Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

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Comment by John Hammell on July 18, 2012 at 11:42pm

David Somerville: I too have seen a lot of great stuff put out by Infowars and by Prisonplanet, and I've watched many of Jone's videos, and seen many of his broadcasts, and I just might end up setting up a blog here on 12160 to specifically address this complex and thought provoking issue, however since I began this discussion in response to someone on this particular thread who basically challenged me to defend my position, at least for the time being, I elect to continue building my case against Jones right here, right now because time is growing short, the fuse is burning closer to the proverbial BOMB, and a controlled opposition group in our midst is just too dangerous, in my estimation, to ignore- but must be surgically removed much like a cancerous growth so its damaging effects can metastasize and kill the host- in this case, our NATION: AMERICA.

Now, I realize that some people who lack the AWARENESS necessary to see through a skillful operator like Jones might well be reading my words with a jaundiced eye, wondering things such as "who the fuck is this guy John Hammell to dare have the temerity, the nerve to dare challenge the integrity of this very well known man? By what authority does he purport to speak? And those would be very fair questions for any of you to ask.

So allow me to introduce myself as I continue to build my case against this theoretical "Patriot" who has managed to attain this lofty celebrity status inside the unquestioning minds of so many blind, undiscerning coolaid drinking lemmings who collectively seem to have about as much discernment powers as your average flea or other equally  very unimpressive primitive organism.

Is it possible that some very powerful people lurking outside your field of view might be using Alex Jones as an Agent Provacateur in order to try to trigger off martial law at just the right moment when it would strategically help them the most?

Is it possible that Jones may have given voice to a particularly dangerous controlled opposition group that I might have considerable knowledge of from very painful personal experience?

Is it possible that Jones might be a GATEKEEPER who powerful people have positioned like a chess piece on a chessboard that THEY understand much BETTER than the average casual observer and is it posible that they might be USING him in some very precise ways that might not be immediately obvious to the casual observer who might not have a deep enough level of awareness to be able to notice?

I will leave you with these thoughts while I got grab dinnner, its 8:39 pm here in Point Roberts WA , and I am hungry. So stay tuned people- don't touch that dial! I'll be back with MORE, MUCH MORE just as soon as I've had dinner, I've been painting the outside of my house all day and have got to get some food, then I'll come back to bury this traitorous blowhard jerk once and for all!

Comment by suzie on July 18, 2012 at 11:32pm

controlled opposition .. well if we are smart we will do our own homework and take whatever info we are given and research it ourselves .. if we know that there is controlled opposition going on .. i say "SO WHAT!   GOOD FOR US ..  they are so arrogant to do this and tell us everything they are doing?  Fine!  Know your enemy ..   keep em close and learn how to read between the lines..  if this is true then we are being taunted in some way to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!~!   let them blow on bull horns and tell us everything .. we know they want us to EAT EACH OTHER  so we need to love each other and stand by each other. ..  Do what they DON'T  live and let live ..  we all cannot agree on everything buy the one thing we can agree on is we want our freedom and the truth of all there corruption to see the light.. They [controlled opposition]  want us to fight and spill our own blood so they can come up behind and clean up the mess and have the "solution"  The are liars and evil satanic globalist who want to disarm the WORLD .. If we are Americans we need to be Americans and know our laws and our rights because they are hoping we don't .. petty points of philosophy mean NOTHING without the freedom to discuss it or the GUTS to defend ourselves and DEMAND HONESTY ..  I AM SICK of politicians excusing theft and over taxation and over regulation to dictate and mandate our behavior .. they want a fight and they will get one i only hope we stick together and help each other when it matters most .. and i agree with J.Patriot 100%     BRING IT ON WERE SMARTER THAN THEY KNOW ;)

Comment by raymond _______ on July 18, 2012 at 10:16pm

Good one John.100%.

Comment by John Hammell on July 18, 2012 at 10:11pm

Andy Anduer- Do you understand the concept of a controlled opposition group? Yes, it is true that Alex Jones has indeed provided some good information, but he is, in the final analysis very DANGEROUS to our cause of Freedom for the simple fact that he is  PLAYING A CAREFULLY CREATED ROLE on behalf of his controllers.  He really blew his cover here at this second amendment rally in Austin where he showed his true colors, however, and I defy you to defend his behavior Theres much more I can say about this man, but I will start building my case against him with this, and I have no problem defending my view here against all comers. He is NOT a Patriot, Bill Cooper was right about him, and I feel strongly that one reason Cooper was murdered was that he dared to expose Alex Jones over a 50,000 WATT radio station, and some very powerful people who Jones was and IS shillling for had Bill whacked. Bill was a friend of mine and he was murdered shortly after the last time I was at his house in Arizona. There is a LOT more I can say about this, but this is my first salvo.

John Christopher Hammell

Comment by Cryptocurrency on July 18, 2012 at 2:08pm

History has shown in some countries under martial law, if you do not hand over your guns readily or they find hidden weapons, soldiers execute you on the spot. Unless you want to go down in a blaze of glory dieing over your weapons, I suggest you make "other" arrangements.

