Donald Rumsfeld confronted on Aspartame and Iraq War

WeAreChangeChicago, May 22 2011

Saad Ali- We Are Change Chicago
Anthony- We Are Change Ohio

CHICAGO, IL- Former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld strolled into Chicago on May 17, 2011, for a speech at the globalist think tank, Chicago Council on Global Affairs. The audience was mainly comprised of your average "Coke drinking, McDonald's eating" yuppie, ready to bow down to Mr. Rumsfeld. They clapped and cheered as he approached the podium and delivered his globalist speech. The praising of such a criminal was mind blowing, and something had to be done. Mr. Rumsfeld's "accomplishments" have caused humanitarian suffering worldwide.

To start off, Rumsfeld is responsible for contributing to the approval of the artificial sweetener Aspartame. The known carcinogen has caused millions of people suffering around the world. Headaches, dizziness, neurological degeneration, macular degeneration, optic neuritis, insomnia, seizures, irregular heart rhythm, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Alzheimer's disease, autism, Tourettes syndrome, birth defects, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, leukemia, low blood platelet, and diabetes are a few of the illnesses and disease caused by this poisonous drug. Think about how much better our health could be had Mr. Rumsfeld not pushed Aspartame into the market for human consumption. (Visit Natural News for more information)

Furthermore, Rumsfeld is highly responsible for the destruction of Iraq, the death of one million Iraqi's, and thousands of US soldiers. Based on the false claim that Saddam Hussein had WMD's, they took the initiative and bombed Iraq. Extensive evidence proves that 9/11 was absolutely an inside job. Recently on the Mancow Show, Rumsfeld was asked what he tells people about building 7, and he replied by asking, "What is building 7?"... "I have no idea. I have never heard that."

With all this in mind, how can people actually sit there and listen to this murdering terrorist praise his latest globalist, garbage, and worthless book? Saad Ali of We Are Change Chicago and Anthony from We Are Change Ohio attended the event. Fortunately, the heavily controlled Q&A session did not follow through as planned.

Saad was given a chance to ask a question, so he asked, "Some of your greatest accomplishments have been cause to some of the most horrible human suffering... One million dead in Iraq, thousands of dead Americans, legalizing Aspartame, How do you live with that sir?" Rumsfeld announced that he would take on the Aspartame part, and the audience chuckled.

He completely lied about the truth of what Aspartame can do to the human body, and in turn said that it was "the most studied food additive." He said that it was "good" for the body and that people who believe that Aspartame causes various health issues, as it has been proven to do over and over, are "conspiracy theorists" .....

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Comment by Aymii keegan on December 8, 2013 at 10:37pm

I cant believe people ever clapped for him... 

Comment by Lisa K on May 24, 2011 at 3:23pm
I remember when I was younger they tested on rats who got brain cancer.  Also I remember when I lived in Philly he was head of the swine flu vaccines at Fort Nix, New Jersey in 1976.  He was CEO of Sorrel  and got it approved. He keeps popping up everywhere bad like 9-11. Peace, Lisa K.
Comment by Andy Anduer on May 24, 2011 at 12:40am
Don't consume aspartame and don't believe Donald Rumsfeld.
Comment by Refuge2012 on May 23, 2011 at 4:52pm

Just another case where people are made sick from these products and are willing to pay for the privilege!


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