Why Doctors Are More Dangerous Than Guns - Health Ranger Investigation

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A popular message circulating the internet claims that "guns don't kill people, doctors do," based on statistics that theoretically show that doctors are responsible for more accidental deaths every year than firearms.
Like many urban legends that cross the internet, it has a lot of "facts" for its readers, but it is unlike most urban legends in that it quotes a source: "Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services." The message was even recounted in an article by Nathan Tabor. The letter claims that:

-- There are 700,000 physicians in the United States.
-- There are 120,000 accidental deaths in the United States caused by physicians every year, and the accidental death percentage per physician is 0.171.
-- There are 80 million gun owners in the United States.
-- There are 1,500 accidental deaths from guns every year, regardless of age group, and the accidental death percentage per gun owner is 0.0000188.

This means, the letter points out, that doctors are 9,000 times more deadly than gun owners.

Based on U.S. government statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, combined with doctor-caused deaths published in the Journal of the American Medical Association it is evident that FDA-approved prescription drugs kill 290 Americans every single day, meaning that for mass shootings to approach that number, you'd have to see a Colorado Batman movie massacre take place EVERY HOUR of every day, 365 days a year.

That's how dangerous doctors and FDA-approved prescription medications really are.

Additionally, specific information obtained by Death by Medicine (http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/mar2004_awsi_death_02.htm) shows that an estimated 106,000 people die from adverse drug effects -- from properly prescribed drugs -- every year, and approximately 98,000 die annually from some sort of error by medical staff. Compare this to statistics from the Department of Justice and the U.S. Centers for Disease control for the year 2004, which show an estimated 16,137 people were victims of homicide (not just firearm murders) in the United States.

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Comment by Sam Sammy on June 10, 2015 at 2:54pm

Everyone should print this off and hand it out like candy, give it to your doctor............

Comment by colin Berry on November 30, 2012 at 7:59am
Well at present here in the UK, the pharmacy seem to be link with the Doctor or when you submit your prescription they encourage you that they will deal with your prescription directly from the doctors. I don't really like the sound of that, just ask yourself if you have to bribe someone which one would it be more practical to do so.

We do seem to be so trusting with people, something that you are going to consume, putting your life in their hands so easily. I have asked my doctors surgery that I'd sooner pick my prescription up personally but he still sends it to the pharmacy of his choice that is linked to the surgery.
Comment by Andy Anduer on November 30, 2012 at 2:36am

I have always avoided doctors at all costs because they are costly. I watch the weather changes and make sure I have my chicken soup and take extra vitamin C and D3 for a flu preventive. Keep clean and wash my hands often. Then I say free from colds, viruses, and doctors. Unless of course I sprain an arm or leg, or pull a legiment then I have to get a wrap or a cast. There are lots of books and info you can get on self help medicine and nutrition. One thing to remember is that "Food is your medicine". Learn what that means and you will rely on Dr.'s much less.

Comment by suzie on November 29, 2012 at 12:02pm

You never hear anyone talk about BIG PHRAM ~ They must be the "untouchables" The brainwashing of several generations is complete ~ The Rockafella's started this 100yrs ago !~ its time to stop the madness before they make there drugs mandatory for all of us ~ If we survive there MONOPOLY on health "care?" future generations will say our medicine today was nothing short of barbaric! Time to find out why we get sick instead of treating the sick ~ My guess is they are making us sick with the things they do to air, water & food~ We can't expose THAT! multibillionaires might lose a few dollars ~ 

Comment by Genevieve Fosa on November 29, 2012 at 11:37am

This is what happens when money is valued more than people are. How much money do the drug companies lose when their drugs kill people? Doctors don't tend to lose when they prescribe drugs and treatments that could be deadly, unless their patients' families are savvy enough to know when something goes terribly wrong, and have the money to be able to take them to court.

Besides, this article does not begin to add up the statistics of people who are simply maimed and injured by drugs and treatments prescribed by doctors who are more interested in gaining kickbacks from the drug companies than they are in helping people to maintain their health.

Comment by Maria De Wind on October 24, 2012 at 1:22am

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