Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

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Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:11pm

More Food for Thought for David Somerville: I had Federal Marshals on my doorstep here in Point Roberts a year ago. They drove all the way to my house from Seattle (3.5 hour drive) due to a conversation I had had with the clerk of a Federal Judge in Seattle in which I had informed this fudge packer that I was deeply offended by his boss due to the fact that she was urinating on her oath, and that I felt like "spitting in her face." Now this was certainly an honestly expressed opinion, and every bit of it was obviously protected free speech backed up by our second amendment right to bear arms. So you can imagine my surprise that rainy morning a little over a year ago when I was rudely awakened by two Federal Marshals pounding on the front door of my house wanting to bitch me out over it. They wanted to come in my house, but I told them no, you are going to stand out there in the rain because I am offended by the amount of taxpayers money you just wasted to come all the way up here from Seattle to interrogate me because some Fudge Packer decided I "must be" a terrorist for telling him exactly what I thought of his boss. I asked these jerks if the real reason they had come to interrogate me was to go watch the Vancouver Canucks play in the Stanley cup finals, because they were going on at that time, and I thought maybe that could account for why they were on my doorstep just a hop skip and jump away from the City of Vancouver. I also started a conversation with them about scubadiving because one of them seemed like he might be a diver and at the time I was in a process of getting some used dive gear together on Craiglist. Turned out he WAS a diver, and I was able to steer the whole conversation onto THAT subject, and the subjects of hunting and fishing.....

So David my man, I really hate to disappoint you this way, but no, I am not a "cointelpro" guy, I am undoubtedly far more Pro second amendment than a lot of people in this group, many of whom probably don't even own firearms, I am merely asking questions that SOMEONE needs to ask, and as you can tell, I am just a very outspoken sort of person, rather similar in some ways to Alex Jones himself, but one important difference between myself and Alex is that I am NOT for sale.

If anyone on here is offended by my assertion that Jones is "for sale" I really don't care, I've posted a lot of information for the benefit of the BLIND that strongly asserts that he IS and if he were to come to my door all full of that bluster he exhibited when he disrupted the TAG rally with his bullhorn, I would have no qualms whatsoever about busting a cap in his kneecaps because I regard him to be a full on traitor, and I make no apologies for that assertion either, although I am certain it will really piss off some people here who lack the grey matter necessary to understand what a controlled opposition group is. When it comes to AJ, there are just one hell of a lot of people who have drunk the coolaid, but one person who sure as hell never did was my old buddy Bill Cooper, the radio show host I mentioned previously who was a friend of mine and who was murdered shortly after he started quite justifiably bad mouthing AJ on his 50,000 Watt Radio Station out of Arizona. As I told all of you before, Bill Cooper was a friend of mine, and I feel very stongly that the people who control AJ wanted Bill dead. Well they got what what they wanted, but they will NEVER get MY guns. So all of you AJ Coolaid drinkers can put THAT in yer pipes and SMOKE it, of course you might RATHER come up here to the Pacific NW and sample some of our BC Bud, but thats up to you!

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 5:56pm

David Somerville- Your insinuation that by raising questions about Alex Jones highly questionable behavior at a pro 2nd amendment rally is part of an effort on my part to stop all discussion in this thread on the issue of gun confiscation is highly offensive to me as a gun owner, as a member of both Gun Owners of America, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. You have insinuated that I have been attempting to engage in a cointelpro operation on this thread really takes the cake and you should apologize. I just read through several hours worth of posts made while I was catching up on my sleep, and while I will embrace Maria De Wind and other people's suggestion that I create a Blog on this topic, I will do so in my own time, and I won't do it right now just because some people have suggested it, the fact is this issue of UN Gun Control is intertwined with several issues, and it is not debatable that the thorny issue of a controlled opposition group being in our midst, actively interfering with honest groups such as TAG attempting to address the issue is unmistakable. To Krypke's comment that "now is not the time to nitpick and condemn" I say I am NOT "nitpicking", I am raising some very valid questions here about why a man who purports to be "on our side" would go storming into a pro second amendment rally with a Bullhorn where he actively DISRUPTED a second amendment rally organized by TAG, an honest organization of people just like all of us here. Before you condemn me for having the alleged "temerity" of raising very valid questions about the bizarre behavior of the alleged demigod in question, I really do think it makes a lot of sense to "follow the money" pertaining to his operation, because without making the effort to do that, we truly do not know who HE actually is. I will not apologize to anyone on here for refusing to be a lemming and for refusing to blindly follow a man who many regard to be controlled opposition, and I submit to all of you that we will not succeed in the end in actually defending our 2nd amendment rights if we do!

