Thursday, March 1st 2012 to Saturday 31st March 2012 With the continuing campaigns for Internet-censoring litigation such as SOPA and PIPA, and the closure ...

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Comment by Anonymiss Express on February 4, 2012 at 6:44pm

@TommyD haha, I may not "say" much, but I drop by a lot and happen to like several of your posts here. :)

Comment by TommyD on February 4, 2012 at 6:33pm

YW Express, I mean that 100%.

I am not an anonymous type person...I am pretty open about myself but then again, Iam not subversively attacking TPTB via the electronic framework of the web, I'm just talking a bunch of shit and hoping that I make sense to someone other than myself.

Comment by Anonymiss Express on February 4, 2012 at 6:23pm

Thank you @TommyD

@Glenn The links @Marklar put there are gooduns in my book. If you want to know more, I kept track of all kinds of ACTA developments here:

Comment by Marklar on February 4, 2012 at 3:38am

Glenn -

Topic: If You Thought SOPA Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet ACTA
Video: New ACTA Leak Confirms Major Threat to Internet Freedom, Privacy
Topic: What Is ACTA?

Blog Post: Anonymous Reveals The Arcane Legal Trick Behind ACTA

There is a search box in the upper right hand corner of the site, just type in ACTA or any other subject for more than enough info to choke a T-Rex.

Comment by Glenn on February 3, 2012 at 7:43pm

Anybody know anything about ACTA?

Comment by TommyD on February 1, 2012 at 8:02pm

I love this!!!  I have been repeating, Don't rage against the machine...shut the fukker down... and this is along those lines. hit them where it really hurts. I know nothing about Anonymous other than what I see online but whomever you Fawkesean heroes are in have my love and support...keep up the awesome work!

Comment by Anonymiss Express on February 1, 2012 at 5:18am

Anonymous - Operation Black March

Thursday, March 1st 2012 to Saturday 31st March 2012

With the continuing campaigns for Internet-censoring litigation such as SOPA and PIPA, and the closure of sites such as Megaupload under allegations of ‘piracy’ and ‘conspiracy’ the time has come to take a stand against music, film and media companies’ lobbyists.

The only way is to hit them where it truly hurts.

Their profit margins.

March 2012 is the end of the 1st quarter in economic reports worldwide.

Do not buy a single record. Do not download a single song, legally or illegally. Do not go to see a single film in cinemas, or download a copy, Do not buy a DVD in the stores. Do not buy a videogame. Do not buy a single book or magazine.

Wait the 4 weeks to buy them in April: see the film later, etc. Holding out for just 4 weeks, maximum, will leave a gaping hole in media and entertainment companies’ profits for the 1st quarter, an economic hit which will in turn be observed by governments worldwide as stocks and shares will blip from a large enough loss of incomes.

This action can give a statement of intent:

“We will not tolerate the Media Industries’ lobbying for legistation which will censor the internet.” Regarding Black March: If you want to do something that makes a statement, consider shifting your money not only away from corporate media but to independent media. Buy comics published by someone other than DC and Marvel. Buy books from small and independent presses. Support independent production companies who fight to stay independent and fan-focused. Better yet, buy things directly from creators and artisans. Support independent retailers. Don’t just blanket punish media producers and distributors—refocus those resources into supporting the ones who espouse and depend on free exchange of information and ideas. Because those are the people preserving intellectual freedom. Those are the people creating work of substance. And those are the people struggling to make a living, because they aren’t bankrolled by the Corporate Elite lobbying for SOPA and PIPA.

(by Anonym0usNews)

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