It seems I've stirred a few to concern while others have expressed sincere empathy, which I value and am thankful for; nevertheless, let me just say to those who have a concern, two things:
1. They already know about my arms... I went through a background check when I bought them and,
2. If "they" do come after me...whomever "THEY" could be, I would hope, for their sake, they have chosen their battle wisely.
Here's the bottom line for me: I believe in the Governance of Government for the People, by the People, and of the people that provides protection for the intrensic rights of and for Humanity, rights granted by the supreme being, the Creator whom I will identify as Yahweh ha Yahshuah. Translated: Peace, Liberty, Love, Wisdom, Understanding, Righteousness, Salvation thereof.
Freedom, is the percipatation of Liberty as Liberty is the Spirit and Freedom is the being (that would be you and me) which manifest when the Love of the Creator mingles with Humanity, our hearts, minds, and souls.
So, now, when someone...anyone... comes and tries to destroy Freedom, they come to not just destroy the being, but liberty as well, and therein lays the battle that we must fight with all means necessary, and each means must be fully exhausted before the next means is used. There's no pecking order in this process... things can go straight to crap in a heart beat and they usually do... but we also must remember we are not the Protagonist, the Creator is, and therefore the battle and the Glory go to Him. (bear in mind the creator is our Salvation.
Now the New World Order Has presented Freedom with a challenge and Liberty has to rise up. Does that mean grab a sword and cut every body's head off??? No, not necessarily; but it does mean gather all means and pray for what we/you don't have to fight so that Liberty can and will rise in you/me, and the creator will guide and lead us.
If Liberty can't rise in someone then that means that one, does not know Freedom. Freedom is the ground in which Liberty plants her seeds of strength for fighting. She also plants her seeds for Peace and all good things, when and so long as she's not threatened.
Simply the point is this, we must fight for and with Liberty as Freedom, why??? because we are Freedom!!! and we must show we have Liberty in us by showing we are willing to acquire and use whatever means necessary to remain as Freedom, and be willing to listen for directives that will tell which means to use when... and then, when we know... then we go. The rules of engagement are simple, Fire, only when Fired upon and retaliation should always be in equal proportion to discourage and or incapacitate the threat; always let the enemy escalate.
Okay, on first look I can tell that that cop is a puppet mind controlled into saying what the elitist's/Controller's/Puppet master's/Our Fiat Government want him to say, but they know they don't have to respond to him, they know they can just let these guys, who work for them! raid our country, making it look bad to right wingers, who are naturally loyal to other intelligent freedom thinkers because they are overly intelligent and blind to conspiracies and blinded by an overbearing ego, and self-centeredness of trusting our "Individual" Nation is still based on "their belief in a constitutional founding of true/communally oriented, moral, (at that time) law." AND at the same time it looks good to opponents who are arguing we need RFID chips, and Inter-National Corridors, and A North American Union/NWO?NATO/NASA/WTO/who am I forgetting is in on it all this... oh yeah E.U. & the United Nations (whom Obama Heads if I remember correctly). I guess I would argue that we need two things "nationally" re-defined, our Constitution, and what Jesus' true message was, eternal brotherhood to eachother, on this planet, naturally, , So does any one else subscribe to TOOLSFORFREEDOM dot co.m? Follow the light workers for they will be the first to clairvoyantly (and flamboyantly) connect to other clairvoyant Andramadons from their respective galaxy; they will help set up the Galactic Federation of Free Planets, those of us who have built free-energy gyroscopic/geodesic spherical egg-like bubbles of farmland, will be able to escape our unfortunately doomed planet. The last of Ken Harsh's new Chakra system is the 13th one; the male chakra, then 12;female 11;Crown, 10;Pineal, 9 Pituitary, 8;Well.of.Dreams, 7;Throat, 6;Thymus, 5;Heart, 4;Diaphram, 3;Solar.Plexus, 2;GENITALIA, 1Root chakra at the bottom of you two feet. Now remember you can connect with the two points farthest apart, and then you can extend them into the Trinity symbol, and when the mind is meditating, outside grounded to earth, connecting his or her mind 6ft above and 6ft below (or your height above & below), you will then connect with hyper-dimensional space, a source for spiritual courage, music is living spirit, let it move you. We need to infiltrate NASA ect, b/c they have technology 100+ years ahead of us. That, and mass epidemics, is their TRUMP CARD... What cards are we holding? some ammunition, and no regulated militia? I'll join, I'll be a scout/organo-genetically engineered hybrid FOV. One more thing I wanna share; does anyone wanna learn to talk/learn like a spy, I just ordered Order# 7149 (Learn a Foreign Language in 10 Days) from Intelligent Solutions 4-831 Kuhio Hwy. #438-333 Kapaa, Hawaii 96746 800-770-8802
Jerry makes a great point...
Y'all do now that Mother Earth is the womb of the wife of the Creator, right???
and if I caught somebody treating my wife the way BP has treated the Creator's wife... ' I'd kick their ass so hard they'd be wearin' their butt cheeks for ear muffs!
Hang in there Jerry... there's a GRAND DAY coming for the Irish, again!!! and soon.
Comment by jerry fleming on July 25, 2010 at 12:20pm
thank u 5fires id like to see more people in the uk like u but being Irish and proud theres a big trust breakdown keep up the great work .one day we will rise up if not 4 us then our kids and mother earth
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on July 25, 2010 at 11:56am
Since March Los Zetas abandoned their stronghold in Reynosa and moved to Nuevo Laredo, just across from the border with Laredo, Texas. There are estimated to be over 1,000 Zeta members there.
It costs money to supply and fight, there's more to war then just beans and bullets... but everybody here wants to talk about Glory!!! There's no Glory in War! War is ugly, uncivilized, sometimes cruel, and expensive.
I am one of a few with no ties... sure I can drive my motorhome to the border and make a stand, and I can do it alone... but fighting and possibly dying FOR NOTHING MEANS SHIT TO ME!
I love all the, I'll huff and huff and blow yur house down don't tread on me talk, but in Texas, Actions speak louder than words. I have yet to hear from anybody willing to commit to help me with the expenses of war.
Y'see I don't just talk... I'm prepared... here's a room at my my safe house and I've upgraded since this this pic
Comment by Maurice Wrong on July 25, 2010 at 11:08am
Oh Hell NO!...
If the federal gubment wont defend us, citizens will.
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