Comment by Andy Anduer on July 18, 2012 at 6:33am

It's because of Alex Jones so many people are awake and he keeps on waking people up which is what the rest of us should be doing, not accusing each other of  being a  a shill. A house divided against itself cannot stand. People stumble over each other in their zeal and enthusiasm everything will work out in the end. Stay true and united and go with God!

Comment by John Hammell on July 18, 2012 at 6:25am

I hear you J.Patriot, there is a young Deputy Sheriff here in Point Roberts WA who acts like exactly the sort of Jack booted Nazi who scares the hell out of you. I have sent him emails to try to draw him out, but from his actions I can tell he is totally alligned with UN Gun Confiscation and has zero comprehension of the views of Constitution minded sheriffs who honor their oaths. This guy has zero comprehension of the Constitution and is fixated on very rigid interpretation of state code. He tazed a friend of mine who was also manhandled in a very mindless way just because they could.... I challenged him to join Oathkeepers which I belong to, wasn't surprised to get  no response to that email. I live in a border town on the Canadian border where we not only have to deal with these overzealous mindless goons from the Whatcom County Sheriff's office, but also with Department of Homeland Security morons and overzealous Border Patrolmen who wear plainclothes, drive unmarked vehicles and often fail to identify themselves while manhandling and tazing people just because they can and are drunk with power.... and now DHS has a contract for 450 Million Rounds of .40 caliber hollowpoint and 150 Million Rounds of .223, same round NATO troops fire? God help us! Gotta have God, Guns, Gold and Groceries! Some organic sulfur for protection against toxic chemtrails also damn good to have for yourself and for barter, see I have the best in the world, its not denatured by heat via an overkill distillation process the way the 3 most commonly sold brands are. Mine actually works well in the cellular matrix.I drink it instead of coffee for energy. Helps you work out longer to better give hell to the NWO because it stops lactic acid buidup by flooding your cells with oxygen.

Comment by J. Patriot on July 18, 2012 at 5:56am

I'm an ex Deputy, and I'm hear to tell you that the younger Law Enforcement Officer's scare the hell out of me! They remind me of the German youth! They will obey! While we sit around they make more ammo, and prepare to kill the American way of life! Time is not on our side. I swore an oath to defend the United States Constitution, and I will keep my Oath! My Grandfather was a veteran, and so was my Dad. I will not spit on their graves and do nothing while these traitors take away our guns, our dignity,  and our honor away from us! Dont let what happened in New Orleans happen again. We the American people must stand united against enemies foreign and domestic! I pray that it does not come to this! I fear what happened in Nazi Germany is about to repeat itself. We never learn from the lessons history has taught us!

Comment by John Hammell on July 18, 2012 at 3:01am

In response to both Laser Shadow and Amy Valasco- I think you're both splitting hairs. Lets not get all divided up. If there was ever a time when we need unity against the NWO, this is it. JPFO has a very useful tool against gun control on their website- this table that documents that genocide has always followed gun control anywhere in the world that it has ever been imposed:  You don't regard JPFO to be a "zionist shill" organization, do you Amy? For the record, I am not a Jew, but I am a member of JPFO and also GOA. I don't care if someone is a Jew or a Gentile or anything else, if they stand with me against the NWO, they are my brother. I also like the expose Brother Nathaniel of Real Jew News did on Alex Jones, the despicable cointelpro zionist shill:  For further evidence Jones is not who he claims to be, observe his "interesting" incredibly arrogant, very divisive behavior at this second amendment rally in Texas  I agree with the view of the woman in this video who had the guts to call a spade a spade and get in Jones face. IMHO- Jones was allowed inside Bohemian Grove by people who he has been colluding with for a long time so that lots of people would follow him blindly like lemmings. Another reason I don't trust him is that he put controlled opposition group "Natural Solutions Foundation" on his show several times even though they've been skillfully exposed as shills: also see  Jones even put them on the air after being warned about this by Ed Griffin who IMHO is making a serious error in judgement in including Jones in his Hall of Honor. I am in this Hall of Honor and don't like it when a shill like Jones is included in this group because he gives us all an undeserved bad name by association. When Griffin attempted to talk wtih Jones about General Stubblebine and Rima Laibow of NSF being controlled opposition, he tried to tell him that they never discussed the primary means by which UN Codex restrictions are being ushered into the USA- via FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada/ Mexico. Hell, Stubblebine is a globalist. So much more could say…but close to 400 word limit.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on July 18, 2012 at 2:09am

How did this become about zionists? WTF? the white rose is zionist because they were against the murder of hundreds of thousands of jews?! really? this vendetta against zionists although not unjustified has gone into obsession with many in the movement. If being against the murder of jews makes me a zionist then I guess I'm so labeled. The white rose referring to the German people saying guilty and they were. Just as so many Americans today who are asleep can be blamed for the drug war, torture and unlimited war. The zionists are not responsible for every damn thing that happens in the world they are just one faction of many.

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