Nevada Health District Raids Picnic

An organic farm Nevada was having a picnic and the Authorities showed up! Thank God or we may eaten some GMO food.

Support the Quail Hollow Farm family

Email: Phone: (702) 397-2021

In my 54 years on this planet I have never seen Government Officials crash a picnic and force the people to throw the food away. They can't even throw it a compost pile. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Any attention would be greatly appreciated!

Perfectly good food, and this bitch makes them destroy it, pour bleach on it so that even the pigs can't eat it, in a nation with rampant starvation, all because their papers are not in order! How died and made her foreman?

Want to let this woman know how you feel?

Mary G. Oakes, PhD, REHS
Environmental Health Specialist II, and Squasher of the Quail Hollow Farm Farm to Fork dinner event:
(702) 759-1681 office
(702) 538-6424 cell

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Comment by Nikki on November 11, 2011 at 5:41pm

LOL, good idea, Larry.

Comment by Nikki on November 11, 2011 at 2:01pm

You're absolutely right, Hugh.

Comment by Nikki on November 10, 2011 at 1:17pm

Daniel, I had no idea this was going on in Denmark.  Lots of bureaucracy there too?  Anything that is considered a natural remedy will be attacked.  They have gone after walnuts here in California because of their health benefits.  Crazy times we live in.  This bureaucrat in Nevada probably has no authority over what is fed to hogs so making them pour bleach on the food was way over the top - she just enjoyed her power over them.

Comment by Ragnarok on November 10, 2011 at 6:34am

Same thing has happened here (Denmark) countless times. The organic farmers think they have their paperwork in order (and its a bureautic jungle of paperwork) so of course theyre not. So our FDA and other health departments tell them to call the produce/products back and go figure it costs a fortune each time. Then another favorite attack on the farmers is that theyre perfectly grown food all of a sudden is classified as poisonous or not considered for human food consumption even though many of the things has been enjoyed here for like 4000 years+. This has happened for many types of mushrooms cuz it turns out they give you "cancer" ???? But in many eastern countries theyre are considered  delicacies and or natural remedies and such.



Comment by Nikki on November 9, 2011 at 10:24pm

It's a good thing someone thought to call their attorney.  Too bad they didn't do it before the bleach.  And yes, they should be bitch slapped and lose their jobs.

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