Truther confronts Jews about Zionism and the Holocaust

Zionist are desperate to keep their crimes in secret and that is not difficult when they control the media..

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Comment by Boris on November 1, 2018 at 6:54pm

i see the video, hmm

Comment by Nazda Pokmov on November 1, 2018 at 6:11pm

Surprise!!!! This video has been taken down by jewtube!!!!!  Did you actually think it wouldn't be taken down?  You can't say anything bad about the juice or they will take down your videos and ban your account....

Comment by Less Prone on October 31, 2018 at 2:42pm

Another link is working. Hope you can watch it.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on October 31, 2018 at 2:29am

I can only imagine this conversation, but powers that be confirmed the reality by banning this video.

No one should have any doubt now.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on October 31, 2018 at 1:37am

I'm to late. TheyTube blocked it.

Comment by Less Prone on July 2, 2017 at 10:04am

What is good about this interview is that it presents the both sides. We need real discussion, not just one sided repetition of ideas.

Comment by Anti Everything on July 2, 2017 at 6:57am

This seems like an honest interview. Good stuff

Comment by richard terrence on July 1, 2017 at 9:28pm
I am very tired of the Jews. Liars and purveyors of evil across the world... much as when they were only known as Khazarians.. and worshipped Satan. There is a time for truth to prevail... and that time is now. finis.
Comment by Less Prone on July 1, 2017 at 8:49pm

Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent." Consider the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery. Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode Island, (which included Newport) bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez. This all took place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names. Aaron Lopez and his family arrived in Newport around 1750 from New York via Lisbon, Portugal. Lopez arrived in the new world as a member of a "Marrano" family with the Christian name of "Don Duarte Lopez." Lopez immediately dropped his Christian name and took the Hebrew name of Aaron and submitted to ritual circumcision. Within twenty years, Lopez owned or had interests in over 80 sailing vessels. Lopez was also one of the original founders and contributors of Touro Synagogue and by the end of his life was recognized as one of the "Merchant Princes" of early America. His merchant trading interests included rum, molasses, dry goods and African slaves. In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. Ninety percent of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only so-called "prominent" individuals were accepted. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge, "King David," was established. It is a fact that all of it’s members were Jews.

Comment by Less Prone on July 1, 2017 at 8:49pm

"The Jews of the Joden Savanne [Surinam] were also foremost in the suppression of the successive negro revolts, from 1690 to 1722: these as a matter of fact were largely directed against them, as being the greatest slave-holders of the region." History of the Marranos (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1932), p. 292. The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25. "Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. "This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa.   ... to be continued

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