condition to pay.  I promise to pay all my accounts (more than 100,000.00 in full if they simply exchange for me.. PROOF of my loan.  This means.. more than the printer copies they offer you to sign in the bank when they give you the phoney fiat paper + interest.  What this does?  They won't be able to supply it.  They can't.  I'm asking for plain transparency and I have that right.  But because what the banks are doing is fraudulent, they can't possibly produce it without admitting a SLAVE SYSTEM which is illegal in International law.

My next correspondence goes out on the 30th if they don't supply it and finally a default letter which will allow me to sue them for fraud.  I will keep you posted.

There are numerous sites out there now who are willing to help those who wish to be 'free.'  Because we are so tied to the current corrupt way, it's impossible to SEE ourselves surviving any other way.  But the system is  SO CORRUPT.. it has no choice but to crumble.  Once you realize that you really don't need money.. that if we get back to the ole' barter and trade until the banks, phoney shadow gov't, and corps. are all out of business, we will be able to build up our countries again BY THE PEOPLE and not by the same system.

Again, what Bildo is saying is correct.  It took me time to understand it and I'm still learning but I really feel that I can / will be free of them. 

Only the masses can make it happen.  The more people who wake up and learn that they 'don't have to be slaves..'  the sooner this will happen.  Stop paying the BANKS.. Bankrupt the CORPORATIONS.. OPPTrust filed UCC documents (same tools the Corporations use) and foreclosed on all Gov't, Banks and Corps.. They gave each 'living being' a value...not money.. but value of more than 5Biln per person worldwide.  You may laugh at  the term 'value'...but ask yourself.. what 'value' has worthless 'fiat' money have?  It's PAPER..nothing more.  Just my opinion.. Good Luck..

Comment by John Carman on April 18, 2013 at 12:15am

Krispy Kreams !!??? Now THAT's FUNNY!!! P.S. I never ate donuts while on duty. However, I am craving some   

and I just ate a really nice BLT ! Yummy !! Yes, they still have RED NECK cops in Texas. EEhaaaa  !!!

Comment by John Carman on April 17, 2013 at 11:08pm

I have heard all that stuff before regarding "Sovereignty" and it does NOT seem to work in real Court.

I even took a class on it and had the Teacher refund my money cause all he could do was cite "traffic tickets" as an example.

How much is your "Bond" worth?(Or your BOND)

I've heard that one too. Just put the amount of your BOND up and yo go free for ever and ever. WRONG!

Therefore, I am NOT a FREE person and someone owns a bond with my "Name" on it somewhere.(Federal Reserve?) Switzerland? I don;t know...

Has anybody actually used that excuse about the "Sovereignty"? and had it work or recused a Judge on the bench 

My name was spelled with ALL CAPS in a conspiracy case (I am Innocent) and I doubt the Judge or my attorney would follow it. I agree with the "Principal" the the thing, but I have NEVER actually seen it applied in a Federal Court or criminal charge. Anybody seen it work ? case name and number please???

I was NEVER notified by anyone that when I was "born", I had a bond attached to me and the worth of it. I only later got a SSN when I was working at about age 14 at the Post office(Summer job) overseas.

So where would this actually work if the government is "owned" by a "corporation"????(WHO?>?)

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 17, 2013 at 10:49pm

There is a very active movement by the government to disarm and disable every veteran that they can. Afraid they will use what they know on their tyrannical azzes!  Arm up and refuse to step down, Vet's and All!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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