I actually made a point to watch this, even called my mom and cousin and they watched this. Pretty good stuff. I think bys is spot on. The people who own the show there are part of TPTB, or at least their lap dogs anyway. But I was impressed right up until I watch Ventura taking calls on I guess their site. He promoted war with Iran and a few other things which tells me this ain't good, something smells. While it was pretty common known stuff unless your a sheep, I'm sure maybe the sheep stopped grazing for a moment. Add that with Beck and maybe they are between scaring people, conditioning people, and bragging people. Then again, maybe they are trying to get people who resist out of the closet. Good way to get names and it ain't like it hasn't been used before. Kind of like when a gun group wanted everybody to go to the capitol to show they support the right to bear arms by bring arms with them. Or that radio announcer (names escapes me) who was actually hired as an FBI agent to gather names and get people out so they could get them.
The fact that it made television is cool but man the acting is really bad. It comes off like any episode of some reality show, and that kind of lowers the impact. Perhaps the purpose of all the reality shows was to lower the general population's ability to be outraged by reality. I think the 60 minute style of exposure was a bit stronger. Its tough to see this as a person who has no idea that this is going on and see how it impacts them. Is this effective? I hope so. Will it translate into some form of action?
WHat has always bugged me about infowars and stuff like this, is if there is an all powerful control grid behind the scene, they must want some of it to leak out for some reason---it is the paradox behind all of this. Why is any of it getting out?
Comment by Charles Kolb on November 13, 2010 at 9:26am
Clear evidence that the Bush family has ties to Hitler. Prescott Bush, who should have been prosecuted as a traitor is the progenitor of one of the most powerful and dangerous families on the planet.
Comment by Charles Kolb on November 13, 2010 at 9:00am
The Mythical United States of America: Rushing into Backwardness
by Prof. John Kozy
The mythical United States of America so highly lauded exists nowhere. It is a Shangri-la. The Preamble of the Constitution makes perfectly clear what kind of nation the United States was meant to be. What exists today fulfills none of those goals. Some have argued that the nation was a fraud from day one. Whether accurate or not, what is clear is that it most certainly was quickly murdered by John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who wrote the decision known as Marbury v. Madison. Since that day, the Court has replicated England's seventeenth century political economy absent only the monarchy. Today's United States of America is a seventeenth century nation adorned with twenty first century trinkets, many deadly. Instead of being as it claims "the leader of the free world," it is a backward authoritarian pre-enlightenment reactionary regime. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21880
Comment by elaurenzo on November 13, 2010 at 6:57am
Human tides go in, go out, it's happened before, MANY TIMES, and will again, any time.
Comment by Deb Norris on November 13, 2010 at 5:20am
Well I plastered these 3 videos with comments all over my fb page - can only hope that people in the USA will click on these and take a listen....Jesse & Alex ain't gonna save no-one these guys are only exposing this once and for all so that everyone will start demanding answers of their local governors all together: WHO are the camps for and what is the real intention". The government gets into power on votes - the voters need to demand answers! When did American's become so ho-hum....? I hope we are all wrong about this but somehow I don't think so...Get UP Stand UP and take back your Rights - everyone is already on the list so what does it matter anymore - get out there and protest for answers!
**This video is a selected clip from the full-length film, "The Heavens and the Earth: The Final Card"*WATCH the Full Movie HERE!*The Heavens and the Earth: ...
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