I was up a lot last night posting stuff on here, and have not finished discussing something I still intend to discuss about controlled opposition groups, a subject on which I am an authority due to my efforts to defend access to dietary supplements- something we won't succeed in doing, I might add, if we lose our access to firearms. To David Somerville, since you have insinuated that you think I have been attempting to engage in a cointelpro operation on this thread by inserting the issue of AJ into it, I invite you to have a look at the most recent alert I sent out to the IAHF list in which I encourged thousands of people on my double opt in email distribution list to visit Gun Owners of America's website in order to send their form letter in to your Senators to urge support for Senator Moran's bill which would defend the second amendment against this very dangerous UN Small Arms Treaty- you can see my Alert on that HERE:

I hope you, and everyone else on here can see from this David that my intention in raising awareness of the true nature of Alex Jones has not in fact been the work of some evil, nefarious cointelpro dude, but rather, the very well intended effort of an obviously highly informed gun owner who goes hunting all the time and who lives in the Pacific NW, to simply ask HARD QUESTIONS that all of us MUST ask if we are to successfully navigate the MINEFIELD out there.

Krypke- I like your spirit, you're a young guy living in New Hampshire, a state where the license plates read "Live Free or Die". I have communicated with you showing very real appreciation for the video you made and submitted to Alex Jones as part of his contest to expose Dictator Obama, and I hope you realize that I can certainly appreciate your effort while still asking valuable questions that I feel MUST be asked.

Comment by Maria De Wind on July 19, 2012 at 4:46pm

@ David Somerville: Thank You, that is I had just asked John to do
@ Krypke & Nikki: as usual, you are right; I still don't know!
@ Suzie: Mea Culpa (unrepentant !), Isn't it great to have people come and lively talk non moderated together? Lol

Comment by suzie on July 19, 2012 at 3:49pm

@Maria ...  look what you started!

 It all your fault Maria  hehehe j/k  

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 19, 2012 at 3:38pm

It's all strawman arguments, paranoia and misunderstandings. Good exists the same as evil. Bottom line. People want to convince you that we are doomed and that there are no good guys left with a voice. Because that is what they have convinced themselves of. Like Nikki said, talk is cheap. Step up to the plate and show me what you can do. Don't tell me. Show me. Until then, it's all words and words, are nothing but wind...

Comment by Nikki on July 19, 2012 at 3:29pm

The point in this bit of trivia is that people join a site named after the shortwave numbers for AJ's show and then start badmouthing him.  Do I go to your house and start dissing Fords when you have one parked in the driveway? 

Whether you like him or not, by attacking him you are attacking alternative media.  Yes, there are many others doing their part and doing an excellent job and they should not be overlooked by focusing solely on AJ.  But I have not met one person who would like to see AJ out of business who is offering to step up the plate and take his place.  Not one has said, 'I can do a better job and here's a few million to get started and hire a staff and set up a broadcasting network'. Not one. Talk is cheap.

Comment by suzie on July 19, 2012 at 3:17pm

that is such a cool thing to know ..  i have always wondered why this site was a number 12160 .. btw i am listening to that loud moth Alex jones ... lol   I agree with you Krypke all i know to do is tell as many people i can about what i have learned!

 Prepare for the worst and hope for the best .. i am certainly not Rambo! I am also a girl a real girl from a different generation.,  I wonder where all the real men are because the ones from my generation are getting old and grey..  but will still die fighting rather than give up!,

 Even if it has become an illusion we love the idea we were sold about  American freedom, liberty & kinda think the constitution still means something ..  

thanks for changing the direction of this post .. i did learn a lot from it though .. i have been  scratching my head not understanding all the subtle digs i see about Alex jones .. now it is clear as a bell ;)

Comment by Nikki on July 19, 2012 at 2:37pm

And the winner is David Somerville! And you too, Laser Shadow!

Comment by TheLasersShadow on July 19, 2012 at 2:32pm

lol WWCR,12.160 MHz, short-wave at noon weekdays...

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 19, 2012 at 2:31pm

You got it Dave. Nice.

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