Why Many Americans Still Believe The Official Version Of 9/11 & Other BS

Why Many Americans Still Believe The Government's Version Of 9/11 & Other BS

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Comment by Amerikagulag on January 11, 2012 at 1:52am

Many do, but MOST don't. 911 was an Israeli/Mossad false flag with the help of the CIA. Just like the Reichtag fire. Wonder where they learned it!

Comment by Marklar on January 10, 2012 at 8:41pm

Not to infer that it invalidates such studies, as it certainly does not, it is still important to remember that the individual participating in such an experiment has already ceded authority to the person conducting the proceedings and by extention, to a somewhat lesser degree, to the group. Therefore such results are reinforced by the fact that the participant has agreed to participate. If such an experiment could be conducted in a more natural way the results may be slightly less profound.

This is why corporate seminars/sales seminars are almost always begun with the speaker asking attendees to perform some sort of seemingly simple and innocuous task, for instance "Please stand up and shake the hands of the person on your left and to your right and tell them how glad you are to have them here". Seems innocent enough to most so why would anyone refuse? The reason this is done however, is that performing even such a simple action causes you to mentally cede authority to the director of the action. In other words you are being psychologically prepared to be more accepting of any direction, suggestion, or ideas which the speaker may direct at you after this.

A very subtle and rather mild form of mind control but an example of mind control never the less.

Comment by suzie on January 10, 2012 at 7:20pm
When will we all see it!! soon and very soon i hope .. i advise everyone to read the 4 arguments for the elimination of television..by Jerry Mnader
Comment by Exposure on January 10, 2012 at 7:00pm

And what doesn't help, is that the 'so called' following 'truth movements', - thier administrations, that is, have been infiltrated by those, whom it seems are more concerned in supressing the truth, than helping the reveal it.  I have just been blocked/banned from the1,000,000 people for 911 TRUTH & the 9/11 Truth Movement groups on Facebook, - because I'm fighting exactly for that, the truth!  - This is 100% proof the administration behind the group are fake, shills covering up certian info, and blocking content they don't like, dispite it being pro-a 9/11 inquiry, many have said such companies such as Facebook and Google are CIA contolled, - and without proof, I've never been able to say much, though this kind of recent activity, smells a little fishy, - are they worried, that our present cause: BAN MEMBERS OF SECRET SOCIETIES FROM SERVING IN OUR GOVERNMENT AND ... - is attracting too much attention, i.e., almost a 1000 people have signed up in the first 12 day of it being launched.  What's really outrageous, is that the combined 50,000 members belonging to the above Facebook groups, are being hoodwinked.  In fact it's sickening, considering the sensitivity of the subject, - many families of the victims of 9/11, who are crying out for a public inquiry, would be horrorfied to discover, those people behind the set-up and running of these facebook groups, are thier enemy, as they are deliberately supressing information from getting to it's members.  They obviously fear the prospect of a honest and truly transparent government.  - That's why that as well as making it clear about this new cause, - we have to also make it clear, these groups are being run by shills, whom have no interest in getting the facts or truth of the matter out to to public.  And I need your help to make sure this cause is seen and posted everywhere, - as for sure, this cause seems to be the most disturbing thing for them to have to contemplate, since the Wikileaks scandals, - as they know, if enough people got behind this cause, many of them would be out of a cushy job - as a direct result of it! 


Comment by Maria De Wind on January 10, 2012 at 6:53pm

Reinforce that group dynamic with Force and  it becomes automatic ...

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